what scares you?

that'd be...disgusting...cuz a lot of the cheerleaders at my school don't wear anything under the skirts (it's not district policy anymore) and yeah...ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
What scares me is the way you guys get so off topic.

I only fear God because I have a religion and in my religion we believe he is the Almighty, most powerful being in the universe. Besides that, I fear nothing. The Buddhism I am looking into helps me in Islam, and in regular life. You dont have to be a monk to be a Buddhist; their way of life can be adapted by any religion, without major changes to your regular lifestyle.

i'm afraid of large windows... cuz when the light is on you cant see out them...but when it is off you can!... i know i'm paranoid...but i axpect something to be watching me....

i'm afraid of dying younge...though i tried...grr...

losing my friend to suicide...

and ppl chastizing me for being wiccan... especialy at school... o_O, >_<
Dark Rain said:
i'm afraid of dying younge...though i tried...grr...

losing my friend to suicide...

Those are good things to be afraid about...i used to be afraid of em....until i did lose a friend to suicide..then dying young didn't mean ****...

oh, and what exactly *is* wiccan? i hear rumors all the time, but i don't know what's true
people at my school always make fun of this one girl cuz shes wiccan.. they say its when u worship the devil or something, but i dont exactly believe that
[Zero] said:
Those are good things to be afraid about...i used to be afraid of em....until i did lose a friend to suicide..then dying young didn't mean ****...

oh, and what exactly *is* wiccan? i hear rumors all the time, but i don't know what's true
Im sorry about that :(
it is FAR too conplicated to discribe here...google search it...just dont listen to the evangelical christian sites...they are full of lies anger and fear...

but in a nutshell it is a religion that has roots in witchcraft and such...

it is a pagan religion...
Dark Rain said:

i'm afraid of large windows... cuz when the light is on you cant see out them...but when it is off you can!... i know i'm paranoid...but i axpect something to be watching me....

i'm afraid of dying younge...though i tried...grr...

losing my friend to suicide...

and ppl chastizing me for being wiccan... especialy at school... o_O, >_<

Large windows are definatly scary! When the designers designed the new houses around here, they tried to make it look "modern". So we have slanted roofs, 3 floors and these humoungous sized windows =O They're like 6ft 5 tall ^^ I'm terrified of opening my window in case I fall 3 floors down and die :) So yeah...another scary thought :|

You made me realise that I don't want to die young neither. There's still so much more for us to experiance in life, and I'll hate for it to be taken away so early:( I don't wanna die lol >.<

I know a little about Wicca because I've been reading Cate somethings series of ficitonal type books. It doesn't sound scary at all ^.^
im scared by alot of things... Haunted houses...Large windows, Creepy noses, Scary Movies, losing Friends, getting hit with balls in Softball, Dieing...**** theres more, takeing showers when no ones home,...
I'm scared of...

Spiders, and insects, because of the way they move >.< *shudder*
The dark... I know that seems childish, but I can't help it >__>

And like twilightcrimson said, being around people.

When I'm around a lot of people I don't know, or sometimes people I do know, I get scared, which makes it really hard to function... I don't know. Like, I'll be afraid, but of what I don't really know. it's hard to describe.

yeah, I'm scared of a lot of things...