not breaking the law is what keep me out of prison.
Guess I'm just smart like that: Don't break the law- don't get sent to prison.
Money can keep you out of prison as well. Fame is also a repellent for justice i.e. raping children and being a pop-star cough cough Micheal Jackson cough.
I've committed so many crimes in my life. From class c misdemeanors to class b felonies. Stupid **** that I'd like to attribute to my environment at the time. Never been arrested. **** I never even got a speeding ticket. Was it my intelligence? My prowess and cunning? Nahhh man, all luck. Dumb luck as it were. I say dumb luck because, well I was doing dumb ****. Hard to say that one could be smart while doing something stupid. Breaking into a home when you have no idea if anyone is there, well ya thats stupid. Breaking into a home when you know theres nobody there, thats still ******* stupid. Like the temperature, stupidity comes in many degrees. But stupid is stupid.
As for spur of the moment crimes of passion. As Eddo put it, self-control.
If you came home early from work, and caught your wife ****** on yer buddy, ya you're probably going to react. But whether one admits it or not, if you break out all devil and kill somebody, you made the choice to do so. The choice to lose all self-control. Murder is not an involuntary reaction. Its not a knee-jerk. Its a conscious decision to let go of consequence as it gives way to retribution.
As I type this, somewhere in the world a fella is sitting in prison serving 20 to life because he wasn't gonna lose face to the guy that cut him off in traffic. Rude gestures gave way to insults which elevated toward threats. Bravado and machismo turns to fighting, which ends in gunfire. One man dead and another didn't get home from work that day to see the new episode of "24". No sir, hes got his hand in the back pocket of his "daddy" being pulled around cell-block 9, often being traded off for a carton of smokes.