Where your tax dollar is going...


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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0JkG1mZ05g&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Man With 21 Kids!!!![/ame]




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Someone needs to keep it in their pants.... if he can't handle that, the state should chop it off for him.

Minimum wage? He can't support himself, let alone ANY kids.



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"It just ...happened".......

Uh huh.....yah...it just happened...21 times. Is he allergic to latex? Just wondering...cause it wasn't mentioned there at all.



New member
The perfect reason abortions should be state funded. It's cheaper to pay for an abortion then it is o pay to raise a kid.





New member
The perfect reason castrations should be state funded. It's cheaper to pay for a castration then it is o pay to raise a kid.


New member
The perfect reason why no payments to individuals, except state employees, should be state funded


New member
See, even though Bender likes bringing up eugenics, as a "right wing" practice.

In fact it was a "left wing", "progressive" movement to eliminate "undesirable" members of society.

So when Bender promotes government run abortion clinics he is really promoting the main agenda of Hillary Clinton's hero, from the Planned Parenthood movement to eliminate the "undesireables" or as Margaret Sanger and doing away with minority races.

Gotta love them liberal progressives and their continued, veiled attack on minorities.

But wait, the Dems and the media say conservatives are against the minorities.

Lies, lies, lies.



New member
Who cares about minoritys? Your the one trying to bring that assocation. I'm talkming about lives in general. Eugenics? No I don't think so. In Eugenics you try to breed the perfect race. In this case, I'm talking about doing society a favor and eliminating those who would cause a burden, doesn't matter what race, creed or orientation they or their parents happen to belong to.





New member
Who cares about minoritys? Your the one trying to bring that assocation. I'm talkming about lives in general. Eugenics? No I don't think so. In Eugenics you try to breed the perfect race. In this case, I'm talking about doing society a favor and eliminating those who would cause a burden, doesn't matter what race, creed or orientation they or their parents happen to belong to..

The smallest minority in the country is the individual.

It is the individual's right to seek an abortion. Thus the state and/or federal government has no right to meddle in the affairs of the individual. And thus, should not fund said abortions.



New member
Who cares about minoritys? Your the one trying to bring that assocation. I'm talkming about lives in general. Eugenics? No I don't think so. In Eugenics you try to breed the perfect race. In this case, I'm talking about doing society a favor and eliminating those who would cause a burden, doesn't matter what race, creed or orientation they or their parents happen to belong to..

Eugenics dealt with more than race. It was against any "undesireable" trait as the leftist progressives.

Eugenics and euthanasia

Sanger was a proponent of negative eugenics, a social philosophy which claims that human hereditary traits can be improved through social intervention. Methods of social intervention (targeted at those seen as "genetically unfit") advocated by some negative eugenicists have included selective breeding, sterilization and euthanasia. In A Plan for Peace (1932), for example, Sanger proposed a congressional department to:

Keep the doors of immigration closed to the entrance of certain aliens whose condition is known to be detrimental to the stamina of the race, such as
/wiki/Epilepsy, criminal, professional prostitutes, and others in this class barred by the
/wiki/Immigration_Act_of_1924immigration laws of 1924

And, following:

Apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is already tainted or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring.

Her first pamphlet read:

It is a vicious cycle; ignorance breeds poverty and poverty breeds ignorance. There is only one cure for both, and that is to stop breeding these things. Stop bringing to birth children whose inheritance cannot be one of health or intelligence. Stop bringing into the world children whose parents cannot provide for them. Herein lies the key of civilization. For upon the foundation of an enlightened and voluntary motherhood shall a future civilization emerge.

Sanger saw birth control as a means to prevent "dysgenic" children from being born into a disadvantaged life, and dismissed "positive eugenics" (which promoted greater fertility for the "fitter" upper classes) as impractical. Though many leaders in the negative eugenics movement were calling for active euthanasia of the "unfit," Sanger spoke out against such methods. She believed that women with the power and knowledge of birth control were in the best position to produce "fit" children.
Margaret Sanger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Margaret Sanger. The hero of Hillary Clinton and the left.

One more misconception. It's always been the Dems and the left that are racist and discriminatory.



New member
The perfect reason abortions should be state funded. It's cheaper to pay for an abortion then it is o pay to raise a kid..

I think we should let the old and sick die and stop giving them treatment. It's cheaper than keeping them alive. Oh wait that's what Obama want's to do with goverment helth care.



New member
You've got a point going there, snaffy.

If abortion at the third term is legal, then why is assisted (a la Dr. Kevorkian) suicide illegal (save only Montana, Oregon, and Washington - Oregon Death With Dignity Act - which I think is a great piece of legislation)?

Is abortion NOT assisted suicide? If life begins at conception, then you'd have to agree and yelp on about how the child has no choice. If you believe in women's right to choose, look at the semantics of the basic ideas.

Think about it.



New member
I'd be all for assisted suicide!! That would really slash the amount we pay in medicare/medicaid. ****, make it mandatory at 65.





New member
I don't have a problem with assisted suicide either. That is a capable adult making a decision about their life. If they want to end it, why should anyone else have a say in it? As long as they aren't taking some unwilling participant with them, have at it.

But with abortion, however, the baby has no choice.



New member
It really seems to me 99.99% of people should be able to kill themselves without any assistance.


New member
I was all in favor of legal assisted suicide until we debated it at TJ.... I think things are fine where they stand.

I also agree with hugo. There are plenty of viable options to do it unassisted. All it takes is a little initiative.



New member
I am so sick and tired of people scattering their illegitimate spawn all over the place. And what really kills me is the majority of them are uneducated, unemployed, unmotivated, yokels who are more concerned with when their next shipment of government cheese is arriving than the lives they are creating every time they get it on when their favorite NASCAR driver places.

How are these dipsh!ts even getting LAID?!?!?!?!?

The phrase/concept/practice/glorification of "my baby's daddy" will be the undoing of us all.

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