What were you doing at the time on 9/11

I see your point, it's a good one. I guess it's a cycle of life... Anyways, I didn't wan't those attacks happending on the US at all just as much as you guys.
I have to say that when I realized as the second plane hit, that it was NOT a replay of the first, the first thing that came out of my mouth as I stood in shock was "Bin Laden"
Wow, mad respect for that. I hate how Bin Hidin' takes on the Muslim persona. Oh how I wish I could write a sticky on Islam. :p
Hamza123 said:
Wow, mad respect for that. I hate how Bin Hidin' takes on the Muslim persona. Oh how I wish I could write a sticky on Islam. :p

I think the western world is in the right for demanding an explanation from Islam on how You could allow something like 911 to happen... I know it's kinda not really your place to rationalize Islamic actions as a whole, but you need to understand that We in the US are deeply offended by this type of thing.... And we are going to continue to 'hate' Islam for it until we feel that we have been properly compensated...

It sounds shallow, but we are very rational people (most of us) and only need to have it explained, and have a good faith gesture shown to knock it off the books... As of yet, we have seen no show of good faith...

We are deeply offended by this PARTICULAR type of attack! sneaky!

Even when we have every right to launch an attack we announce our declaration of war to basically the whole world! Not only to our allies, BUT TO THE VERY PEOPLE WE INTEND TO HARM!

That type of attack is VERY disrespectful....

I sometimes think to myself that I could almost handle the 911 attacks and even justify them if there had been a formal declaration of sorts... But then again, Islam has been saying things like this for decades....

What Bin Laden has done was to hand you a double edged sword.... On one hand, the US is finally taking Islam more seriously... But then again, We are taking you MORE SERIOUSLY.... And when we lose our footloose attitude, people tend to get hurt...

I'm interested in seeing what you have to say about this....
RoyalOrleans said:
As I drove back to the hub, I wept. My mind instantly reverted to the things I saw in Iraq and how much I wished my life was taken in that conflict. So that, I wouldn't be here today to witness such a horrible, infamous day.

I will never forget and I will never forgive.

Oh babe, I know there is nothing in this world I can do to understand, but I just wish I could give you the biggest hug ever. I just sat here for a few minutes talking to a drunken fullauto, the both of us sort of crying. You got us right in the heart, mate. Your story..best/most touching.

But I can try...
big hug
And I'm glad you're still here.
Fallauto, I could say the same to Christians as how they let Minister "faghater" happen at the Baptist church. I admit I don't trust Islam as a religion, but in the same breath I will say that never have I really thought of Bin Laden and Islam in the same thought. HE is a terrorist of his own religion and schizophrenic world.
HAhahaha...AIG has probably got a migraine by now

Ya think :rolleyes:

Well let's see.What was I doing?
I came from college to find my family glued to the TV.I didn't think anything of it,so I went to my room,got changed.Came downstairs made myself a meal.Went back upstairs and read a novel.
Then I looked at my watch,saw that my favourite program was coming on.
Went down to the sitting room,and behold! they were still glued to the tv.I told them I wanted to watch my program.My mum shushed me.I said ''what's goin' on?''.My sister filled me in.I didn't really know how I felt at that moment.But course I was not so heartless to still think of my favourite show.I sat quietly and watched along with my family.Somewhere inside me I knew there would be terrible consiquences for this disaster.I knew the world would be thrown into caos.
And no,I didn't celebrate it.But if it was the white house,now that's a different story.
Ya think :rolleyes:

Well let's see.What was I doing?
I came from college to find my family glued to the TV.I didn't think anything of it,so I went to my room,got changed.Came downstairs made myself a meal.Went back upstairs and read a novel.
Then I looked at my watch,saw that my favourite program was coming on.
Went down to the sitting room,and behold! they were still glued to the tv.I told them I wanted to watch my program.My mum shushed me.I said ''what's goin' on?''.My sister filled me in.I didn't really know how I felt at that moment.But course I was not so heartless to still think of my favourite show.I sat quietly and watched along with my family.Somewhere inside me I knew there would be terrible consiquences for this disaster.I knew the world would be thrown into caos.
And no,I didn't celebrate it.But if it was the white house,now that's a different story.

