What were you doing at the time on 9/11


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2005
HAhahaha...AIG has probably got a migraine by now

3-4 days before 9/11...I was walking in the corridor of my house late morning yawn and wearing socks too...then a sharp pain emitted from my left foot..I stopped and looked...there in my left foot lodged a toothpick...I yanked it out...and noticed that the tip was missing...I promptly removed my sock and could not find any obvious signs of the tip...although I treaded lightly with my foot...I knew something was seriously wrong with my foot(it became very tender)after a couple of days...I went to the hospital because of the pain...but the hand held scan of my foot revealed nothing...so I went home...It became so infected the next day...that I went back and was given immediate anti biotics and that I had to be admitted to the hospital for operation(to probe the cause)...anyway..they had me on the"nil by mouth" thang...and I was repeatedly told that my operation was soon....then at the last minute postponed..when I finally went under the knife...it was very late at night...I can remember the operating theatre was full of "students" hmmm so I'm thinking why don't they just anaesthetize my foot and probe...nope they actually put me under....I remember when I was brought to(I was real groggy)...I was told by the doc"that it was all over"....anyway i slipped back in to deep sleep....when I awoke I heard a t.v blaring out a report that a planes had hit a building in new york "breaking news"( it was a t.v another patient had next to my bed)...I looked at the screen and sure enough it was...I had actually thought it was some kind of movie...then when I realised it was'nt..I was kinda mesmerized by the story...(I was still in pain and given morphine)well a couple of days later when I was fully discharged..I was given the tip of the toothpick in a container..and was told that the saliva and dirt on it had caused the infection..

Well anyway...9/11 reminds me of being in the hospital at the time.
where was i when it happened...here it is

I was getting ready for work, a job i DESPISED so much i found it hard to get out of bed every morning......

i was putting my tie on and running down the stairs because i was late for work...and as i was putting my shoes on the downstairs tv was still on (we left it on for my bird...Cheecho...it keeps her entertained to not scream all the time)..and i looked up and saw the first tower in flames...smoldering. Then as i was getting my keys the second tower got hit. I was totaly freaked out.

got to work and they told us that we could go home if we wanted...and those that wanted to stay would get time and a half for working. I worked 5 hours and then decided since all the others went home i was done for the day. But we had radios on all day at the office (i worked for AT&T wireless at the time) i got to hear everything.......

very surreal day in my life....ill never forget it.......I honestly thought we were at war on our home turf....

very strange, very scary, and it in a off way......scarring.......
This is a discussion I have a lot with my father and mother. We repeat the same stories over and over again. My mom was sweeping off the front walkway, my dad was with his "Breakfast Club"...

That day I had been at work for about three hours, give or take, making deliveries and listening to the local classic rock station. No lie, I was cranking up Radar Love when a newscaster I had never heard before interrupted the song. I remember saying "mother****er! always during a song I like!" and the rest was history as they say.

I remember calling dispatch to confirm the story I had just heard after that I pulled over. I thought it was an accident or something to that affect. After a while sitting by the road, I pulled back into traffic and headed over to a coffee shop in Buford.

From my vantage point, with a crowd of people around the little television on the wall behind the cook, I watched the events and news of the day unravel. Around lunchtime, I left the store got back in my truck where my radio was going crazy. Dispatch was calling in all deliveries temporarily.

As I drove back to the hub, I wept. My mind instantly reverted to the things I saw in Iraq and how much I wished my life was taken in that conflict. So that, I wouldn't be here today to witness such a horrible, infamous day.

I will never forget and I will never forgive.
I was on my way home in between classes (I had a two hour lapse). The first plane had just hit. At that point they were unsure of what was going on. The school was very near my house, so within minutes I was home and in front of the TV. Which is where I spend most of the day, in awe. (Needless to say, classes for the rest of the day were cancelled). I couldn't believe the tragedy I was witnessing. Remembering that day is still a bit surreal.
I was driving northbound on I-85 in Atlanta headed for a large Honda dealership because I needed a driver side half shaft/cv axle for my old Accord
9/11/01 - I was getting a coffee at the 'Coffee Ground Cafe' on Rhode Island College Campus...

