You share the name of my adopted-biological father. So yes. But if your name was David. I would never forgive you.
Adopted-biological. Only in our 'family' does such a statement actually make sense.
And you missy, leave David alone (don't make me do a youtube tearful endorsement aka 'the infamous Britney vid') Take some time and get to know the guy behind the facade first. Truth be told there's actually a lot more beneath the surface to admire. In more ways than one. I even gave Jack a little credit when you did your best to reinforce his so-called musical talent. Each to their own. But slandering a stranger over their given name is kinda idiotic. Remember good king David in the Bible? *lmao* (I can't believe I actually remember those years! Wow... scary)
And for the record I know a lot of Rob's. Aside from this much-maligned one in the banner above. Most of the ones in my life are A-holes. But you can't judge a book by it's cover. As a writer, you of all people ought to know that
Me - thinking - all the above and a ***** load more!