"But if it was the white house,now that's a different story."

I can't say I'm surprised at all at your statement. You are aware there was a plane headed to the whitehouse that did not make it.
Sad that people can get so wrapped up in hating that they could rejoice in the destruction of something like the White House, a National treasure and symbol of our Democracy. There are those that would die, families split apart, people who would bear the physical scars the rest of their lives, not too mention the innocent people who work there, and the people who would be unaffected physically but forever emotionally traumtized by such an event.

Please understand, my country is far from perfect, I'm sure it never will be. HOWEVER, its my country and one its symbols is the White House. At the moment I think there is an ass hole living there, but its still almost a holy symbol of my country, the country of my birth. I will be many things in my life, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a nurse, a neighbor, a friend, a lover, a wife, no matter how many hats I wear throughout, I will always be an American.
Lethalfind said:
"But if it was the white house,now that's a different story."

I can't say I'm surprised at all at your statement. You are aware there was a plane headed to the whitehouse that did not make it.
Sad that people can get so wrapped up in hating that they could rejoice in the destruction of something like the White House, a National treasure and symbol of our Democracy. There are those that would die, families split apart, people who would bear the physical scars the rest of their lives, not too mention the innocent people who work there, and the people who would be unaffected physically but forever emotionally traumtized by such an event.

Please understand, my country is far from perfect, I'm sure it never will be. HOWEVER, its my country and one its symbols is the White House. At the moment I think there is an ass hole living there, but its still almost a holy symbol of my country, the country of my birth. I will be many things in my life, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a nurse, a neighbor, a friend, a lover, a wife, no matter how many hats I wear throughout, I will always be an American.

Not surprising at all! Not surprising that she read a novel and ignored the whole thing either... She's a ****ing muslim, they all hate us and want us dead!
tizz said:
Fallauto, I could say the same to Christians as how they let Minister "faghater" happen at the Baptist church. I admit I don't trust Islam as a religion, but in the same breath I will say that never have I really thought of Bin Laden and Islam in the same thought. HE is a terrorist of his own religion and schizophrenic world.
Sorry... I'm not a Xtian... But I do also think that Xtianity has some explaining to do... lots of it... But I did not ask for Xtianity's explanation, nor did I ask you for your opinion on who exactly the problem should be traced to... Don't get defensive... I just have yet to hear a decent explanation as to why millions of muslims cheered in the streets as 9/11 happened and yet we are told that Islam is a religion of peace.... Something smells... Check AIG's burka...
I am not christian wither. I was just pointing out that Islam is not on it's own with how it reacts to radicals ;)
Ya think :rolleyes:

Well let's see.What was I doing?
I came from college to find my family glued to the TV.I didn't think anything of it,so I went to my room,got changed.Came downstairs made myself a meal.Went back upstairs and read a novel.
Then I looked at my watch,saw that my favourite program was coming on.
Went down to the sitting room,and behold! they were still glued to the tv.I told them I wanted to watch my program.My mum shushed me.I said ''what's goin' on?''.My sister filled me in.I didn't really know how I felt at that moment.But course I was not so heartless to still think of my favourite show.I sat quietly and watched along with my family.Somewhere inside me I knew there would be terrible consiquences for this disaster.I knew the world would be thrown into caos.
And no,I didn't celebrate it.But if it was the white house,now that's a different story.

I was on my way to work when I turned the radio on to Sean Hanity I think it was. He was already talking about it. With my time zone and I didn
I would love for us to go over and do it right.

Like you my first gut reaction was someones getting bombed and someones gonna pay. Reality however dictates that we have started a war that will never end. You can declare war on a government or a countries leadership, but you cannot defeat guerilla warfare of this nature. Kinda reminds me of the war on drugs. You can defeat certain parts of what drives it, but never will you actualy remove it from our world. Whats going on in Iraq serves as a microcosm of what our war on terrorism will amount to.