I was outside talking with a friend of mine, Mark, when I noticed a huge sigh come from the inside of the cafe... We both walked toward the door when young kid came out and told us that a passenger plane had just hit one of the World Trade Center buildings. Mark and I just turned to each other and mutually gave this expression of disbelief... "How could that happen?!", Mark said to me... "It's ****ing crystal clear out..."

I mulled it over in my mind for about 5 minutes or so until the amazement had partially cleared, and came to the conclusion that this had to be a terrorist attack. There is no other likely explanation.

I told Mark, "There is no way a passenger plane just happened to hit one of the world's largest set of buildings on a crystal clear day! This has to be terrorism, and based on the target, it must be Islam!"

Of course, being on a liberal college campus, I was immediately confronted by about 8 uber-liberals and reminded that it was 'unfair to accuse Islam of something like this without proof!' I immediately TRYED to explain to my new friends that to the best of my knowledge, the last time a plane accidentally hit a skyscraper, it was just after WWI. Radar had not been invented, The pressurized cabin was not in use, and IT WAS ****ING PEA SOUP FOGGY THAT DAY! I just got snared at....

A short time later, the second plane hit... I actually witnessed a car of Arabs driving of campus cheering in the car as they left... Any feeling of argumentative vindication was shallow or non-existent compared to the pit that quickly filled my stomach...

Then it happened... First the first tower went... Then the next...

I realized something right then...

I immediately called a buddy of mine who was unemployed at the time knowing that he would be home, and feeling the need to talk to someone.

"Sean" I said... kinda abrupt, a little nervous.... "Wassup man" he said back, with all the confidence of anyone not watching the TV at that time... I said, "Are you watching the news?" "No, Why?" sounding a little more concerned.... "Turn it on..."

You could actually hear his tone changing during this next question... Jokingly at first, but then a little more somber... "Why, Did something happen that going to change the world?"

At first I had no answer... I couldn't believe that conversation I was having... Had I actually witnessed what I think I did? Did Islam just launch an attack on the US?

I just simply replied "Yes", and hung up the phone...

I didn't hear from Sean until much later that night... and even then, we talked for about 30 minutes, but how much we said could have been said in about 3...
I was putting brake rotors on my truck and listening to Bob and Tom. I heard Kristi say a plane had just crashed into the WTC. I went inside to watch the Today show when i saw the other filthy muslims crash the other plane.
It will be like my parents knowing exactly where they were when Kennedy got shot.
RoyalOrleans said:
This is a discussion I have a lot with my father and mother. We repeat the same stories over and over again. My mom was sweeping off the front walkway, my dad was with his "Breakfast Club"...

That day I had been at work for about three hours, give or take, making deliveries and listening to the local classic rock station. No lie, I was cranking up Radar Love when a newscaster I had never heard before interrupted the song. I remember saying "mother****er! always during a song I like!" and the rest was history as they say.

I remember calling dispatch to confirm the story I had just heard after that I pulled over. I thought it was an accident or something to that affect. After a while sitting by the road, I pulled back into traffic and headed over to a coffee shop in Buford.

From my vantage point, with a crowd of people around the little television on the wall behind the cook, I watched the events and news of the day unravel. Around lunchtime, I left the store got back in my truck where my radio was going crazy. Dispatch was calling in all deliveries temporarily.

As I drove back to the hub, I wept. My mind instantly reverted to the things I saw in Iraq and how much I wished my life was taken in that conflict. So that, I wouldn't be here today to witness such a horrible, infamous day.

I will never forget and I will never forgive.

I feel the same way, we should NEVER forget...

I had moved to Florida, rolled into town on 9-10-2005. We were in a hotel, I turned on the TV to find something to entertain my daughter. I turned to a news channel by accident, I saw the first tower smoking...the news man was talking to a man in an office near the towers, who had seen the first plane hit. The man insisted that the plane hit the tower on purpose, not by accident as the newsman thought. As they were going back and forth about this the second plane came in, it was like a really bad movie, too hard to believe. I thought it couldn't be any worse until I saw those towers fall, knowing how many innocent people of all nationalities were in those buildings. Then of course I heard about the Pentagon. I don't care for the current administration but I began to worry that the president would be harmed and that Cheney would just have a heart attack after all his trouble. That was a day I will never forget.
The new job I started a week later had me sitting in a huge glassed in office, my desk facing the glass, of course planes for Sanford-Orlando airport approached right in front of me. For months afterward, it would bring tears to my eyes, each time hoping the plane would make it where it was going.
I was trying to figure out what motherhood was all about (like that wasn't enough stress) My daughter was exactly 8 weeks old to the hour (near minute) of the first strike. I was a freaking nut case from it and I still am. I tried to leave the area but had no where to go so I called my best friend and we panicked together. I pretty much spent the next month holding on to my daughter (rarely putting her down) and crying over the innocence she may never really know. (still do that too)
I was at my desk at work typing. When the announcement came over the radio, I tried to call my husband at the time who was at the Pentegon for a meeting. I couldn't get ahold of him (of course) all day. I was panicked the whole day that he was dead. I finally reached him 2 days later and he was one office over from where the ceiling feel in.

