What's the worst genre of music?

Actually after being stuck in traffic today I have to say the worst music is any music that can be played loud enough on a car stereo to make my windows shake from three cars away. THere is going to be an entire generation of poeple that go deaf at teh age of 35!!! If I had the money I would buy up stock in hearing aides now!
tizz said:
Actually, after being stuck in traffic today, I have to say the worst music is any music that can be played loud enough on a car stereo to make my windows shake from three cars away. There is going to be an entire generation of people that go deaf at the age of 35!!! If I had the money, I would buy up stock in hearing aides now!

That would be the Rap GARBAGE being played by the young MORONS these days. :mad: :mad: :mad:
I couldn't tell all I heard was bass that was making my stomache hurt and causing structural damage to the frame of my car
WildBaldMonkey said:

Polka, who invented that **** and why?

So people like me could go and get drunk at the local Germania club and other German American Clubs around here, and dance like a fiend...1-2-3 und 1-2-3 und... :)

Not to mention, if you EVER get the chance to go to Munich for Octoberfest, you'll learn to LOVE polka...believe me! Never had so much fun in my whole life!
The worst possible music is by far this emo and punk/pop music. I think that it might be even worse when it's mixed (not sure if it ever isn't), but either way, it sucks hard, like a brand new hoover.

having said that....

I love country music!! My favorite artist of all time is Tim McGraw, and Toby Keith is ranked up there too. I like rock music, and alternative music. I like some rap or hip hop, whatever it's called, but I tend to shy away from that since I've gotten a bit older.
When it comes to music nowdays, what I just can't seem to understand is that many times, when I try to listen to it, I cannot overcome the urge to shout out "The Damn Record Needle Is Skipping Again!" :eek: and then somebody tells me, it's SUPPOSED to sound like that. Oh... :confused:
I was gonna say rap but Polka beats rap by far :p

New country is good now. better then listining to thump thump biff biff of rap. Hip Hop? Where did that name come from? Its the same bullshit as rap.

But I don't diss any music. I know what my parents went through

Rock and Roll will never die!!
Best Canadian Band... The Guess Who. Old rock but still good.
Burt Cummings was a musical phenomenon.
gansta rap, and anything where they are screaming so load that I can't understand anything they are saying
tizz said:
At least we can laugh at polka ;)

Id still rather listen to polka music than rap.......

or Beyonce's Child......I refuse to listen to a pretty heartfelt song that uses words like; Crib, buggin', boo, and cant even say the word you properly....instead opting for CHOO...

I don't listen to the crap at all. Right now I only have Harry Connick Jr. (songs from kid's flicks) and Daniel Lanois in the car and Robbie Robertson in the home player. (In search of my CCR and The Band though) Hell looking at my CD collection, even I think I look like a freak but there is NO pop crap (though I am starting to dig green day but I won't buy it) no rap no new country and NO hip hop.
Look at Me Chairman Mao and all you Brawl Hall Morons! I'm a Honorary Idiot Box Member and I can Post here...What a bunch of Crybabies! Whaaaaa! :p
I would bash every last one of those rhyming welfare advertisements with a baseball bat.
Boy bands can just eat ****. They suck worse than rap.
Classical sucks even worse. It
I'm Yellow because I'm full of Pee Pee? No, that's not it....

I'm Yellow because I toilet papered Phreakwars trailer and trailer park? No, that's not it...

I'm Yellow because R/O pissed on my parade? No, that's not it...

I'm Yellow because I groped Tizz in the Premium Members Forum? No, that's not it, but it should have been! :p

I'm Yellow because all of the negative Brownie Points I've earned finally caught up with me? No, that's not it...

I know...I VOLUNTEERED to be Yellow (i.e. In the Idiot Box) for 24 hours so that Phreak could prove a point to Chairman Mao the Bitch and the other lame asses over at Brawl Hall. Our Idiot Box is a great tool, but it hardly bans a person from participating. It just dewclaws them for a little bit!
1. Teenybopper(IE: Hillary Duff <-----dual threat! Can't sing OR act)

2. "pop" punk (IE: Green Day, Avril Lavigne)

3. Pop (IE: Christina Aguleria, P!nk, Britney Spears)

4. Hip Hop/R&B/Rap (IE: Nelly, Destiny's child, Chingy )

5. New rock crap (IE: Audioslave, nickelback, White Stripes)
RegisteredAndEducated said:
The worst possible music is by far this emo and punk/pop music. I think that it might be even worse when it's mixed (not sure if it ever isn't), but either way, it sucks hard, like a brand new hoover.

having said that....

I love country music!! My favorite artist of all time is Tim McGraw, and Toby Keith is ranked up there too. I like rock music, and alternative music. I like some rap or hip hop, whatever it's called, but I tend to shy away from that since I've gotten a bit older.

What the hell is wrong with some good ol' fashioned punk music?? Disclaimer-I am NOT referring to Green Day/Avril Lavigne. NOTHING good about them.
And what is wrong with jazz and classical? I love Tchikovsky. And Chopin. And a good opera now and then. Bizet is BRILLIANT with Carmen.
Cmon guys...Miles Davis? What isn't to like about that??