What pisses me off? America!

Cogito Ergo Sum said:
I love America. Viva America! Viva America! Viva America!

It's not perfect, but hey...I love it all the same!

Me too. Where else can you see your fellow GF ass posted? Viva America!!!
manicmonday said:
Me too. Where else can you see your fellow GF ass posted? Viva America!!!

I really don't remember if we've had three posts in a row agring before but...

Viva America!
It ain't perfect but it's the best there is!
Give me a 3rd world country and some turds in my water for a bath or drinking. To hell with America! ,with thier FDA for keeping food ,water and drugs at thier best. :p
sixes said:
Give me a 3rd world country and some turds in my water for a bath or drinking. To hell with America! ,with thier FDA for keeping food ,water and drugs at thier best. :p

Yeah, just deep-fry everything. No pathogens can survive that. ;)

Ship all your garbage to a third world country, and sup bottled water from evian.

Only one in ten lives in dumpsters and under sheets of tin, and one in five is born and dies in a trailer.
Now don't get me wrong folks, I don't hate all Americans. But I'd rather be french than actualy live there. The thought of there being more guns than people makes me more than a bit nervous. That feeling more than doubles when it comes to the south.

Thing that pisses me off more than anything, is the fact that in about 50 years time the climate will going absolutely ****ing mental and you lot are still driving about in motors half the size of my house.

The kyoto agreement. Lets use the analogy of being asked to put a ciggaret out in a resteraunt. What you lot have done intead is spark up about 5 more fags all the while copping a feel of our birds ****. Bunch of selfish greedy ignorant bastards.
I would expect that sort of answe from some neo-con/nazi yank such as yourself. The agreement that's supposed to cut down on greenhouse emissions doesn't do it. Why? Because we're just taxing them. Well that would bring them down if it becomes to expensive to produce in such a way that creates these gasses, or so the theory goes. But it won't work will it?

Of course, this answer is utter shite.

You create more green house gasses than anyone. Full ****ing stop. These third world countries all pooled together still don't produce as much greenhouse gasses as you lazy, arogant, self-righteous, selfish, greedy stuck-up wankers. Claim other-wise and you're deluding yourself. The reason the Keyoto agreement won't work is because your ape-man of a president wont sign up to it. And stop going on about European education. It's not the united states of Europe. This is Britain and we've got our own education system. Hopefuly once we have a leader with a spine, these schools will be teaching just what a ****ing sham your country actualy is. Nazi Germany doesn't get a look in.
You are just sheer hatred aren't you.

Didn't your mum love you enough as a child or did your dad beat you to hard when he was taking you from behind.
GF Admin said:
So after a few days posting trash, you finally dip your toes into a debatable subject and you come up with goose eggs, and go right back to picking on poor ignorant America

Well you are no Shakespear yourself. The only words you seem to post are "****" "Cum" and "..........."

GF Admin said:
Shakespear who Who the **** is Shakespear WTF are you blathering on about now

Damn Nazznegg you really are closed minded aren't you.

Skakespeare who wrote such gripping tales as romeo and juliet, Macbeth etc etc.
GF Admin said:
Whatever more crap from the past who cares, more elitest ideology from the EMPIRE i guess

No shakespeare is a celebrated writer of plays and is revered by many all over the world.

But he was english so he does get marks taken off for that.
GF Admin said:
Ya well i never heard of him so it must be a local thing for you brits who think the world revolves around what you think is culture

What? I thought even red-necks could read? Or did you just skip schoolies altogether?
I'm not saying I'm shakesperes biggest fan but you gotta be some kind of reclusive hillbilly not to have heard of one of the greatest figures in literary history!

Lol, Neggy, you crack me up :D
this is not my own response but it sums up my own, and the feelings of prety much every single UK resident.

From some site: I didnt look what it was called, i simply type America sucks into google and was presented with simply masses of material.
the No. 4 reason why America sucks is that the United States is environmentally unfriendly. The rest of the rich world looks toward the future with the Kyoto treaty and gasoline taxes to become more sustainable. However, President George W. Bush, along with most Americans, refuses to change. Everyone is terrified of having to pay more for energy and gasoline. I could continue, but most people know about this problem, including how it results in America's addiction to foreign oil.

Face it, America is a greedy, bloated mess of a country where the primary goal is to rape the world of its resources. Thanks a lot guys.
Calling myself and my fellow posters "**** suckers" does not qualify as a debate. It is merely you trying to inflate your own ego by deriding the cultures of others.
The Feotus said:
Now don't get me wrong folks, I don't hate all Americans. But I'd rather be french than actualy live there. The thought of there being more guns than people makes me more than a bit nervous. That feeling more than doubles when it comes to the south.

Thing that pisses me off more than anything, is the fact that in about 50 years time the climate will going absolutely ****ing mental and you lot are still driving about in motors half the size of my house.

The kyoto agreement. Lets use the analogy of being asked to put a ciggaret out in a resteraunt. What you lot have done intead is spark up about 5 more fags all the while copping a feel of our birds ****. Bunch of selfish greedy ignorant bastards.

You do realize that in the last decade there has been quite a bit of debate on whether the climate change is caused by man or just on one of the Earth's natural cycles. There is evidence to prove both and quite a bit from ice core samples showing that it's leaning more toward being a natural cycle as opposed to man caused.
ImWithStupid said:
You do realize that in the last decade there has been quite a bit of debate on whether the climate change is caused by man or just on one of the Earth's natural cycles. There is evidence to prove both and quite a bit from ice core samples showing that it's leaning more toward being a natural cycle as opposed to man caused.

The typical American male devotes more than 1,600 hours a year to his car. He sits in it while it goes and while it stands idling. He parks it and searches for it. He earns the money to put down on it and to meet the monthly installments. He works to pay for petrol, tolls, insurance, taxes and tickets. He spends four of his sixteen waking hours on the road or gathering resources for it. And this figure does not take account of the time consumed by other activities dictated by transport: time spent in hospitals, traffic courts and garages: time spent watching automobile commercials or attending consumer education meetings to improve quality of the next buy. The model American puts in 1,600 hours to get 7,500 miles: less than five miles an hour.


Natural? ahem.

And this doesn't even take into account the time you spend invading third world countries to steal their oil. There won't be another 'cycle' of oil production when you've burned this lot up. Your children or grandchildren won't be thanking you when the rationing starts.
And this doesn't even take into account the time you spend invading third world countries to steal their oil. There won't be another 'cycle' of oil production when you've burned this lot up. Your children or grandchildren won't be thanking you when the rationing starts.

you know what funny? we dont get much oil from the middle east as it is. and saying we invade third world countries to steal their oil is about the most ignorant statement ive heard in a while
Skaterdude409 said:
you know what funny? we dont get much oil from the middle east as it is. and saying we invade third world countries to steal their oil is about the most ignorant statement ive heard in a while

You haven't been reading your posts......