I'll never forget. I think it's supposed to be that way.
tizz said:
I was trying to figure out what motherhood was all about (like that wasn't enough stress) My daughter was exactly 8 weeks old to the hour (near minute) of the first strike. I was a freaking nut case from it and I still am. I tried to leave the area but had no where to go so I called my best friend and we panicked together. I pretty much spent the next month holding on to my daughter (rarely putting her down) and crying over the innocence she may never really know. (still do that too)

I thought the same thing of my daughter. She was only 4 at the time. I thougth about the world pre 9-11 and realized it would never be the same again. She would never know the security that I had growing up in the US. They not only killed all those people, took down our buildings but they stole our security. If my Father had lived to see that, I think that might have killed him to see that. He was the type to get out his shotgun and watch over house and home.
I was sleeping. It was after midnight. The air-con was humming. The phone rang. I let it ring. I heard a mate calling out to me over the answer machine. I recognised the voice, and decided I was not gonna go out drinking with him.

The phone rang again, and again, and again, and again. This was pissing me off to the max. I got up, to unplug the phone. It rang again. As I was reaching for the phone plug, my mate's voice came on the recorder. "Pick up the goddam phone. We are at war. Pick up the ****ing phone."

Intrigued, I picked up the phone. "Switch on your TV, it's on every ****ing channel." It was. He (Justin) came around, and we sat up till dawn, watching the replays over and over and over again. Every ****ing channel.

Having worked in demolition, and realising how hard it is to get a tall building to collapse in its own footprint, I was calling it for a demo job. A Planned demo job.

I watched that goddam nasty footage so many hundred ****ing times. I know that many people, including Aussies, were killed there. I still couldn't escape the gut feeling that those buildings were intentionally brought down.

I still have visions of planes full of innocent people crashing into those towers. I still don't believe, despite engineers reports, that the impacts brought those buildings down.

It was a sad day for America. It was a sad day for the World. It was a terrifying day for the concept of a safe continent, anywhere on the globe.
It was an absolutely cataclismic time for all concerned.

But I am not sorry to say, I still believe those towers were expertly demolished, as were the surrounding buildings that were not even touched by falling debris.

Call me a ****. I don't care. I don't believe those buildings, or those around them that were untouched by any ****ing thing, should have fallen down.

I'm just as pissed off as you about this ****-up, but I will not be swayed by bullshit accounts of perfectly good buildings falling in their own footprints after impact at high levels. It just does not happen.

Now, before you start taking chunks out of me to feed to your hounds, explain to me why WC7 was dropped to the ground? Tell me again how long it took the demo experts to drop it to the ground?

A perfectly good low-rise brownstone heritage building, taking up valuable inner-city space, suddenly becomes an unstable structure, despite no damage, and no foundation problems, it must be demolished?

Bring it down, was the order given. Bring it down. :mad:
I took some architecture classes while in college but not enough to have any great knowledge of the structure of these buildings but I was completely shocked when all those buildings came down. I have a thing for watching buildings blown up and how they can bring them straight down in their own footprint or down to one said or the other if there is vacant lot. It was just a sickening sight seeing them come down killing the people in them, both people who worked there and the fireman and policemen that went in to help. When they showed the picture of an elderly priest who died as a result I think of being there only to help, that really broke me up (not being religious, especially not Catholic, that should tell you how effected I was by this whole thing).
Lethalfind said:
I took some architecture classes while in college but not enough to have any great knowledge of the structure of these buildings but I was completely shocked when all those buildings came down. I have a thing for watching buildings blown up and how they can bring them straight down in their own footprint or down to one said or the other if there is vacant lot. It was just a sickening sight seeing them come down killing the people in them, both people who worked there and the fireman and policemen that went in to help. When they showed the picture of an elderly priest who died as a result I think of being there only to help, that really broke me up (not being religious, especially not Catholic, that should tell you how effected I was by this whole thing).

