What Keeps You Out Of Prison?

My leash is morals, and the fact that i have more to live for. I have a beautiful fiance, a good job, an OK education. Good Credit. Im in the process of buying a house, i just bought a new car. I have too much to live for, and i dont want give somebody else the control over me to make me lose it, i control me, and nobody else.
RoyalOrleans said:
Stellar retort.

You too, THIS was pure genius:

I am He that is I Am.

I am the Eggman.

Yellow matter custard dripping from a dead dog’s eye.
Crabalocker fishwife pornographic
Priestess boy you been a naughty girl.
some guy on comedy cen. said:
this guy was talking really loud on his cell phone in the theater and told me to **** off, i was gonna kick his ass, but i looked at my braclet, "what would jesus do" so i lit his ass on fire and sent him to hell. :D

ain't jesus great lol
Anonymous said:
the fact that this was all you could think up AFTER you posted and had a second to think is absolutely pathetic.

Nah, I manually quoted the second quote and left out a bracket.

What's pathetic is abusing someone anonymously ****stick.
Moko said:
Nah, I manually quoted the second quote and left out a bracket.

What's pathetic is abusing someone anonymously ****stick.

ROFLMAO bullshit, i saw the first post

and i can abuse you in any way i please
Moko said:
Prove it, and you might get a conviction shitdick.

such anger :eek:

are we taking our meds? just a tip, but screaming at people over a computer and getting all up tight over stuff will only make you look like a target on this site and will get you nowhere.
Oh alright, yes it's true...I care THAT much I'll scream at some anonymous comment made by some unknown on the internet.
Moko said:
Oh alright, yes it's true...I care THAT much I'll scream at some anonymous comment made by some unknown on the internet.

oh, i'm sure you do, you're the kind of person that would get into a fight over a yo' mamma joke