What Are You Currently Thinking About? v1


New member
Was meant to go to Brisbane tomorrow morning but looks like I'm going tonight. Friends just rang and told me to get ready *groan* So much for chilling after work. Not a happy vegemite right now.

Stories. Mine and others'. I wonder if I could do a fanfic...I'd probably suck at it. :(
No you wouldn't. You're so talented you make me feel like a novice.



New member
The Mummy 3 kinda sucks and I still haven't finished watching it.
It's visual but it does suck something awful - and that in itself sucks, I personally liked the Mummy movies - but they stretched it so far this time it seems like a different movie altogether.

And I did write! I'll edit and post later. Probably.

Currently thinking; I want to play Sims 3 but it's not out yet. So I may have to play 2 for now and try and kill the cravings. Also I wonder what sis is doing, haven't heard from her in ages. Hope she's okay. Oh and hurry up TV. Futurama, The Simpsons, and South Park - yup, my TV viewing is all organised for the night ;)



New member
Jet Li was soo not worth my time watching, so I continued watching more X-Files (I think I've watched 3 out of 6 discs from season 6).

Ugh, hot, wanna write, no motivation, well right now.



New member
The very very long (45 page) conversation (more like Role Play exercise) on MSN I just had with Sarah in order to mutually brainstorm. Man I feel emotionally sapped! But she's right, got a lot out of it. Just a shame I didn't start the story with something like this (or part of it anyway) - makes the rest of what I've penned so far seem tame and... well rather bland by comparisson!

Thinking a small side story with this as it's basis might not be such a bad idea. I have to get some sleep though of course. Was gonna play sims 2 but then this exercise got underway. Not such a bad thing in retrospect but doesn't make my eyes (or my numb prosterior) feel any less sore or exhausted. Oh well off to bed and see what a fresh pair of eyes, figuratively speaking, can do with all this in the morning.



New member
Dinner tonight. Meant to be going out with friends later. Half looking forward to it.

Also money worries.

And considering getting a roommate in.

I have to have a yard sale or something.


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