My big question is this. Why have there not been any terrorist incidents in America since 9/11? Its not that hard really to continously attack the us , be it big or small. Which was my original fear when all this started. That our nation from here on out would be subject to attack time and time again. Is it because our leaders have actualy done something to stave off these attacks or is it something else?
fullauto said:
I think the western world is in the right for demanding an explanation from Islam on how You could allow something like 911 to happen... I know it's kinda not really your place to rationalize Islamic actions as a whole, but you need to understand that We in the US are deeply offended by this type of thing.... And we are going to continue to 'hate' Islam for it until we feel that we have been properly compensated...

It sounds shallow, but we are very rational people (most of us) and only need to have it explained, and have a good faith gesture shown to knock it off the books... As of yet, we have seen no show of good faith...

We are deeply offended by this PARTICULAR type of attack! sneaky!

Even when we have every right to launch an attack we announce our declaration of war to basically the whole world! Not only to our allies, BUT TO THE VERY PEOPLE WE INTEND TO HARM!

That type of attack is VERY disrespectful....

I sometimes think to myself that I could almost handle the 911 attacks and even justify them if there had been a formal declaration of sorts... But then again, Islam has been saying things like this for decades....

What Bin Laden has done was to hand you a double edged sword.... On one hand, the US is finally taking Islam more seriously... But then again, We are taking you MORE SERIOUSLY.... And when we lose our footloose attitude, people tend to get hurt...

I'm interested in seeing what you have to say about this....

People judge Islam and make straight away assumptions becuase of what they see on CNN... Not form the Qur'an and not from a real told history on the Prophet. Thats what most people do anyways and it has long begun to rub off on others. If you knew that Muslims in the Middle East, live in the shadows of these terrorists and can't do **** all about it, maybe you might think otherwise. If they tried they would get there heads cut off. When ever Bin Laden hurts you he hurts your people, when you see people cheering in the streets, thats the western media's attempt to crumble the image of Islam. My mom and her friends cried on September 11th, the majority of Muslims are moderate now-a-days. Islam doesn't need to explain anything because it's all in the real history of Islam, the Qur'an and Muhammad's real explained journeys. But who does have to do some explaining is not Bin Laden, it's the Moderate Muslims who have been silent for a long time and they should really to start to show the world who the terrorists are and who the Muslims are.
Hamza123 said:
People judge Islam and make straight away assumptions becuase of what they see on CNN... Not form the Qur'an and not from a real told history on the Prophet. Thats what most people do anyways and it has long begun to rub off on others. If you knew that Muslims in the Middle East, live in the shadows of these terrorists and can't do **** all about it, maybe you might think otherwise. If they tried they would get there heads cut off. When ever Bin Laden hurts you he hurts your people, when you see people cheering in the streets, thats the western media's attempt to crumble the image of Islam. My mom and her friends cried on September 11th, the majority of Muslims are moderate now-a-days. Islam doesn't need to explain anything because it's all in the real history of Islam, the Qur'an and Muhammad's real explained journeys. But who does have to do some explaining is not Bin Laden, it's the Moderate Muslims who have been silent for a long time and they should really to start to show the world who the terrorists are and who the Muslims are.

I must say... If an american group had coordinated an attack on japan that resulted in almost 3000 deaths, I feel totally comfortable in saying that we would 'Not tolerate it' to put it mildly....

Islam is your religion! Don't let it get hijacked, and stop blaming CNN for making it worse... If Islam showed a little good faith by getting off theri collective asses and policing their own people, then we won't have to...

But that's not what happens... So from our point of view, it seems that Islam doesn't care, or actually condones this ****... So we put ourselves at a state of rediness... which is dangerous, because if we wanted to, we would flatten any country we choose...

Islam has poked a sleeping dragon... It would be best to appologies...
You mean the US Army would... Not you.. Of course thats why you're not in charge of that right? Well, I do agree with you, The silence of moderate-muslims around the world is BULL. Thats why I am taking a stand, yet people like to bring me down a lot. :(