Which Religion do you belong to?

I just added the only rational answer to the poll.

Religion is for losers.

Go hawk your fabricated crapola to lesser beings, you ****ing dipshits.

And next time you're in "church", question the big boys about why they like to stick their dicks in little boys.
Not all religion is for losers my religion lets me do pretty much whatever i want without fear of retrebution from higher being there is no heaven and hell just life and death.
Plus you get away with smoking due to religious beleifs lmao.
builder said:
I just added the only rational answer to the poll.

Religion is for losers.

Go hawk your fabricated crapola to lesser beings, you ****ing dipshits.

You're too cool for words! :rolleyes:

Holding a spiritual belief does not make one a loser. It requires one to answer to a higher being and to submit their selfish will to their god.
Phantom said:
You're too cool for words! :rolleyes:

Holding a spiritual belief does not make one a loser. It requires one to answer to a higher being and to submit their selfish will to their god.

Yeah, you say tomato, builder says....well probably somthing like "'Ey wot say we make a trip down to tha bottle shop and get us a slab of Four X?"

..And do they even have tomotos in Australia?

Btw Builder, I apologize in advance for butchering the noble occer accent.
Phantom said:
You're too cool for words! :rolleyes:

Holding a spiritual belief does not make one a loser. It requires one to answer to a higher being and to submit their selfish will to their god.

"Holding a spiritual belief" or perhaps just specific religions?

Many people hold spiritual beliefs without "submitting their selfish will to their god".

Basically........ "spiritual belief" is a hugely broad field.
builder said:
I just added the only rational answer to the poll.

Religion is for losers.

Go hawk your fabricated crapola to lesser beings, you ****ing dipshits.

And next time you're in "church", question the big boys about why they like to stick their dicks in little boys.

Mofo, that pretty much makes you an atheist!

You could have bumped our numbers up to 9!

We could have won this poll!

Anna Perenna said:
Mofo, that pretty much makes you an atheist!

You could have bumped our numbers up to 9!

We could have won this poll!


Well, that would have been cheating, Anna.

You see, I believe in reincarnation, and I believe in ghosts, so I am a spiritual being. I practice self-healing, and atone to myself when I abuse my temple with man-made substances.

In short-story form, I believe I am god. And so are you and you and you.

But no way in the world am I gonna feel guilt for anything I ever do. **** that ****.

I'll live my own karma, thank you very much.

Stay the **** outta my private space, and don't ever think you can make me cowtow to some skinny ****er hanging on a stylised cross on the wall of some glorified barn with coloured windows.

Jesus was an Arab carpenter, built like a brick shithouse. He could have played loose-head prop for the Wallabies.

He was a seer, and probably an Aquarian. His message was that we are all the son of god. The destitute and down-trodden wanted someone to look up to, and he became it. But not one of those ****ers stood up to the tyrants who wanted to martyr him. Not ****ing one.

****ing losers had a chance, but chose to remain at the bottom of the pecking order.

Nothing has changed since then.
Phantom said:
You're too cool for words! :rolleyes:

Holding a spiritual belief does not make one a loser. It requires one to answer to a higher being and to submit their selfish will to their god.

I've been questioning my belief system since I could think for myself. Try it sometime. The only issue with blind faith that is in question is; what if I'm not blind?

How the **** can one entity monitor the actions and reactions of a hundred billion blind followers?

Jesus never preached the crapola being force-fed to the various cults in existence today. He spoke of servitude to those less fortunate. He spoke of letting go of material possessions, and the cleanliness of living without chattels and money and greed. He spoke of opening your heart and mind to those amongst us who lack the basics of understanding and knowledge.

But most of all, he spoke of wanting nothing but purity of mind and spirit. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

So what have the charlatans done to his words and life's work? '

They've made a harlot of his words. That's what.

Dress the priests up in robes of purple velvet, hang effigies of the christ and Mary on the walls of the halls of worship (against the bible's direction). Make everyone feel guilty for living life as a human, to the point of having to confess to some brainwashed future paedophile behind a screen in a closed booth.

Religion sux the big one.

Now tell me why it does not suck the big one, Phantom.

I have plenty more to toss in here, but in the interests of fair debate, I'll toss the ball into your court. ;)
ParasiteGod said:
I'm a nihilist.
And before anyone has to ask

My mother is Mormon. You can imagine how pissed off at me she gets.

Now I had you pegged as a solopsist.
builder said:
I've been questioning my belief system since I could think for myself. Try it sometime.

Oh Darling, if anyone has questioned their own religion it would be me. Researched it for years. Studied apologetics. Collected skeptic arguments and claims in order to review their validity or debunk them. Religion is my passion and the most serious subject one could ever become interested in. Everything else is temporary. If there is a God or a life after this one, it would be in everyone's best interest to get as close to the facts as they can.

The only issue with blind faith that is in question is; what if I'm not blind?

I'm not blind and neither is my faith. I like facts and evidence. Like I have said numerous times on here, I didn't become a Christian because my mommy and daddy told me so. I became a Christian after a lot of thought and weighing the evidence for myself.

How the **** can one entity monitor the actions and reactions of a hundred billion blind followers?

The Catholic church leaders are bogus. Please don't even compare the regular Christian to them.

Jesus never preached the crapola being force-fed to the various cults in existence today. He spoke of servitude to those less fortunate. He spoke of letting go of material possessions, and the cleanliness of living without chattels and money and greed. He spoke of opening your heart and mind to those amongst us who lack the basics of understanding and knowledge.

But most of all, he spoke of wanting nothing but purity of mind and spirit. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Exactly. And let me tell you this, true Christians who are loyal to the Bible do not bother with all the man-made dogma later incorporated into Christianity/Catholicism.

