What are you up to now?

heheh sounds like that brain is doing a lot of thinking ^^

argh well school starts in 6 days *cries* I don't wanna go back! Last yr of College and then all that fuss about getting into Uni and stress and *dies*

but Ash, awesome friend who lives in Perth is coming down to Canberra for a while SO can't wait for that!!!

I saw Gemma at the mall yesterday! was going to get up and say Hi but i was like sitting down, and effort getting up :p

hehe pretty much my life ^^ ooo and Hugh...there's a Hugh now

EDIT> Lurve you too Oh sexy one ;) :p
Lets see here

I just finished a semester in my school, oh yippie-****, then me and my boyfriend and his parents are thinking about going to se Celtic Woman in april (yes i like celtic music, so sue me) anddddddd i've been crazy like normal

OI! I just started a new trend with my friends- Egyption style eyeliner= i put it on today and everyone is like "Woah! That is so cool! Im gonna do that now!"

I haven't really been able to get online. LPF boots me off everytime I try to log in. I've been bored with linkin park. I've been listening to alot of My Chemical Romance, The Used, and 30 Seconds To Mars. Been much more emo lately. Writing alot of stuff, trying to pass senior year and get into college. plus I think its just that LPF has hit another slow snag. just seems like that to me. well peace out guys.

lil phi
Hmmm whats up with mee? Umm Im planning for a combined birthday party with my best friend Cheryl, its gonna be in May. Heh yeah, kinda early but we just wanna get it done with. Im also trying to get a job to get spending money for Italy and New York/ New Jersey this summer, oh yeah and gas money, getting my license this summer.
Ummm... Well, I tured 15 at the beginning of the year. I have my own car; Actually a hand-me-down crappy Nissan Sentra, but it drives good and really only needs a paint job. Got my learners permit. Get my intermediate license in 5 months. Haven't really improved in my guitar playing, and my band is kinda falling apart. Actually got two F's in school on my progress report for the first time ever... but I brought those up. Now I have mostly B's, one A, and one D I think. I started working out recently on this crappy weightbench. I've never really worked out before, so I started on 50 pounds bench pressing... and it's pretty heavy. (can only do it like 15 times, thats how out of shape I am). Um, I've finally figured out that I actually have no self esteem and have diagnosed myself with clinical depression, and my insomnia carries on. I've realized that everyone sucks, and they will stab your back when the time comes. I actually got a cell phone... dear God I promise I was the only person at school without one (Not to be a conformist, but because they're so convenient). It's only a Motorola L6 though. But I'm happy. I went to an AFI concert in February, probably the best day of my life.

That's pretty much what's gone on recently.
Heya =D

It's been a while since I've posted here. As in posted reguarly. Everything looks so unfamiliar, there's so many new people =D Hm, a little update on me. I'm now 18 and I feel really old :|

Right, so I'm currently at Manchester University studying Internet Computing. Everything is way over my head and the workload is ridiculous =| I hate it =]

My taste is music has changed immensely. I love love going to gigs. Last week, me and my mate went to see Bring Me The Horizon and i Killed The Prom Queen 3 times in 1 week. It was the best adventure ever, really fun =] Got to meet 3 of the members of IKTPQ.

I fnally got a job as my spending habits have been horrendous.

My hair is twice the size than it used to be!

My friends are the best thing in my life, and I love them!

Hmm that should do =] Hope everyone is alright!
o0SugaxNxSpice0o said:
Heya =D

It's been a while since I've posted here. As in posted reguarly. Everything looks so unfamiliar, there's so many new people =D Hm, a little update on me. I'm now 18 and I feel really old :|

Right, so I'm currently at Manchester University studying Internet Computing. Everything is way over my head and the workload is ridiculous =| I hate it =]

My taste is music has changed immensely. I love love going to gigs. Last week, me and my mate went to see Bring Me The Horizon and i Killed The Prom Queen 3 times in 1 week. It was the best adventure ever, really fun =] Got to meet 3 of the members of IKTPQ.

I fnally got a job as my spending habits have been horrendous.

My hair is twice the size than it used to be!

My friends are the best thing in my life, and I love them!

Hmm that should do =] Hope everyone is alright!

Hola, welcome back. <3
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