Where your tax dollar is going...


New member
I am so sick and tired of people scattering their illegitimate spawn all over the place. And what really kills me is the majority of them are uneducated, unemployed, unmotivated, yokels who are more concerned with when their next shipment of government cheese is arriving than the lives they are creating every time they get it on when their favorite NASCAR driver places.
How are these dipsh!ts even getting LAID?!?!?!?!?

The phrase/concept/practice/glorification of "my baby's daddy" will be the undoing of us all.

I have to confess. I think government cheese is awesome.



New member
It just ****** me off to no end to consider that I have put off procreating until I am fully settled financially and in a committed relationship while Cleetus, Daisy Lou, Marcus, Shaneequa and whoeverfukkingelse are popping out kids like pez dispensers.

And I am the one busting my *** so the government can rape me financially to support these worthless **** stains!

Forgive me, but I get a little fired up about the injustice of it all.



New member
I have to confess. I think government cheese is awesome.
For the love of all that is good and Holy, IWS....if you aren't a Velveeta man then our relationship is going NOWHERE!



New member
If you can find one. Or if you can afford to buy it if you do find it. :D
Well, lets DEBUNK that myth once and for all.

NOT EVEN 1/4 of 1% is owned by the government. There is your **** socialism that is allegedly taking over America.



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New member
WTF? I was talking about the ammo shortage and huge increases in price.

But since for some odd reason you felt the need to bring it up and link it to my completely unrelated post...

As far as government control of an economy and it's populace, I said we were on the road to faschism, not socialism.

For that you only need to hold the strings of the key industries, not all of them.

Energy, finance and health care and you control everyone.

This was accelerated under Bush, but has been pushed full throttle under Obama.



New member
Sorry, the REAL NUMBERS show your complaint about SOCIALISM and NATIONALISM are BS. Not even 1/4th of 1%. Tell me again how the government is trying to control our lives.





New member
So explain, I'm listening. Be sure to leave out speculation and only insert actual facts. This fear mongering BS won't fly unless you can back it up. The fact is, less then 1/4th of 1% of our American assets are actually government controlled. I know this might break your heart and be totally wrong against the BS you hear, but facts are facts. The government DOES NOT and IS NOT trying to control anything. It sure makes for good chatter when you try to accuse them of doing so, but facts are facts. .21% of 1%? Ha, nothing to really give a about unless you are motivated to complain about every little *** **** thing the government does to help people.





New member
There is a difference between government controlled and government owned. An example is government controls, to a large degree, how you operate your motor vehicle, though it does not own it. Government controls what drugs you are able to put in your body, though it does not own your body. Government increasingly controls how you educate and discipline your children though it does not own your children. Government directly controls how you spend a portion of your paycheck though it does not own you.

Control of individuals; that is why , along with protection from outsiders, that governments are formed. Increased government almost always means increased control of individual activity.

"Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master."=== George Washington



New member
So explain, I'm listening. Be sure to leave out speculation and only insert actual facts. This fear mongering BS won't fly unless you can back it up. The fact is, less then 1/4th of 1% of our American assets are actually government controlled. I know this might break your heart and be totally wrong against the BS you hear, but facts are facts. The government DOES NOT and IS NOT trying to control anything. It sure makes for good chatter when you try to accuse them of doing so, but facts are facts. .21% of 1%? Ha, nothing to really give a about unless you are motivated to complain about every little *** **** thing the government does to help people..


If you read that article the chart came from and the subsequent posts afterword, you would see conversations along the lines of ownership doesn't equal control.

40% of the economy is now govenernment. Also the author, who made the chart you posted, said he didn't know how accurate the information was, and asked for suggestions on better information.

As for the ownership/control fascism thing goes. Here's a little fact with some startling similarities to the US economy now...

One of Mussolini's first acts was to fund the metallurgical trust Ansaldo to the height of 400 millions Liras. Following the deflation crisis which started in 1926, banks such as the Banco di Roma, the Banco di Napoli or the Banco di Sicilia were also assisted by the state [16]. In 1924, the Unione Radiofonica Italiana (URI) was formed by private entrepreneurs and part of the Marconi group, and granted the same year a monopoly of radio broadcasts. URI became after the war the RAI. Starting in 1925, Italy's policies became more protectionist. Tariffs of grains were increased in an attempt to strengthen domestic production ("Battle for Grain"), which was ultimately a failure. Thus, according to historian Denis Mack Smith (1981), "Success in this battle was... another illusory propaganda victory won at the expense of the Italian economy in general and consumers in particular". He also pointed out "Those who gained were the owners of the Latifondia and the propertied classes in general... his policy conferred a heavy subsidy on the Latifondisti".[17]Affected by the Great Depression, the Italian state attempted to respond to it both by elaborating public works programs such as the taming of the Pontine Marshes, developing hydroelectricity, improving the railways which in the process improved job opportunities, and launching military rearmement.[18] The Istituto per la Ricostruzione Industriale (IRI) institute was created in 1933, with the aim of subsiding floundering companies. It soon controlled important parts of the economy, through government-linked companies, including Alfa Romeo.

