What State(s) Are ****** Up?


New member
Gearge Carlin said it best........

Oh Beautiful for smoggy skies, insecticided grain,

For strip-mined mountain's majesty above the asphalt plain.

America, America, man sheds his waste on thee,

And hides the pines with billboard signs, from sea to oily sea."



New member
Gearge Carlin said it best........

Oh Beautiful for smoggy skies, insecticided grain,

For strip-mined mountain's majesty above the asphalt plain.

America, America, man sheds his waste on thee,

And hides the pines with billboard signs, from sea to oily sea."
George Carlin is a stinkin' liberal.



New member
I would not be upset if Rhode Island and Vermont fell off the map. I mean what pupose do they serve....really?
RI is one of the best states we have....

we mind our ******* business, and we ask for almost no federal funding....

We have our own form of government... The MAFIA!

They have been running things here for about 90 years and thier is NO RED TAPE! and that's how we like it... We are the free market zone between NYC and Boston! Our land value is 39% over valued because people are so wanting to live here! it's beautiful, clean, quiet, and mostly ISORS free!

Besides.... I own alot of property in RI, I don't want it to go away...



New member
Triangular field at Gettysburg is definately worth going to. WAY CREEPY especially if you know the specifics of the history there

And I used to dream of liing in Kinnelon Castle. THat place was beyond description to see it up close and walk through. You can easily imagine the beauty it once held



New member
OMG I am just playing on teh site. I had totally forgotten The Paulinskill Viaduct. I went there to see a comet (I forget which one) we climbed to the top and had an eccellent view! We also found that if you go to one of the arches (not in teh pic) and throw a rock into the stream at dead center. OMG the echo makes the CREEPIEST sound I have ever heard!!! The area is beautiful, and if you ambisious you can still travel the tunnels that go throung just above the arches. (I was not willing to encounter creepy crawlies)

There really are some great abandoned places in NJ. I can't wait till my daughter is old enough to go play!!



New member
OMG I am just playing on teh site. I had totally forgotten The Paulinskill Viaduct. I went there to see a comet (I forget which one) we climbed to the top and had an eccellent view! We also found that if you go to one of the arches (not in teh pic) and throw a rock into the stream at dead center. OMG the echo makes the CREEPIEST sound I have ever heard!!! The area is beautiful, and if you ambisious you can still travel the tunnels that go throung just above the arches. (I was not willing to encounter creepy crawlies)
There really are some great abandoned places in NJ. I can't wait till my daughter is old enough to go play!!
There used to be a site exclusively for haunted NJ. Unfortunately, it's gone :( I love places like that. Planning on taking a trip down (wanted to this summer but rather not take any chances being preggo) There's alot of cool **** down there!



New member
You HAVE to pick up the Weird NJ roadbook before you start out. They really do cover all the good ones!!!


New member
Here is a better image of the viaduct


And the tunnles (too creepy for me)


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