It's an opinion, and it is fiction, plain and simple. It's about as ridiculous as the bible and used just the same by right wingers to promote an agenda of intolerance and hatred.
It completely blows my mind how many right wing zealots swear by Ayn Rand, who wasn't even a Christian, totally admits her work is fiction, and was certifiably bat crazy.
Her garbage gets quoted by more right wingers then anybody... quoting what... a fictional world that crazy people believe really exists because of where this chick grew up.
Trying to apply it to the real world and failing miserably except in the eyes of your own kind.
This is why the GOP is fading more every day in every age group. Because you INSIST on using labels and name calling ( like liberal, socialist, communist, messiah, savior, etc, etc, etc...) over producing any kind of solutions. Your defense is always quoting fictional books and claiming hypocrisy. Those on the right who have any sense isolate themselves from the GOP because they know in their hearts that kind of hate mongering is non productive. The rest, are nothing but *** **** traitors and domestic terrorists waiting to happen because they feed into that **** like it was true.
I guess they have too much pride to just admit... they lost an election, but worse, they lost the support of the majority of the country. And no **** amount of fear mongering is ever gonna bring that back, and as you can see, has made it worse.