So what have the charlatans done to his words and life's work? '

They've made a harlot of his words. That's what.

Dress the priests up in robes of purple velvet, hang effigies of the christ and Mary on the walls of the halls of worship (against the bible's direction). Make everyone feel guilty for living life as a human, to the point of having to confess to some brainwashed future paedophile behind a screen in a closed booth.

You're preaching to the choir. Protestants have been speaking out against the corruption and dogma of the Catholic church for centuries. Jesus came to release the people from religious rites and bondage. The Catholic church forgets that by creating more and more. Confession? Indulgences? Purgatory? This is all wrong according to the New Testament.

Now tell me why it does not suck the big one, Phantom.

Organized religion that perverts the original Word of God does suck the big one. I'm referring to the few and the faithful. Statistics say there are about 1 billion Christians world wide. I cannot possibly believe this if we are to follow the definitions as told in the New Testament. The true Christians who hold a personal relationship with God are disgusted with what the church has become.
builder said:
But no way in the world am I gonna feel guilt for anything I ever do. **** that ****.

Guilt is a natural human emotion that is not necessarily tied into one's religious beliefs. I would be highly suspicious of people who never felt guilt. That would show me they are a highly selfish individual who cares nothing for the effects their actions or behavior have on others.

If you missed your son's birthday because you forgot, would you feel guilty? If you had a long term relationship with a woman but ended up breaking it off when she was still very much in love with you and had never done anything wrong, would you feel guilty? I would only hope so. If not, then you are a sociopath.

Guilt and religion are not mutually exclusive. It would be the same as saying only religious people have morals or only religious people know the difference between right and wrong. Guilt, regret, morals, and knowing right from wrong are naturally occurring human emotions. One's religious preference, or lack of one, should not be a factor.

Although religion might have some ability to trigger guilt (like doing something the Bible tells us is a sin, for example), even atheists can feel guilt if they do something that is wrong by common knowledge- like murder. Unless, like I said before, they are a selfish sociopath.

But not one of those ****ers stood up to the tyrants who wanted to martyr him. Not ****ing one. ****ing losers had a chance, but chose to remain at the bottom of the pecking order.

Nothing has changed since then.

I strongly disagree. Even the Bible and early church historians make note of the fact many distanced themselves after Jesus' arrest but later became martyrs after the resurrection. Although it is not a widely talked about fact, Christians are still widely persecuted and put to death all over the world.
Phantom said:
Oh Darling, if anyone has questioned their own religion it would be me.

Yeah, Slovakian christians are a rarity.

Phantom said:
Researched it for years. Studied apologetics.

That's a handy trick. Learning how to apologise.

Phantom said:
Collected skeptic arguments and claims in order to review their validity or debunk them.

Sounds like a fixation. Interesting.

Phantom said:
Religion is my passion and the most serious subject one could ever become interested in.

You're missing out on life, by the sound of that statement. Loosen up, Lady.

Phantom said:
Everything else is temporary.

Everything else is reality. Learn to adjust to it.

Phantom said:
If there is a God or a life after this one, it would be in everyone's best interest to get as close to the facts as they can.

You're laying baits. If there was..... What kind of believer are you, Phantom?

Phantom said:
Phantom said:
I'm not blind and neither is my faith

A dead guy made some hell speeches over two thousand years ago, and you want to dissect those words here? Cool

Phantom said:
I like facts and evidence. Like I have said numerous times on here,

That's great Phantom. Toss some facts and evidence out there for us lowly plebs to peruse. Please.

Phantom said:
I didn't become a Christian because my mommy and daddy told me so

It was that nine inch dick on the choir boy, wasn't it?

But honestly, what turned you into a christian, phanny?

Phantom said:
I became a Christian after a lot of thought and weighing the evidence for myself.

Phantom said:
The Catholic church leaders are bogus. Please don't even compare the regular Christian to them.

The drama is, they are the turkeys that portray religion to the masses. It is not a good selling point.

Phantom said:
Exactly. And let me tell you this, true Christians who are loyal to the Bible do not bother with all the man-made dogma later incorporated into Christianity/Catholicism.

You don't bother with man-made dogma then you don't read the bible.

Phantom said:
You're preaching to the choir.

I'm singing to the birds.

Phantom said:
Protestants have been speaking out against the corruption and dogma of the Catholic church for centuries.

So they ****ing should. But the lemons don't cowtow to the masses.

Phantom said:
Jesus came to release the people from religious rites and bondage.

Jesus grew up like me and you, and saw a basic injustice in the treatment of human beings. He died because the narcissistic overlords ruled the roost.

Phantom said:
The Catholic church forgets that by creating more and more. Confession? Indulgences? Purgatory? This is all wrong according to the New Testament.

There is nothing right about the catholic church in America. The Blues Brothers were all over it. The mafia fund it..

Phantom said:
Organized religion that perverts the original Word of God does suck the big one. I'm referring to the few and the faithful. Statistics say there are about 1 billion Christians world wide.

I'm not one of them.

Phantom said:
I cannot possibly believe this if we are to follow the definitions as told in the New Testament. The true Christians who hold a personal relationship with God are disgusted with what the church has become.

True christians are about as common as hen's teeth.
I'm sorry, were you trying to debate me? Just asking because I see nothing but quit-witted one-liners with no actual substance. ;)
Anna Perenna said:
There is no Anna, or God. There is only Zuul.

LMFAO!! I used to say this ALL the time! "There is no Dana. Only Zuul," whenever my parents would tell me to do something. I never claimed to be a normal child.
I prefer to not talk about religion...Too much drama, too many strong opinions. Plus, I believe a bit of everything. There's not one religion that makes much more sense to me than another one.:confused: