What do you think of Lethalfind?

Hamza123 said:
Very well said, I do agree on the theory, however I do not agree on the purpose.

In a debate, I could careless weather or not the truth I ever say is eye-candy to others, so long it it the sole truth.

The truth is most of the time never eye-candy to both sides. It can be the sole truth, though.
ToriAllen said:
Some people's view of straight talk is different from others. Straight talk just means telling the truth as you see it, and if this site shows nothing else, it shows that there are many versions of personal truth, and everyone thinks their is right. The true talent comes from making others think your views are right, or at least plausible. People who lack this talent only succeed in pissing people off.

I agree with you HOWEVER there is a straight talk for the real world and there is straight talk here on the internet. In the real world I do try and not piss people off but here I don't care and it certainly looks like no one else here does either...
I thought that was the point given the name and all...

I have no desire to make people think my views are right...I am more interested in hearing what other people think on a given point. The way you get people talking is by making your opinion known and then they post their own. I have often come out thinking something entirely different because someone has presented more information or at least seen a different side to it. The thread about the teenager getting her belly button peirced is a prime example, my daughter is only 9, I was able to read information on teenagers that made me change the way I thought.

I am not arrogant enough to believe that I know all there is too know. There are people on here with very different experiences in life and I have learned alot from them. I believe the life I have led has been pretty narrow in some ways, I can't experience everything but I can gleen information from people who have experiences that are different from mine.
You are so stupid it's quite shocking how dumb you really are.
How dare you speak of things you know nothing of..

Who are you, a small insect to speak of the subject of 40 virgins??? What the hell do you know of the way Muslims learn, you think this is what Muslims talk about????

You haven't the FIRST idea of Islamic rulings, Explaination of Qur'an and Sunnah, so where are you getting your ideas from????

I think idiots such as yourself truly believe that we believe as a comfort blanket or something and we must speak of nothing but paradise!!

How stupid and blind you really are. If you knew anything of Islam you would know that Paradise is not going to be given to us "just like that"

Just because I am a Muslim does not for ONE second make me think I'm going there. I hope I will but I am not going to know till I die!

You have no concept of the struggle a Muslim has to go through, and all you do is find your little bits of information here and there and attack Islam on the basis of what???!

What do you know really??? Tell me what you know of anything, have you any life at all?? Are you so scared of us it gives you comfort to show your ignorance??

What are you so frightened of? Throughout most of the sad posts you find yourself NEEDING to talk about Islam, why?? What is Islam to you, leave it alone, if you don't like it, don't read about it, dont talk about it. It won't effect you so much then.

It is my experience that it is the lowest of life that attack and oppress others because they are so scared they wish to get there first before anyone can get them. Because without the ability to hurt others you would lead a sad life...You are a weak people, by people I mean those with the same mindset as your own...

I think you need to speak to someone who can help you get past this.
Mariama said:
You are so stupid it's quite shocking how dumb you really are blah blah blah Islam blah blah blah Mohammed (blah)
I think you need to speak to someone who can help you get past this.

He proved a point, dipshit. You can appeal to people if you first appeal to their urges.

And there are two basic animal needs: Survival and Reproduction.

So, since Islam is offering reproduction, there is an added incentive, since Survival matters not in death.

He wasn't insulting Islam, he was talking about a good way to debate, bitch.
Ah the usual lovely impressive talk...You know nothing of Islam, your not a Muslim so please do not pretend to know anything of it...

When the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) first conveyed the message he called to the ONENESS OF ALLAH! When someone becomes Muslim they hear nothing of 40 virgins or anything of the sort, this is not why someone becomes Muslim, your so dumb!

You are even more stupid then the other...I asked what you know of Islam and you are STILL speaking of 40 virgins, who are you you to speak of this??? You know nothing, so keep that vile mouth shut until you can learn to read...
Stick to the thread topic Mariama.

24 hours in the box for bringing Islam into a thread that has ****-all to do with religion.;)
Trust me...You ARE an idiot,

How sad are you! A paying member, you pay to off load your ignorance here??!! You actually pay to talk nonsense...
Some people have more money than sense...
Oh dear dear dear...Try school, You will gain more...Failing that try a padded cell..Or maybe, JUST maybe, you could try learning about other people, it may help you to appear less stupid, although I'm not hopeful...
Mariama said:
Trust me...You ARE an idiot,

How sad are you! A paying member, you pay to off load your ignorance here??!! You actually pay to talk nonsense...
Some people have more money than sense...
Oh dear dear dear...Try school, You will gain more...Failing that try a padded cell..Or maybe, JUST maybe, you could try learning about other people, it may help you to appear less stupid, although I'm not hopeful...

Mariama, you might have missed this page when you joined GF.
Mariama said:
Ah the usual lovely impressive talk...You know nothing of Islam, your not a Muslim so please do not pretend to know anything of it...

When the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) first conveyed the message he called to the ONENESS OF ALLAH! When someone becomes Muslim they hear nothing of 40 virgins or anything of the sort, this is not why someone becomes Muslim, your so dumb!

