Well, lets see:
tizz- Would turn me into an abusive spouse, I'd have to start the day out by smacking her
ToriAllen- Cute, but thinks she is smarter then me... absolute turn off
TheJenn88- Would feel like I am raising a teen all over again
SD87- Would annoy me with alleged inteluctual conversation
skategreen- cute, but too short, and too old
angie- hmm, don't really know about that one... I'd probably cheat on her
A.I.G.- couldn't handle me unless she started smoking pot with me, then we'd have some fun !!
Lethalfind- see Tori
charteusechick- Would annoy me with ****** bubbles.
Parasite ***- I'd have to put her on a diet of weed and ***.
Gray~Gal... eh.. too plain jane for me
Cynthia- Party Girl !! I likes her !!
Sonyathebitch- I love the bitchy type, I'd be ***** all the time.
Whatever- I'd probably knock her up and divorce her and leave her in the ghetto.
Anna Perenna- Well if she was as fine as most Aussie women are, I'd take her on looks alone.
ta2dgirl28- I think I picked her up at a bar in Omaha a few years ago and ****** her already... she was kinda loose.
Vortex- Hey, at least I'd get an awsome ******* out of it.