Whats with your username?


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2005
I'm curious what reasons did ya'll choose your username for.

I chose my retarded username Because I couldn't think of a name and the movie "Short Circuit" was on so, viola, Jhony5 was born to irritate and inferiate the masses.

Some of your names are kinda obvious. Like our pal, president of the Osama Bin Laden fan club, MRIH.

AIG, the Qu'ran toting Somalian hottie.

NASCAR junkie, who apparently gets off swilling beer and watching white trash drive in circles. YEEEEE HAWWWW!

Phreakwars, Hmmmm, can't figure that one.
Mine has to do with one of my jobs. Since there are too many that cant quite seem to handle some things with an open mind I choose to keep that reason private....(right now). Hell its not even a bad thing, but even in the gay community some dont even get it....

I have nothing to hide in all honesty, but there is no reason for me to discredit myself to total biggots this early in my WYPO carreer...Sponsor or not !

I just dont want a stigma placed on me at this point and time...thats all. Shrug.

and i knew it about your Jhonny5 Alive thing :).....
Phreakwars is a name I have used for years. It started back when I was first learning Unix/Linux.

I used my skillz to hack into machines... at that time, you were dealing with mainly the Windows 95 operating system and people using a dial-up connection.... learning the game of getting inside was childsplay.

Computers were becoming mainstream and AOL was the flavor of the year.
I had encountered a Pedophile on AOL who REALLY pissed me off big time with the **** he sent me..

I soon learned that a majority of the people who spread child porn frequented mIRC.

So I downloaded the mIRC app and was totally lost... so finding a support group on mIRC I learned that the base of IRC was run by UNIX commands, and I also learned how much superior UNIX was to the Windows OS and how much more could be accomplished NET WISE as well..

I then embarked on a couple college courses to sharpen up my knowledge of Unix/Linux, and then trained with one of the best damn hackers to come out of mIRC.

Together, he and I and several others would compromise PC's on mIRC to gain access and administrative control, where we would delete directories and rewrite AUTOEXEC.BAT files to wipe out hard drives of pedophiles we would make "FRIENDS" with. We would also trace them back to there ISP, then report them to the authorities. Basically, whatever we were in the mood for.. we would do to there computers.

My tactic was using multiple personas and such to entice some of these guys to let us see there warez... well anyway... one of my buddy's (ESPO) had commented to me once that it was a never ending battle.. To which I replied that I was "AT WAR WITH THESE DAMN FREAKS" and that I would never give up... to which he replied..."don't you mean phreaks, this is the internet after all ?" Thus the persona "PHREAKWARS" was born. I had up until that point, only used my AOL screen name on mIRC and other names when hunting the pervs.. but never had my own handle away from that. So thanks to ESPO and his quote, and a buddy named "Hacker XT" from AOL who taught me the art of exploration for educational purposes, and where to learn more. The battle against the freaks of the internet were summed up in my screen name to define who I was.

PHREAK = Phone/Communication Line, WARS = Battle ( = INTERNET BATTLE )

Pretty slick huh ??

Edit: HACKER XT just happened to stumble across his name being posted on GF in this post, and contacted me to say WAZ UP.. Good to still have the old school friends around. Lots of things to catch up on !!
Phreak now you scare me LOL

Mine is my name. I know, no creativity on my part but when I start using screen names I forget what i use where. Ya it's sad. Besides I have nothing to hide and therefore need nothing to hide behind.
tizz said:
Phreak now you scare me LOL

Mine is my name. I know, no creativity on my part but when I start using screen names I forget what i use where. Ya it's sad. Besides I have nothing to hide and therefore need nothing to hide behind.

I like it. Short, and to the point.
Don't try and convince me tizz made a point. She just likes responding to everything.... ****ing forum whore..

Mine came from a "Superman" character called "The Kryptonite Man" from back in the day before the DC Comics major revamp. :cool:
Vortex said:
I just want to do your hair sweetie :D

Uh, I hope you weren't talking to me, but to tizz, my hair is about 1/4 of an inch long, not much styling to be done.

And tizz... bitch better have my money !!!!

Think I'm gonna idiot box her till she buys a premium membership.

phreakwars said:
Uh, I hope you weren't talking to me, but to tizz, my hair is about 1/4 of an inch long, not much styling to be done.

And tizz... bitch better have my money !!!!

Think I'm gonna idiot box her till she buys a premium membership.


I quoted Tizz, so no...it wasnt to you...i have other ideas instore for you my friend...

..yes im kidding...
I've posted on other sites as Changeyourlatitude, Ol Sarge and my real name... I couldn't think of anything but this frigging heat here as I tried to choose my name so I chose Crispy Critter. Crispy like a red hot sunburn and Critter based on my age. Guess if I were younger I'd be Crispy Dude?
phreakwars said:
Uh, I hope you weren't talking to me, but to tizz, my hair is about 1/4 of an inch long, not much styling to be done.

And tizz... bitch better have my money !!!!

Think I'm gonna idiot box her till she buys a premium membership.


Believe me I have considered it, but at teh moment the check would bounce. Won't get much out of me till the fall schedual picks up at work!!!!!
Damn don't I at least get some credit for the new "avedon's beekeeper" avatar? OH POOP!! LOL