Whats with your username?

tizz said:
Oh come on you know you love him HEHE Don't mess with my PIMP LMAO

But I did nothing?


This is what I get for simply being friends with a whoar?


It's not fair, it's just not fair............

stamps feet and tuts
He keeps beating me with that stick so you bums better start ****ing paying up here!!!!!!

I am not FREE you know!!!!
Dude you could at least let me access my thread "life liverty and teh persuit of what now?" I have a very interesting article concerning the issue that I really would like to post there. No ****!! It is pretty much about stickin it to the man and how a few people are stricking back on the ciesure for private use descisions last week. Just give me access long enough to post that then back to the gimp cage with me
Ha Ha Ha Ha, the shoutbox is soo NOT busy cuz me n tizz are incarcerated.

Serves you right you hear me. I'll get you phreak, and your little dog too.....

NO really, somone at Plaza posted on it and I really wanted to add it to the thread I started here. Vpilot posted teh article
pjbuk said:
Ha Ha Ha Ha, the shoutbox is soo NOT busy cuz me n tizz are incarcerated.

Serves you right you hear me. I'll get you phreak, and your little dog too.....


Yes, I am enjoying the quiet tranquility, thanks for asking.
tizz said:
NO really, somone at Plaza posted on it and I really wanted to add it to the thread I started here. Vpilot posted teh article

Let that be a lesson for those who want to WHORE around on the GF boards..

Your MY WHORES and I own you, so you better have my money if your gonna be whorin' on GF, I'll go after your FRIENDS too... I ain't playin BITCH... GIVE ME MY MONEY !!!
OK so until I raise teh funds to release myself from Phreaks clutches.... Could someone please copy this into " life liberty and the persuit of what now?" This is the article that I thought was good for that. It is from "The times"

Activist Tries a Grab for Jurist's Property
A foe of the high court's eminent domain ruling wants to apply it to seize David H. Souter's home.
By Benjamin Weyl
Times Staff Writer

June 30, 2005

Lemmee out!!!

Lemmee out o' this god damn little box!!!!

a blood curdling scream is heard along with clanking of chains and key

a longer blood curdling scream

My name has several meanings. It first came up because I am a Twisted Metal junkie and Outlaw is one of my favorite cars that has the coolest name (although Warthog is my all time favorite Twisted Metal Vehicle). Also I choose outlaw because an outlaw was usually a bad guy who was just rejected from society because he was different. The world opposed him and he fights back against his opposers by some means. Sounds more like an outcast but both words are somewhat synonymous in one sense. Since outlaw (once again) sounded better, I let it stand.

outlaw: A rebel; a nonconformist: a social outlaw.

Fits me fine considering the fact I am somewhat anti-social and my behavior tends to disturb people.
Let me say to the americans out there, Have a nice extended weekend if you have one and don't burn any fingers off with your roman candles ;)
Though I'm a native Georgian, I used the moniker RoyalOrleans here at GF. I don't know what made me decide to use the name, but I am a huge Led Zeppelin fan.
pjbuk said:
Lemmee out!!!

Lemmee out o' this god damn little box!!!!

a blood curdling scream is heard along with clanking of chains and key

a longer blood curdling scream


Shut up !! Or I'll shut you up myself... and remember, I don't give second warnings. Biiaatcchh !!

hey Phreak, really though, can you put my post about the eminent domain over in my thread? Whatever this idiot box is, it keeps me from posting in my own threads (you tricky devil!!) And you are out of luck till fall. The week I get back to work I am on teh schedual for 8.5 hours!!!!! Time for a job hunt or I can just shoot the bitch who makes the schedual, she deserves it!