what scares you?

I'm scared of my habit. That I'll never be able to stop my habit. Oh, and that G.W. Bush is gonna get all of us in the USA killed if he doesn't stop his bull ****!
yeah I have a big fear of spiders. I've killed some and about 2 have been brown recluses... so that scared the **** outa me.

being in small, compact spaces freak me out... so i guess I have clausetrophobia. I start doin some freaky things when my friends lock my in a closet or somethin lol.
My fears.... My dreams, I have very scary dreams about death and things... yeh I'm messed up, and what?!
Another thing that scares me is the fact that the world is slowly being destroyed and there isn't much people can do unless people in power realise this
I hate it when it´s dark! sometimes I see my own reflection in a window when it´s dark and I get scared and run away lol
I hate to be lonely too..not like lonely lonely..like alone at my home but to be lonely in your life kinda lonely.
did that even make sense?
i m scared of the pope. he freaks the hell out of me. he sits there doin those sartanic cross signs which really freaks me out. im also scared of Blinkin_Fart. he really freaks me out.