I find this intresting. I was sitting around with my loser friend smoking pot like the loser that I am. We watched in a surreal trance while puffing on a fatty. My buddy made a comment " Dude I wouldn't go anywhere near those buildings. They look like they're gonna fall". I agreed with him and we talked for abut 2 minutes about how the buildings looked as if they could come down, and then they did.

Two stoners with no real education or architectural knowledge and we both observed that these buildings would fall. Why is that?
I was at a basketball game when I heard the news. I was upset, yet I knew what was coming which made me even more upset. Every sorts of people died in those towers, American, Asian, European, Canadian, and yes even Muslims! Fallauto did you think so too with the Okahoma bombings?
Hamza123 said:
I was at a basketball game when I heard the news. I was upset, yet I knew what was coming which made me even more upset. Every sorts of people died in those towers, American, Asian, European, Canadian, and yes even Muslims! Fallauto did you think so too with the Okahoma bombings?

I had just got to my permanent duty station in OKC when that happened... I was at my squadron... I had only been there about 2 weeks so I really didn't know the town at all or many people...

I was outside smoking a cig when I heard the most ear wrenching sound... looked on the horizon and saw the cloud... Really didn't have much time to think about who had done it, because the whole base went into immediate lockdown and my jet was scrambled....

But as I thought more about it, I figured it was probably seperatist groups... after all, it was on an aniversary of WACO and I really didn't think OKC was on a list somewhere in Mecca, but I did have my suspicions... I can't lie...

But my suspicions do not constitute fact, but when they said that a militant white guy had done it, my heart sunk... after all it's easier to fight with your neighbor than your roomate...
Wow, ironic that I just saw this thread after I ranted to Tori in the chat.

Well, I was at school...it was grade 8. I remember getting the news, and our principal was just like, "everyone's okay, it's nothing major, blahblah"

But then we turned on the TVs. Everyone completely lost it. Kids were falling apart, crying, the whole lot. It was terrible.

And then I "hit" some kid today for saying that the victims of 9/11 deserved it, and that America got what it deserved. Then I got in a wee spot of trouble for retaliating to the ****ed up muslim piece of dirt.
Well you all seem reasonable so do your segregational remarks, they too seem reasonable since you have had some bad experiences. Although, you somehow have the right to do so while othees don't? You can not only compare that with the "school yard" these days and the "real world".

"Militant white guy", Hmm... well then since it may seem to you that all Muslims are militants, than just because of little Timmy I can assume that all "white guys" are militants?... Is there some kind of excuse or loophole in this? Meh, well I guess I am just gonna have to pick up my crap together and deal.
I had gotten up to take a long winded piss when the phone rang... and rang... and rang...

Finally, after peeing longer then Ogre in revenge of the nerds, I answered the phone and it was my uncle telling me to turn it to the news, so I do, and I got in on it when only the first tower was hit. I watched for a while and saw the second one get hit live. Then heard about the other 2 planes. I guess it didn't really effect me too much at first because I thought it was an accident, then when the second one hit, I was like "HOLY ****, SOMEONE WANTS TO START A WAR"

And when the towers came down, I turned off the T.V. and went on the internet to get the real story, I knew the war had already begun.
Hamza123 said:
Well you all seem reasonable so do your segregational remarks, they too seem reasonable since you have had some bad experiences. Although, you somehow have the right to do so while othees don't? You can not only compare that with the "school yard" these days and the "real world".

"Militant white guy", Hmm... well then since it may seem to you that all Muslims are militants, than just because of little Timmy I can assume that all "white guys" are militants?... Is there some kind of excuse or loophole in this? Meh, well I guess I am just gonna have to pick up my crap together and deal.

People tend to classify thier 'peers' with closer scrutiny than they do 'outsiders'... We tend to sub-classify white guys into 'militant', rascist, or just plain old asshole! While we tend to generalize Arabs (outsiders)... Don't take it personally... I'm sure Arabs do the same to us... It will all come out in the wash....