what scares you?

It sucks to say this but I'm scared of a lot of things lol.

Needles for one. I'm not like... THAT scared that I'll miss it. But I'll get too worked up over it. I can't stand looking at them lol. This is only because I fainted when I had my tetnus jab 2 years ago :\ I didn't mean to. I don't remember a thing but my friend was there and I scared her lol.

Spiders is another. Yeah, I'm one of those annoying girls who SCREAM when they see a spider. It's horrible I know, but they're just creepy and scary lol.

Heights - I feel like vomiting when I'm really high up. I'll stand there thinking "Gosh, what an amazing view" then suddenly I'll feel all horrible and my stomach just overturns a million times lol...

Uhh scary movies. Because some of them are pretty damn scary.

My manager at work - Scary man...

When you're home alone and you hear noises...

I'll add more but I can't think of any at the mo :)
hey lpp what else are you afraid of!?
some of my greatest fears are

SPIDERS! (some are cool but mostly scary)
2 ppls im know
Gremlins.. (lol)
being alone (only once in awhile i get paranoid lol)
and like deep down inside.. im scared of how im gonna die...

i try not to have alot of fears.. cuz all they cause are tears and if someone uses them against you it can really run you into the ground... im sorry but.. i don't like to ever show fear.. oh and i dont scream and jump around when i see spiders.. i just get all big eyed and like get paranoid..i won't take my eyes off it and then eventually i get up enough strength to actually move and get someone to go kill it.. lol...
LPpinkfreak821 said:
hey lpp what else are you afraid of!?
some of my greatest fears are

SPIDERS! (some are cool but mostly scary)
2 ppls im know
Gremlins.. (lol)
being alone (only once in awhile i get paranoid lol)
and like deep down inside.. im scared of how im gonna die...

i try not to have alot of fears.. cuz all they cause are tears and if someone uses them against you it can really run you into the ground... im sorry but.. i don't like to ever show fear.. oh and i dont scream and jump around when i see spiders.. i just get all big eyed and like get paranoid..i won't take my eyes off it and then eventually i get up enough strength to actually move and get someone to go kill it.. lol...

umm my worse fear is big dogs.that go past yo hip.

but the main reseason i am afraid of my self you pinklp fan pm me k.
lpp how are you scared of yourself!?!?!?

ok.. how can you be scared of the dark, needles, hieghts, etc.. some of the greatest things you do in life involve those things.. oh well i guess im different.. in a good way.. lol.. sure..
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LPpinkfreak821 said:
lpp how are you scared of yourself!?!?!?

ok.. how can you be scared of the dark, needles, hieghts, etc.. some of the greatest things you do in life involve things.. oh well i guess im different.. in a good way.. lol.. sure..
pm me and i tell you kz
1. spiders and crabs-->i've always been scared of spiders and then we went to the beach and we went crabbing and they're a lot like spiders. i just started freaking out. lol
2. darkness-->i'm soooo freakin paranoid. when I go walking with my friends, i'm always checking behind us and stuff
3. failure-->I always hate to be rejected or not please people. dunno why
4. death-->I don't wanna die and I don't know where you go afterwards
5. cars-->walking, I don't let people walk too close to the street....long story

.........can't think of anymore