What are you listening to? Volume 6.0

I'm Alive - Disturbed in between waiting for an interview with Gerard Way of MCR to buffer on Youtube. Ah, forget it, I'm tired of waiting on this thing... just I'm Alive.
Darkness - Disturbed. Mmm...pretty song. Very un-Disturbed..."Don't turn away...I pray you've heard the words I've spoken..." *cry* I guess I'm just emotional right now...
Heh, sounds like a vampire song. I don't like much Smashing Pumpkins, though.

Meaning of Life - Disturbed. ok, yeah, it's time to listen to some LP and NIN, too much Disturbed is probably bad for you.
Zero - The Smashing Pumpkins

I'm your lover I'm your zero
I'm the face in the dreams of glass
So save your breath
When we're really going to need it
For all your cares and play
Wanna go for a ride?

Ok, I kinda like that one, it's on RockBand. I just don't like the lead singer's voice; I mean, no offense, but who told him he could sing? eh...just an opinion thing...the same could be said of anyone.

Sunspots - NIN
I love Billy's voice. I have a tendacy to like weird voices - Brian Molko, Jack White, Tarja Turunen, Billy Corgan < legend, was said to be the next Kurt Cobain.

1979 - The Smashing Pumpkins

Shake down to 1979
Cool kids never have the time
Heh, I tend to like normal voices I guess...Serj Tankian is the exception, and only because that one song is so much fun to sing along with:

Being that I love you so much
In the end they all will say
Breaking someone else's heart agaaaaaiiin...
Find the little evil perpetrator and
Feed him to the hungry alligator
You want, it all, You want, it all

Blah blah blah...I don't remember the next line.

This Is How I Disappear - MCR