Economically Italy improved with the GNP growing at 2% a year; automobile production was increasing especially those owned by Fiat,[19] its aeronautical industry was making advances.[5] Mussolini also championed agrarianism as part of what he called battles for Land, Lira and Grain; in aims of propaganda, he physically took part in these activities alongside the workers creating a strong public image.[20][21]


New member
So you got to go back... way way back in history, and try and find something that might be what government control is all about and try and convince me (fear monger), that it applies to this day and age, and this country.






New member
So you got to go back... way way back in history, and try and find something that might be what government control is all about and try and convince me (fear monger), that it applies to this day and age, and this country.
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." ~ George Santayana

No fear mongering. Foreshadowing.

Believe what you want.

Obama sure seems to want to be likened to FDR. Where did FDR get the ideas for his policies. Benito Mussolini.

A charismatic leader, under a large ruling party, without anyone questioning what they are doing. No national media asking questions or criticizing. Nobody reporting on how France, Russia and China are warning us about going too far left with our economic policies. Nobody reporting that Hugo Chavez, an out and out socialist dictator, stated that he believes he and Castro are to the right of Obama's ideology.

Whatever. I hope I'm wrong.



New member
So you got to go back... way way back in history, and try and find something that might be what government control is all about and try and convince me (fear monger), that it applies to this day and age, and this country.


You ain't gonna be convinced until you are being waterboarded in a retraining camp dungeon. ;)



New member
You ain't gonna be convinced until you are being waterboarded in a retraining camp dungeon. ;)

Funny you said that. I saw this cartoon the other day...


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New member
So you got to go back... way way back in history, and try and find something that might be what government control is all about and try and convince me (fear monger), that it applies to this day and age, and this country.


History applies to every day and age, Bender.

"The main plank in the National Socialist program is to abolish the liberalistic concept of the individual and the Marxist concept of humanity and to substitute for them the folk community, rooted in the soil and bound together by the bond of its common blood." [Adolph Hitler, quoted in Hitler, A Study in Tyranny, by Alan Bullock (Harper Collins, NY)]

"It is thus necessary that the individual should come to realize that his own ego is of no importance in comparison with the existence of his nation; that the position of the individual ego is conditioned solely by the interests of the nation as a whole ... that above all the unity of a nation's spirit and will are worth far more than the freedom of the spirit and will of an individual. .... This state of mind, which subordinates the interests of the ego to the conservation of the community, is really the first premise for every truly human culture .... we understand only the individual's capacity to make sacrifices for the community, for his fellow man." [Adolph Hitler, 1933]

There is the great, silent, continuous struggle: the struggle between the State and the Individual; between the State which demands and the individual who attempts to evade such demands. Because the individual, left to himself, unless he be a saint or hero, always refuses to pay taxes, obey laws, or go to war. [benito Mussolini]

"Comrades! We must abolish the cult of the individual decisively, once and for all." [Nikita Khrushchev , February 25, 1956 20th Congress of the Communist Party]

"All our lives we fought against exalting the individual, against the elevation of the single person, and long ago we were over and done with the business of a hero, and here it comes up again: the glorification of one personality. This is not good at all." [Vladimir Lenin, as quoted in Not by Politics Alone]

"We must stop thinking of the individual and start thinking about what is best for society." [Hillary Clinton, 1993]

"We can't be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans ..." [President Bill Clinton, 'USA Today' March 11, 1993: Page 2A]

I have not intention of trying to convince or turn or by the hand of *** miraculously show you the light, but you have already succumbed to the fear mongering and live in fear of revoked cheese privileges.



New member
"Your grandchildren will live under communism!" To which Secretary Benson enthusiastically replied: "If I have it my way, your grandchildren will live free!" Khrushchev, undeterred, fired back: "Oh you Americans! You're so gullible! We'll spoon feed you socialism until you're Communists and don't even know it. We'll never have to fire a shot!" ~ Soviet Prime Minister Nikita Khrushchev bragged to American patriot and Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson
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