What paint? Comparing paint thread


New member
implement paint works very well. my brother paints the underside of his mud trucks and jeeps with it right over the rust, hit with a wire wheel of course and it stayed on as long as he had the trucks. i was getting alot of rock chips on the bottom of my f250 when i put the 35s on it and i taped it and painted it with the rustoleum bed liner spray and its held up great so far. ill get a pic next time the truck is clean.


Active Members
Powder only works better if the frame was sand blasted. I found this out on a Rath bumper I powdered. Its just like anything else, the powder need to have a rough surface to grip on.


Active Members
According to my new PC guy, you can PC on top of old PC as long as you can get current through the piece being coated. The majority of the 600 I spent was sandblasting..

I'm building a PC oven too :fluffy:



New member
from my experience the rubberyness is terrible. instead of chipping like paint it peels right off and stretches in large pieces. i had a piece hangin went to rip it and pulled half the paint off the rim, lol.
Thats one of it's properties... It says it on the can. Not the products fault you ripped it off.



New member
Thats one of it's properties... It says it on the can. Not the products fault you ripped it off.
i'm just giving my input on the stuff. don't get offended because you used it too, lol. In my sig it looks great but you should see how the rims look after 30+ hours of trail time. just trying to save the next guy some trouble.

If it said on the can that it was going to peel off like ****, i wouldn't have bought it.



New member
from my experience the rubberyness is terrible. instead of chipping like paint it peels right off and stretches in large pieces. i had a piece hangin went to rip it and pulled half the paint off the rim, lol.
As always you are absolutely correct and the rest of us are absolute idiots.



New member
This is my experience......i just did this not more than 3 months ago.




http://www.offtopic.forum/uploads/imported/2012/05/20120516_212632_534-1.jpgthe front right one is the one i pulled it all off of after a few rides, they are all almost to that point.

I cleaned and lightly sanded the rims as best i could. I do not understand why you throw a fit when i give my input. I'm not calling anyone idiots, i'm showing my personal experience with this ****. We are comparing paints, you mentioned this product, i responded with real world results, it's not an attack on you, so please mellow out.



New member
One of it properties is it peels off..

If you use it on a area that is gonna get rubbed like you have.. Its gonna peel off. Different products for different applications. Doesn't make it a bad product. Not getting pissy just sick of you posting **** everywhere i post. I dont agree with everything that gets posted either but im grown up enough not to think i'm right about everything and then run round mouthing off about it.

Dont like what i say...? Shut up and move on. It's what the rest of us do.. I just read about 12 pages of chatbox archive.. Mostly you arguing with other members.. Gone past old for many of us..



New member
just because you know more people on this site personally does not mean you can push me around and act like you do. I made a point in this thread, it was not to take offense, you have completely ruined this thread now. i posted results and informative ****, quit whining, i apologize to those of you who know otmtrx personally, but this isn't fair, he's being an ***.


New member
Its not fair? Seriously? Bless you. Was i unfair? Im sorry small kid i didnt mean to be a mean grown up.

You know what RR you may just be right maybe i am being an ****.. Like you were putting non abrasive coating on your rims when you ride woods then blamimg the coating when it came off. You wanna know why i'm being like this? Cos everytime i log on i see your ****** posts. I get up in the morning and your always arguing with the people i call friends.. Or many of the people here i've never met but have alot of respect for. What do you think that lools like to new people checking out the site? ... Just another Org ? Most came here to get away from that ****.. You seem to thrive on it! 3 days of xc arguing? Really? Let it go.. Try and co-exist a bit with people.

Sorry op.. Resume thread... If possible.



Active Members
Its not fair? Seriously? Bless you. Was i unfair? Im sorry small kid i didnt mean to be a mean grown up.You know what RR you may just be right maybe i am being an ****.. Like you were putting non abrasive coating on your rims when you ride woods then blamimg the coating when it came off. You wanna know why i'm being like this? Cos everytime i log on i see your ****** posts. I get up in the morning and your always arguing with the people i call friends.. Or many of the people here i've never met but have alot of respect for. What do you think that lools like to new people checking out the site? ... Just another Org ? Most came here to get away from that ****.. You seem to thrive on it! 3 days of xc arguing? Really? Let it go.. Try and co-exist a bit with people.

Sorry op.. Resume thread... If possible.
He has been banned.



Ryan wasn't arguing with himself he was arguing with another person. Maybe u guys should talk to that guy about it. Apparently he thinks 38 hp or mostly stock wheelers can't compete in xc. Ill argue that too. There was no grounds to ban. Quit being a baby and front gang up and give special treatment to otmtrx just because his tampon needs changed.


Active Members
lol 450rhq clean up the thread!

Good discussion though guys, I know I'm going to try and paint some small stuff soon with the implement paint



It looks to me like otmtrx ruined this thread not ryan. Yet the manager banned ryan? I posted on facebook in hopes to get more friend support in here. Ryan is well liked in our riding group. We ride every weekend


I also know ryan in real life. I just signed up to see what he was referring too and i honestly don't see an issue. yeah i'm new. i'll post in the new members section after a bit. My name is ken i ride a yfz


New member
Got my frame powder coated and its holding up quite nicely. One of my buddies got his powder coated and isnt holding up as well. Make sure u get a quality coater to do the job. We paid zero to get ours done and its showing. Plasti-dip is the ****. But even like power coat and anything else. If its going to get rubbed on and whatnot its going to wear out no matter what.

Also, we plasti-dipped 3 of our friends rims on they're 4x4 tacomas and they have been holding up real nice. Even through car washes!

My other buddies about to plasti-dip his whole truck white.

Looks like lorne is up to his same old antics on another website. Kind of the reason why i havent been to this site too much yet.. I was waiting for lorne to get banned without me being there.. And it happened. So hopefully he will stay away and ill be around more!



New member
Did my rear rims the other night.. Kinda ****** up though.. Thought I grabbed 2 cans of the rust oleum bed liner... but grabbed 1 can of undercoating.. Used the undercoating and it turned out pretty nice... I put on 4 lite coats(used the entire can) then let them dry till I got home the next day around 5pm...Took it out did some small jumps, sliding around, tight trail ride, hit a couple trees with the rims.. Didnt nick anything off...They also dried to a rough finish...Not bad for $8 a can at walmart...


New member
So, this is the infamous paint thread i've heard so much about. I'm gonna chime in here.........Plastidip sucks i almost used it when ryan did his rims cuz it looked good at first but it is not even comparable to powder coat. Just look at Ryan's results after only like a month i think. Powdercoat on rims would be 10x's more durable than plastidip.

I don't get why you guys are arguing over it, he only posted his results and are you mad about it? I think it's helpful, cuz i won't use it now that i've seen how it holds up on wheels after some rides, powdercoating can't be beat.

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