i live in bristol connecticut, we have trailer parks, 1940's-1960's cookie cutter suburb houses (mostly what my town is), 1700's-early 1900's houses, projects (that everyone faught against but were still built anyways). we also have businesses and farms scattered around, the farms are disapearing though, it sucks. i dont know if we'd be redneckery, do you?
oh, and i have hundreds of friends, family and relitives in town and im a 4th generation bristol citizen.
no, i dont think im a redneck, blue collored? well, thats what my town is.
but right now bristol connecticut is being run by a jack *** who happens to be my grandfathers cousin, but we all hate him. he kicked old people who happen to know my grandfather, named bugryn (boo-grin) off of their land, he wants to tear down and redo our mall, he spent all this money down town to "beutify it", but the citizens dont care, everyone i talk to thinks mayor couture and his people should be shot. that democrat wasted so many tax dollars on ******** the bugryns, buying the mall, ripping up the downtown and now he wants a new town hall, we have the newest town hall around here, what the f !!!