What Are You Currently Thinking About? v1

Wow. This was a bump wasn't it?

Ouch my head hurts.
Damn I have to clean the kitchen up.
I need more sleep I'm effin' tired again.
When will I get to see Dan next?
Yay. I'm going back home/Sydney in another week or so.
That exam was **** easy.
Man. I'm sick again.
I have to stop being lazy and move my ass.
I have to write some more December's Shadow.....but not right now.
Where are those headache tablets again? In the kitchen or in the bathroom?
I need to give my mother a message to tell her I'm coming back soon.
Aww. Alastair and Kris broke up. Oh no!
Hmm I thinkin about... nothing... and so much at the same time... mostly bout this one guy... although we kinda sorted everything out I'm still kinda stuck on him and dunno o_O
meh... -.-
Am thinking about the new story I am writing. I am thinking I should finish MS but keep avoiding it. I am thinking my eyes are sore, that I feel tired, and I look as old as I feel right about now. I am thinking why everyday feels exactly like the last and when I will turn a corner that will define another chapter in my life. I am thinking it's going to rain soon cause my hair's starting to get all curly and ringletty. Thinking I am way overdue for a haircut. Thinking about what my cat's thinking about when he looks at me. Thinking I think too much. Thinking I haven't written the word 'thinking' so much in one place in my entire life. Think it's time to stop now. I think I hear sirens in the distance. I think they're coming for me. I think it's time to flee *flees*
Thanking about awful things my mum has in mind concerning what colour i should have my hair dyed to for good >.< she hates the pink/brown/red/black/light blonde (this is how many freaking colours I have in my hair right now!!!) and thinking that I need to remember my doctor's appointment tomorrow arvo and get my hair trimmed....split ends i hate em.
And also


i want Meg White's dress off their album cover of Elephant. Now that I think of it, she doesn't look that dykey in this picture. I really want that dress!!!!!
I am trying to decide if Meg White is hot but can't remember if I ever saw her any where else but name is familiar and I know she is from White Stripes
I'm doing a freestyle and I'm just trying to get all the lyrics together in my mind right now