Where do they get all those wonderful toys ??


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2005
You know, a thought occurred to me this evening as I was settling back in my office chair with a can of Coca Cola™ to read the evening news on the net... I was sadly disappointed that the killings in Iraq only amounted to 160 or so.

But it made me wonder... where the **** are these people getting all these ****ing bombs and **** with ??

I mean, here in America if you have more then a gallon of say ****ing ammonia in your house, you are either a terrorist or a meth dealer...

The only way to distinguish between the 2 is you will find cold tablets in the possession of a meth dealer, and probably peroxide in the possession of a terrorist.

So many different products and chemicals to choose from at our local green houses, hardware stores.. and Wal-Mart ??

Yet the only real BOOMS we get, are usually around 4th of July.

How fair is that ??

A serious question here... if your country was invaded, would you have the **** to defend your life and your family's life ??

I say there should be a new wave of commitment in America... Make BOMBS not METH.:rolleyes:

Not that I am trying to sound ****ing Apocalyptic or something, but think about THIS for a moment...

Think of all the pictures we see of the Iraqi culture.. ****ing outside markets and ****, all their **** imported, no place to ****ing plant anything.. how the **** do they get all the **** to make the boom booms ??

Does curry ****ing explode ??

I do know that many time they use old bombs that the US droped that did not explode as part of the bombs and ****... but where the **** are they getting all these God damned rocket lauchers and **** ??

Holy ****ing **** !!

I have been to like military surplus auctions and ****, and have seen weapons for sale... etc.. but Jesus, why can't I have a ****ing RPG Launcher ??

**** drive around North Omaha sometime and tell me I don't need an RPG weapon attached to my cars rooftop... it would give me a good excuse to say I needed the moonroof/rpg package at the Saturn dealer.

But anyways.. I also noticed that vehicles in America have really went down in quality too...

What ever happened to big ass sailboat sized Pontiac Catalinas that know how to smoosh a mother ****er when you hit them with your car...

I saw a ****ing Ford of some kind driving around town with half of its front fender gone.... the plastic was broke off :rolleyes: ..

It's not fair I tell you... I can't get all the **** I need to blow a mother ****er up, but some 3rd world desert dwelling God freaks who only a small amount know about ****ing electricity... can have an AK-47 ?? WTF ??

While confident in my shooting ability's, my 30-30 might not prove to be a combat type weapon. ****ing Johnny Jihad in Sadr City has one... I want MY M-60 too, and I want it from Wal-mart :cool:

Ammonium nitrate, and fuel oil/diesel/kero.

The car bomb that took out the nite clubs in Bali blew a crater in the ****ing bitumen road deep enough to bury a bus.

Dangerous ****. Nobody asks why I'm buying a fifty pound bag of fertiliser and a tankfull of diesel.

That's enough to take out a hotel.
aww, it's ok phreak, you just need to learn how to make this stuff.

i have an SKS with a 4X scope, anti-reflective lense covers, an 18" spike bayonet, and two 30 round magazines. also, a combat vest with places for extra ammunition, various tactical gear, etc...

also, a .308 hunting rifle with a redfield 4X scope, a bgroken-down ruger 10/22 that would fit in my jacket that has a conveniant place for it (i could have it open in the wind and you couldn't see it, a hell-fire trigger crank (gatling gun setup for any semi-auto rifle) and last but not least, a Remington 870 super express magnum 12GA shotgun with a 3' berrel and the ability to craft anything from incindeary to HE (high explosive) fillers for the shells.

on the bomb topic, a good 4-pack strap of seal bombs with the sand replaced by bulls-eye powder taped together and placed under a gallon of extreemly hi-nitrate fertaliser soaked in diesel fuel will make an impressive bang, napalm is a simple craft, smoke/incindeary grenades are all a matter of patassium-nitrate an suger (mix well and heat on MED. in a medium sauce pan) and hundreds of other nifty toys lay in my head, landmines are a rimfire shell a nail, spring, and some bulls-eye powder from fun, and all sorts of other grand 'toys' as you put it are a weekend away.

so, think some of us will get through an invasion?

