When was chesters voice best?

when was chesters voice at best?

  • 2000

    Votes: 7 28.0%
  • 2001

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2002

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2003

    Votes: 7 28.0%
  • 2004

    Votes: 9 36.0%
  • 2005

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2006

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • 2007

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2008

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Never

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
i voted for 2001 coz in those shows there was more power and energy and how i believe more improvisation....like in and one or poa
I'd say 2001. And I'm not saying 2004 because I know that 2004 was the single year that Linkin Park was the most professionally recorded, and everytime they did all their mistakes were fixed digitally or whatever. It's like the first time they played Pushing Me Away's Piano version....Chester sang the wrong lyrics; but later in LPU6, you hear the exact same song (with the exact same speaking at the beginning and the exact same everything) except that every time Chester had made a mistake before, he didn't on this recording.

So they can fix all that stuff. And I'm sure they did so for like, RAR04 and on when they actually had time to do so.

But he's definitely gotten worse. He used to be phenomenal, but now he's just okay. He can still do crazy **** on stage, like Faint's outro when he improvises, or nailing the high notes in Given Up, but he can't do anything basic for **** and that's why he fails in my book.
I go with 2007 because I heard him live 2 times and it was awesome...don't let you get fooled by those bootleg recordings....
Err huh? I just said when I thought his voice was best, like the thread said. No sign of fanboyism tbh.
I wouldn't personally say 2004, cause what I've seen of 2004 (mainly rar) sucks...

if we put a reference point to papercut, the last papercut whose bridge didn't suck was in my book in 2003, LIT for example
2004. Mid/late 2004. He was sick at the last part of MWT. From the Euro Festivals to the end of PR, Chester's voice was the best it'll ever be. Mountain View 04 = best time ever....
Come on, guys, seriously.

Chester's voice in 2004 was so nasally. I remember Mark personally IM'ing me when Osaka came out saying how Chester had gotten SO MUCH BETTER at singing and how he wasn't nasally and had had pretty much a year and a half to rest his voice.

You guys aren't voting based on the Criteria, I say rename the poll to 'which year gives you the biggest LP Fangasm?'

And the logical answer would be 2004, then. You've got so many highly regarded performances. RAR04, for one, (but only because that's when LP started doing different **** to the beginning of the songs. lol), and that's when Meteora was still fresh in everyone's heads.

Chester's voice just gets too tired for too long. I think LP should hold back on the touring thing abit. I feel sorry for them, to be honest. Poor kids all over the world demand that they come to their country / city / village / whatever, and for what? Mainstream value?

I would much rather get a great live performance on my hard drive, than witness a shitty one live, to be honest.