Crispy Critter
New member
Well the basis of conservatism is social Darwinism and it is only a stigma of republicans in recent times, reference Zell Miller, democrat along with Robert Byrd hold the same conservative views. Social Darwinism is the basis of all conservatism and structure of society in modern times. Under this concept the church and family supports the weak in society providing compassion. Under liberal socialism the family and church is removed and replaced by government program to assure equality. There is no equality in non-productive members of society and neither family nor government should apply much compassion for failure and that is why America is successful because the church has taken up the slack. Go to Encarta and search conservatism and its root in Europe and it will explain it in detail.Heres something I find funny. Most conservatives are generally Christian. Being Christian, Evolution and Darwin's other ideas generally go against their entire basis of beliefs. Yet here you are talking about how wonderful social Darwinism is.
The socialist FDR New Deal wanted to apply the church together with government as outlined in a 13th century addition to the Catholic bible where the government support compassion along with the church. Conservatives desire the compassion of the church and despise the compassion from the government but liberals would have you believe conservatives want church in the government. The closest ever to a theocracy America has been was during FDR