(YES i know that i am concidered to be a 'hoodlum' 'juvenile delinquent' and all matter of other not-so-enduring terms, but thats not your problem.) at least i can have fun on the 4th :D
builder said:
Ammonium nitrate, and fuel oil/diesel/kero.
Dangerous ****. Nobody asks why I'm buying a fifty pound bag of fertiliser and a tankfull of diesel.

oh you suck ever so much......

i wanted to be the first to post that :D
We used ANFO to blow tree stumps out of the paddock years ago. It's not a new invention by any means.

Tell me, 60, how do you detonate it?
builder said:
Tell me, 60, how do you detonate it?

not sure if we are talking the exact same mixture, but a good dose of heat and compression have always worked. a fare ammount of explosives or tightly packed propellent has worked for tiny ammounts. sometimes it just blasts the stuff all over the place though, i think wrapping it into one pice should fix the problem.... maybe centralising the primary?

how do you?
Compressing it is dangerous. The mixture needs to be contained, like in a metal or impact plastic drum, and a mobile phone, with the wires from the ringtone sender disconnected and soldered to a low wattage diode, or resistor.

Call me sometime.
phreakwars said:
A serious question here... if your country was invaded, would you have the **** to defend your life and your family's life ??

Er... I have no idea how to make a bomb but I am married to Mr. Texas NRA. lol

I say there should be a new wave of commitment in America... Make BOMBS not METH.

That can be your new campaign slogan!

Think of all the pictures we see of the Iraqi culture.. ****ing outside markets and ****, all their **** imported, no place to ****ing plant anything.. how the **** do they get all the **** to make the boom booms ?? Does curry ****ing explode ??

LMFAO! (But this answers your next question...)

...but where the **** are they getting all these God damned rocket lauchers and **** ??

Maybe it's like you said- they are imported. Most likely bought on the black market or financed by the opposition organizers.
builder said:
ANFO: Ammonium nitrate, and fuel oil/diesel/kero.

Dangerous ****. Nobody asks why I'm buying a fifty pound bag of fertiliser and a tankfull of diesel. That's enough to take out a hotel.

I had no idea. Really scary. Thank goodness you are a pacifist! ;)

M60 said:
not sure if we are talking the exact same mixture, but a good dose of heat and compression have always worked. a fare ammount of explosives or tightly packed propellent has worked for tiny ammounts. sometimes it just blasts the stuff all over the place though, i think wrapping it into one pice should fix the problem.... maybe centralising the primary?

Builder said:
Compressing it is dangerous. The mixture needs to be contained, like in a metal or impact plastic drum, and a mobile phone, with the wires from the ringtone sender disconnected and soldered to a low wattage diode, or resistor.

How do you people know this stuff!?! lol (Don't answer that).
builder said:
Compressing it is dangerous..

precicely, i meant the primary charge compresses the mixture to make it even more unstable, and usually helps detonation.

builder said:
The mixture needs to be contained, like in a metal or impact plastic drum, and a mobile phone, with the wires from the ringtone sender disconnected and soldered to a low wattage diode, or resistor.

Call me sometime.

yeah, a gallon jug is a poor way of doing it, i'm too lazy to make a real container.

that would be an intresting phone conversation, i think it would get reported though lol
Phantom said:
How do you people know this stuff!?! lol (Don't answer that).

oh but i will lol.

nah, it's common sense really, this plus this set off by this makes this go boom, and this is better than this, you can make better stuff than this with a high school chem. degree.
Msixty said:
...you can make better stuff than this with a high school chem. degree.

There is such a thing as a High School Chemistry Degree? :p

The only explosives I know how to make are little wimpy ones- and ones I discovered on accident while experimenting with various skin-care ingredients. Little petty **** like lye and water. The worse I could do is maybe singe off someone's excess body hair lol.
Phantom said:
There is such a thing as a High School Chemistry Degree? :p .

i didn't know how else to word it, it's 1 AM people, cut a guy some slack lol

Phantom said:
The only explosives I know how to make are little wimpy ones- and ones I discovered on accident while experimenting with various skin-care ingredients. Little petty **** like lye and water. The worse I could do is maybe singe off someone's excess body hair lol.

sooooo, a blackcat firecracker?

do yourself a favor, get some toy rocket engines and put all of the contents in a..... oh, wait, NEVERMIND!
We must help the nation, phreak feels that we can't defend ourselves in an invasion!!!

post all you're semi-safe home-made articles of destru..... erm... self-defence here!

(no not really, that would make the site just like the rest of the internet no?) and besides, who want's phreak to feel safe? :D
I reserve the right to severely smite any and all assailants with a swift kick to the reproductive organs, (nuts).

