What don't I understand?

Think Pink

Feb 23, 2006
From what I've read here, a lot of you seem keen on the whole 'hating groups of people' idea. What's with that? Why can people not be judged on who they are instead of where they were born, what colour they were born or who they choose to ****?

Seriously people, am I missing something big here?
No your not.

I have only joined recently and have to say that on first impressions that the people in here are extremely ignorant towards others creeds, races whatever.

They seem to think that they can spout some **** about wars and whos the best etc when they seem to miss the point that all wars are pointless when we could all just trade normally and live in peace.

Also they think only about the next snide comment they can make about some shite thats happening in some place just to get the rise out of others.

Anyway these people know who they are and i just know that they will come out from under their rocks to slate this post too.

Hope that sorta answered your question buddy:D
Think Pink said:
From what I've read here, a lot of you seem keen on the whole 'hating groups of people' idea. What's with that? Why can people not be judged on who they are instead of where they were born, what colour they were born or who they choose to ****?

Seriously people, am I missing something big here?

You're absolutely right. I have no business thinking that you are a complete and total ignorant asswipe.

Would you post a picture of yourself so I can confirm my suspicions? :rolleyes:
OTC said:
No your not.

I have only joined recently and have to say that on first impressions that the people in here are extremely ignorant towards others creeds, races whatever.

They seem to think that they can spout some **** about wars and whos the best etc when they seem to miss the point that all wars are pointless when we could all just trade normally and live in peace.

Also they think only about the next snide comment they can make about some shite thats happening in some place just to get the rise out of others.

Anyway these people know who they are and i just know that they will come out from under their rocks to slate this post too.

Hope that sorta answered your question buddy:D

Oh wise and venerable person. Please enlighten us with your wisdom...

Oh wait a minute...you're just bitching yourself!

What a ****ing asswipe you are, eh? :eek:

Idgits. No one is begging ya to stick around are they?

Do I see the box getting more crowded by two in the near future?
Some people just can't grasp the concept of this site at all. i mean it IS right in the title for crying out loud. Exactly WHAT were you expecting when you dropped in?

Grow a pair and take part, or back off and shut up
I'm sorry but you assume too much here.

I can grasp the concept but cannot understand why you are putting it in to practice this way.

This site is all about destructive criticism when you should be debating in a constructive way not going around telling people to grow a sac and such like.

The world today is in a fragile condition and we all need to stick together to cope but noooooo you all come on here and bitch about how some muslims in some place that you don't know about bombed someplace that you don't care about.

Then the fanfare sounds and you shout out agaisnt this trangression against society in general when in fact it has sweet **** all to do with you.

Anyway i digress as i usually do. I only came onto this site to check up on what other people i know on another forum were saying that this is indeed the gayest forum in the world made by big geeky bullies and moderated by them. And they were right in the fact that i have been treated with no respect because i had a point to put out and you didn't like it.

But hey your just going to loop around and say "ya but you **** horses then eat there **** ya".

breathes in

I'm glad i got that out.
So where is the great debate you have started then?

Respect is earned kid, not granted upon arrival
if he doesnt like the forum we're not forcing him to stay. but his additude is of the typical liberal so what can you expect
tizz said:
So where is the great debate you have started then?

Respect is earned kid, not granted upon arrival

I didn't mean respect as in oh you are the coolest guy on the board i meant respect towards others feelings.

I know that like to voice opinions and points but the same **** keeps coming out.

I mean we all like a bit of witty banter but full on hatred to others is a bit too far.
All you have to do to make it on this board is prove you have an ounce of intelligence to work with (and actually USE that ounce) and read up on all the announcements. Accept them, and get on with it. This is NOT a democracy, our mods ROCK!! and everyone is expendable.

I suggest you either put up and show us that we should stop farting on your head, or go back to where you came from.
Skaterdude409 said:
if he doesnt like the forum we're not forcing him to stay. but his additude is of the typical liberal so what can you expect

**** that, I AM your typical liberal, this guy is just a *****!
But what is intelligence to you.

Maybe i am intelligent but in a sense that is different to yours.
If you were intelligent you would have something to worth paying attention to, not bitching like an old lady.

Again, put up or shut up.

You want a worthy debate? Lets see you start one ***** boy
tizz said:
If you were intelligent you would have something to worth paying attention to, not bitching like an old lady.

Again, put up or shut up.

You want a worthy debate? Lets see you start one ***** boy

Why bother when the nazi crew of mods come screaming down saying

"Yeah dudes you know what"


"We totally rock dudes yeah"

air guitar

And bitching like an old lady. Please that went out of fashion a while ago pal.
I'm ****ing preaching here.
If you are trying to troll the board you WILL be crushed, and since you haven't had an intelligent thing to say yet, I think it is time for a little trip to the box to think about it.

It's simple, use the brain god gave ya, or leave (or just live here in the box)