What's the worst genre of music?

angie said:
What the hell is wrong with some good ol' fashioned punk music?? ...Bizet is BRILLIANT with Carmen... What isn't to like about that??

To true Angie! If I wasn't playing in the Idiot Box, I'd slap you some rep points!

Violent Femmes rule! "When I'm walking, I strut my stuff and I'm so strung out...I'm high as a kite but I just might, stop to check you out!" :p

Georges Bizet was a genius who sadly died of a sudden heart attack at the age of 38, just 3 months after he premiered Carmen to a very cool reception. The critics panned it. It wasn't until after his death, and the opera went around the world and was sung in the vernacular of the region in which it was being produced, that it became popular. Today, the Toreador's Song is the most widely known piece from ANY work of music theatre. :)
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
To true Angie! If I wasn't playing in the Idiot Box, I'd slap you some rep points!

Violent Femmes rule! "When I'm walking, I strut my stuff and I'm so strung out...I'm high as a kite but I just might, stop to check you out!" :p

Georges Bizet was a genius who sadly died of a sudden heart attack at the age of 38, just 3 months after he premiered Carmen to a very cool reception. The critics panned it. It wasn't until after his death, and the opera went around the world and was sung in the vernacular of the region in which it was being produced, that it became popular. Today, the Toreador's Song is the most widely known piece from ANY work of music theatre. :)

Dammit Janet!!!! Another song I will never get out of my head!!!!!!!
tizz said:
Dammit Janet!!!! Another song I will never get out of my head!!!!!!!

singing "Why can't I get just one ****? Why can't I get just one ****? Guess it's got something to do with luck but I've waited my whole life for just one.....Dayyyyyyyyyyyyyy"
Damn another CD I have to bring out of hiding (kid's four now I think she can use a little VF's and perhaps some Ramone's mixed in with the Velvet Underground) ARG it's too damn hot to go hunting around the third floor for my cd's

Don't feel bad Tizz...My 3 sons just came back from 6 weeks with their Mom, and she's old school Hip Hop and stuff, so on the way from the airport, what does my 9 year old start off singing and which the 11 and 12 year old just jumped right in?

That's right... Sir Mix-A-Lot

"I like big butts and I can not lie
You other brothers can't deny
That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist
And a round thing in your face
You get sprung..."

I wanted to slap their mother in the passenger seat right there...

Ya know, for some reason I just can't figure out, people just seem to burst out into that song just after I walk past them. Damned if I know why :p
Green Day

I have to disagree with that one slighty.

They used to be Punk. Now, they're Pop Punk.

They used to be a good band. That's until they started the political ****.
I have never owned one of thier albums but I have liked what I have heard of them. I like that song "I walk alone" or whatever.
I like them personally. I can see why someone wouldn't like them. It kind of made we mad when they got into the whole political thing because I don't listen to music for that. I have most of their cds and they're pretty good. ;)
Yeah, and I liked that one, too. It's just that Green Day was mainly pure punk before. I guess it's just that people now days have no idea what good music is. Maybe they thought they had to "sell-out" to sell cds. Who knows? Whatever it was, I wish they would go back to the old Green Day. :)
I haven't followed them so I don't know about "selling-out" but they make some good music. I am not sure being popular means your music MUST suck and unless oyu are completely lost PUNK is by nature political (Anarchy in th UK) ring a bell? Pure punk is sticking in the ass of those in charge. If you aren't doing that then you sure as hell are NOT punk!
cynthiaa89 said:
I like them personally. I can see why someone wouldn't like them. It kind of made we mad when they got into the whole political thing because I don't listen to music for that. I have most of their cds and they're pretty good. ;)

Political music... Billy Bragg from England is the KING of mixing Pop & Politics. :)
cynthiaa89 said:
Green Day

I have to disagree with that one slighty.

They used to be Punk. Now, they're Pop Punk.

They used to be a good band. That's until they started the political ****.

At one time they were cool. I hate it when famous people use their celebtrity status to give their political opinions to everyone. Just make the music!
And what kind of punk would you be if you DIDN'T use your status to make your voice heard.



You should all turn in your bouncin' souls