Short of that, I will smite thee down, with cold VB lager, in copious quantities.

That'll learn ya.
Actually, I do know how to make a few "wild animal" deterrent explosives, but to post the ingredients/instructions on GF might get us in BIG BIG trouble with someone I fear...

And that is the point I am trying to make.

All this info is pretty much hidden from the general public. Someone should create a ****ing explosives shop !!

I bet first year profits would be through the roof.:D
phreakwars said:
All this info is pretty much hidden from the general public. Someone should create a ****ing explosives shop !!

I bet first year profits would be through the roof.:D

Nah, Personally I think a store like that would be a total bomb...

Dry chlorine and gasoline/diesel makes a really functional chemical grenade. Nice if you can put them in different halves of one of those plastic easter eggs and separate them with celephane... make sure the kind you have doesnt disolve immediately in gas.

To answer the larger question phreak...


That is all.
phreakwars said:
All this info is pretty much hidden from the general public.

ok, i call BS on this one, i have talked to nerds that you would expect to build a computer that makes a 'boom' sound for a bomb, and the little ****ers could make a nuke out of a microwave, some bleach, and a trashcan.

anyone with google can learn how to make this stuff, you think the GOV. is going to stop you? check out my fave place to learn and explore....

http://science.howstuffworks.com/landmine2.htm <----- the 3rd page, this one has diagrams though, so i put it up...

http://science.howstuffworks.com/grenade.htm play the movie! lol


Howstuffworks said:
It's not nearly as accessible as explosive material, but there are a number of sources for radioactive material around the world. For example:

Hospitals use small quantities of radioactive material, such as cesium-137, in nuclear medicine.
Universities use similar materials to conduct scientific research.
Food irradiation plants use radiation from cobalt-60 to kill harmful bacteria on food. (See CDC: Frequently Asked Questions about Food Irradiation for more information.)
Natural radioactive uranium isotopes are mined for use in nuclear energy. Terrorists could conceivably acquire uranium from various mines in Africa.
There are a number of abandoned "nuclear batteries" scattered around the former Soviet Union. These portable thermoelectric generators contain a sizable amount of strontium-90, a highly potent radioactive isotope. (Check out Makings of a 'Dirty Bomb' for more information.)
People could also collect spent radioactive fuel from Russian reactors, which have been abandoned in old nuclear submarines, among other places.
They could also put something together using various low-level radioactive materials available to anybody, such as the radioactive material in smoke alarms. Tale of the Radioactive Boy Scout is good evidence that this is a very real possibility.

are we getting the point? this is an informational website, it has hundreds of things that can be taken at face value (simply information on how things happen to work) or you can apply a bit of common sence to it and re-engeneer it with supplies you have and make them yourself. the plans for landmines are fairly detailed, and i could make a landmine from them. also, they have info on american military vehicles and even (if you look hard enough) how to disable them the quickest.

also, what parts of C4 makes it detectable at airports.

****ed up is it not? :D
Well, it isn't BS. Because the government isn't able to police the internet doesn't mean that they arent trying to stop the dissimination of information.

The anarchists cookbook became a felony to own at one point, (later overturned by the supreme court) but the information in it was purposfully re-engineered to create some disasterous results in some cases. There were some creations in which chemical compounds were altered to nullify their potency and others to precombust. There has been a tremendous ammount of misinformation distributed, including the information I just put forth. Is it real or rumor? Can I prove it? nope... I'm also not going to **** with any chemicals I dont understand from that book.

To say that the government doesn't want or try to stop the information getting to the people is ignorant. Of course they do. It is their job, as they see it, as a measure to better insure our "safety". Do they keep tabs on the people who click those links? Better ****ing believe it. Is this very text being reviewed by beowulf? Yup. They interfere where they can, provide dis-information, and keep tabs on those with an interest in the things that go boom. I don't care if they watch me... I am one of the good guys. Security requires some loss of perceived freedom... in truth it is not freedom, but the ability to freely exploit. There is an Orwelian nightmare that could possibly result from this behavior. There is also a threat of revolution. At the end of the day, a fine line is walked by both sides. Some things should be illegal. It is only prudent. We as a people are governed by those we believe have the same ideals as us. We as individuals are some sick mother****ers and I dont want each of us having nuclear devices.