How many times do I need to say it ?? Us Mexicans are just taking our land back from you white *** crackers.
But that's a totally different topic.
Getting back on track somewhat. I actually have it good yet bad.
Here in average Joe Nebraska, we have crimes, sure.... we hear about them all the time actually..
But the thing about Nebraska is, MAJOR crimes are so infrequent, that MINOR crimes will make up the town gossip and weekly ***** session..
Don't make me copy and paste a typical RANT from the message board there with people ******** about a **** kid spray painting a statue.... oooohh the ******* humanity.. you would think the death sentence should be handed down by the way they *****.
I would attribute this to the fact, that even though the community I live in is fairly decent sized, were still small enough to have our cluster ***** of Nebraskans with nothing to do.
Take myself for instance. I can open up the window of my office, breathe in a nice whiff of clean fresh country air, look out my window and see a **** cornfield, look to my right and left and see the same, then look out the opposite side and see more.
It's very tranquil and quiet, and it drives me ******* nutz.
You see, America may have deserts and ****, and yokel backwoods towns, but Nebraska is one of those places where boredom is a way of life... We actually DO watch bug zappers for fun.
Since I am a natural at linguistic artistic sarcastic expression when typing, nothing amuses me more then ******** about something I could care less about, and creating some of the most blatant, ****** up, comments I can think of.
So if you have no life.... come to Nebraska