You are even more stupid then the other...I asked what you know of Islam and you are STILL speaking of 40 virgins, who are you you to speak of this??? You know nothing, so keep that vile mouth shut until you can learn to read...

You still don't get it. He was talking about a good way to appeal to the basic needs of a human, and in so doing, convince them that you are correct.

That's what debate is about.

If you don't like it, you and Chi can go have a fun little time being stupid bitches who can't admit that they might have done a few stupid things that got them where they are.
Lethalfind said:
I agree with you HOWEVER there is a straight talk for the real world and there is straight talk here on the internet. In the real world I do try and not piss people off but here I don't care and it certainly looks like no one else here does either...
I thought that was the point given the name and all...

I have no desire to make people think my views are right...I am more interested in hearing what other people think on a given point. The way you get people talking is by making your opinion known and then they post their own. I have often come out thinking something entirely different because someone has presented more information or at least seen a different side to it. The thread about the teenager getting her belly button peirced is a prime example, my daughter is only 9, I was able to read information on teenagers that made me change the way I thought.

I am not arrogant enough to believe that I know all there is too know. There are people on here with very different experiences in life and I have learned alot from them. I believe the life I have led has been pretty narrow in some ways, I can't experience everything but I can gleen information from people who have experiences that are different from mine.
All I am saying is, what is 'straight talk' to you, may be pure idiocy to someone else. People don't get pissed off at others simply for telling the truth. Generally, is goes a bit deeper than that.
To give your opinion freely and without tact, and then claim that people don't like you because you tell 'them like it is', seems a little silly. Perhaps it is the way you assert your opinions rather than the opinions themselves. I understand if you simply don't care what people think of you, but don't claim people don't like you because you are honest. There are plenty of ways to be honest and opinionated without stomping on everyone
jokersarewild said:
You still don't get it. He was talking about a good way to appeal to the basic needs of a human, and in so doing, convince them that you are correct.

That's what debate is about.

If you don't like it, you and Chi can go have a fun little time being stupid bitches who can't admit that they might have done a few stupid things that got them where they are.

Why do you feel the need to bring me into this, asshole? Did I hit a nerve with you on my response to your PM?? Yes, you definitely do seem very bitter at women because you can't get one. Ever thought that maybe the problem lies within yourself?
ToriAllen said:
All I am saying is, what is 'straight talk' to you, may be pure idiocy to someone else. People don't get pissed off at others simply for telling the truth. Generally, is goes a bit deeper than that.
To give your opinion freely and without tact, and then claim that people don't like you because you tell 'them like it is', seems a little silly. Perhaps it is the way you assert your opinions rather than the opinions themselves. I understand if you simply don't care what people think of you, but don't claim people don't like you because you are honest. There are plenty of ways to be honest and opinionated without stomping on everyone
GF Admin said:
I know you were talking to someone else but I could not resist.

I agree the problem does reside within, it is called sperm and it needs to be released as often as possible in as much quantity as possible, preferably into a willing female receptacle, or better yet many, many, many female receptacles. In the name of world peace and religious unity I suggest that every individual either give or take as much sperm as possible
Okay, this has gone on long enough, I think.

Even without my vote, 14 others think LF is some kind of retard, and her posts lately are only getting worse. She's abusing mods, and teens, and anyone else who disagrees with her cut and past crapola.

It's one week in the idiot box, to give her time to get over her PMT and anal retention.

When she gets that oversized parsnip out of her festering anus, I'll consider lightening the sentence.
builder said:
Okay, this has gone on long enough, I think.

Even without my vote, 14 others think LF is some kind of retard, and her posts lately are only getting worse. She's abusing mods, and teens, and anyone else who disagrees with her cut and past crapola.

It's one week in the idiot box, to give her time to get over her PMT and anal retention.

When she gets that oversized parsnip out of her festering anus, I'll consider lightening the sentence.

Poor pathetic Builder, you never cease to amaze me about just how LOW you will go. You just can't stand it when someone takes you to task and calls your bullshit what it is. You can be sure of one thing, I won't stop doing just that.
You always manage to give me a chuckly...
Lethalfind said:
Poor pathetic Builder,

Ooooh, my heart is bleeding.....

Lethalfind said:
you never cease to amaze me

Wouldn't take much.

Lethalfind said:
about just how LOW you will go.

Yeah, I feel oh so bad right about now. :D

Lethalfind said:
You just can't stand it when someone takes you to task and calls your bullshit what it is.

Takes me where? I'll work at my leisure thank you very much.

Lethalfind said:
You can be sure of one thing, I won't stop doing just that.

We can all rest assured then, that you'll continue to post off-topic, and ramble on insanely on any issue, regardless of your closed-door mentality?

Lethalfind said:
You always manage to give me a chuckly...

That's a frightening picture you paint. How long is it before the belly wobbles stop? :eek:
Oh man...I like Lethalfind...

She can suck the chrome off a trailer hitch and besides, the bitch swallows! Doesn't spill a single drop! :eek:

I don't know why you feel you have to pick on her. Jeez. :rolleyes: