What Are You Currently Thinking About? v1

how i can find a job,when i can finish making my resume because uf my laziness,when i can really learn how to play my guitar
that new white stripes song and amazing at how my friend can drink 8 pints and still be sober enough to hold a sane conversation on msn with me.

wait scratch that;

S.J.B | It's A Deal, It's A Steal, It's The Sale Of The ****ing Century says:
im not drunk yet
kinda gone but not drunk
i well love you tho alli
your mint

Alison; "Not quite blonde, are we? More of a dirty blonde." says:
haha thanks dear.
S.J.B | It's A Deal, It's A Steal, It's The Sale Of The ****ing Century says:
i dont tell you
cos you wwouldnt bleiebe me
but your mint

*shakes head*
I ask myself the question why I'm not able to sleep.

It's 3 am

I sit here...eat a cheese sandwich and drink a cup of tea.

Thinkin... about... stuff.

Have to go to job network place tomorrow, urgh, not lookin forward to that.
Have to finish MS soon. Meh. Couldn't be bothered right at this minute.
Thinking I should get some sleep but know I will only toss and turn.
Have so many thoughts and story ideas and general nonsensical crap in my head I couldn't sleep even if I wanted to.
Thinking I might make a cuppa.
That I should lose weight.
That days seem longer than nights.
That I need a hair cut.
That I should get my glasses soon. At least I'll look smart. Or more like the smartass I really am ;)
That I should hurry up and do something with my life before time runs out.
That death is the end. Cold, black, darkness. Empty. Endless.

And am thinking that rehashing old threads is sorta dumb... and makes me look desperate for something to do here or sth...

That's some of it anyway... ;)