What if we had to marry a fellow member


New member
If for whatever reason we had to do it,who would you pick?? TIZZ...could be fun. TORI?? thoughts of concentration camps maybe.. SD? I think i would cut my throat first. Anyway,give me your thoughts..Also you girls.


New member
Hmmmm. This is difficult. All of the men on here are screwed up with emotional problems and baggage. I


New member
If someone was holding a gun to my head, making me get married, I would seriously consider asking them to pull the trigger. At least the pain would be quick. Nothing at all like marriage where your partner gets to stick the knife in and turn it when he wants a little fun and then of course there is the pouring in a little salt when he gets bored.

EAT A BULLET or MARRIAGE, hard choice.

Is anyone on here in a coma?? I think a comatose husband would be OK, just as long as I never had to see him but then there would always be the worry he would wake up...



New member
Well, lets see:

tizz- Would turn me into an abusive spouse, I'd have to start the day out by smacking her

ToriAllen- Cute, but thinks she is smarter then me... absolute turn off

TheJenn88- Would feel like I am raising a teen all over again

SD87- Would annoy me with alleged inteluctual conversation

skategreen- cute, but too short, and too old

angie- hmm, don't really know about that one... I'd probably cheat on her

A.I.G.- couldn't handle me unless she started smoking pot with me, then we'd have some fun !!

Lethalfind- see Tori

charteusechick- Would annoy me with ****** bubbles.

Parasite ***- I'd have to put her on a diet of weed and ***.

Gray~Gal... eh.. too plain jane for me

Cynthia- Party Girl !! I likes her !!

Sonyathebitch- I love the bitchy type, I'd be ***** all the time.

Whatever- I'd probably knock her up and divorce her and leave her in the ghetto.

Anna Perenna- Well if she was as fine as most Aussie women are, I'd take her on looks alone.

ta2dgirl28- I think I picked her up at a bar in Omaha a few years ago and ****** her already... she was kinda loose.

Vortex- Hey, at least I'd get an awsome ******* out of it. :D





New member
Vortex- Hey, at least I'd get an awsome ******* out of it. :D




guilty as charged...

Vortex- yeah, I know, but I have bigger ***** than any of the men on this site. Besides, we could go shopping, do each others hair and nails, and stay up all night talking about Mel Gibson


New member
Hah, I don't know whether I'm pleased or indignant that I'm not on any lists. I think I'll go with pleased. I'm too asexual to care.^^


New member
tizz seems to be the choice Pick of the ladies, sensible and she's just too sweet! (Probably hot as a jet engine too) :)


New member
Thanks, Phreak. I feel the love! :p Though I highly doubt you'd have the *** drive to cheat on me after I got done with you...I can be as bad as an 18 year old guy. ;)

Interesting topic...I'll have to get back to ya' on that.



New member
But here is a synopsis of my observations of the lovely ladies here at GF:

Tori: Prejudice against short guys because we are seen as inferior and it ruins her "image" probably, has kids, taken. Attractive and intelligent though. Eliminated.

Tizz: Has kids, prefer someone around my age. Eliminated.

SD87: Too young...18 is my limit. Would make for a good conversation though we do not truly share the same interests. Eliminated.

TheJenn88: Same deal as her friend SD87. Eliminated.

Chartuesechick: Dunno much about. Plus booger bubbles are sick...lol! AHEM! Eliminated.

Skategreen: Dunno much about her either. Other than that, I don't see anything blantantly wrong with her. But due to my lack of knowledge...eliminated.

AIG: Too religious, and very much oblivious to what is going on. Eliminated. Plus I LOVE pork.

DizzyMe: So beautiful and intelligent but TAKEN!!! ELIMINATED!!!

Bec: Taken and she wouldn't tolerate my language too much (though I am trying to improve). I don't want to offend any woman like that but it cannot be helped. Eliminated.

Angie: Oh so gorgeous and oh so intelligent but TAKEN! And pregnant! ELIMINATED!!! :(

Anna: We'd probably **** heads alot since we are both quite smartmouthed. But I do have a thing for Aussie women... ;) Umm...eliminated.




New member
Phreak, I'll take that as a compliment !!!


as for becoming an abusive spouse, I fight back and I have a license to carry...



New member
Ill marry you babe...i could at least marry you legaly....but id have to have boyfriends and my own room...you understand :)

and mel gibson....hes one of those "hunks" that only straight women seem to like....(like kevin costner, stephen segal, michael douglas, and people like fabio).....Throw in the topic of Collin Ferral, VinDiesel, Nick Lachey, and Billy Zane (with hair) and ill pop the poporn and do your nails first!!
I understand. Vin Diesel it is...



New member
TheJenn88- Would feel like I am raising a teen all over again
Aw, I'm not THAT bad :p

At any rate, I think it would be kind of weird making a list, seeing as most of the males here are about twice my age.

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