White People

Lesbian Since 13 said:
All I can say is that the myth about black men being hung better than white men is very real. So that means us white girls want to line up for the black man...what the **** is your problem then?

How would you know?
The white man will meets his day of Judgement after the Armageddon. He has done Satan's work admirably, and will be judged accordingly.
jaxmagicman said:
How would you know?

'Cause I swing both ways, Needledick. I just say "lesbian" in my nickname because it means every man who posts on this board will read my post to see if I'm talking about getting it on with my best friend/my best friend and her sister/a Hooters waitress/etc.
Lesbian Since 13 said:
'Cause I swing both ways, Needledick. I just say "lesbian" in my nickname because it means every man who posts on this board will read my post to see if I'm talking about getting it on with my best friend/my best friend and her sister/a Hooters waitress/etc.

So what you are saying is that you are a complete attention whore.:cool:
Lesbian Since 13 said:
'Cause I swing both ways, Needledick. I just say "lesbian" in my nickname because it means every man who posts on this board will read my post to see if I'm talking about getting it on with my best friend/my best friend and her sister/a Hooters waitress/etc.

Well there is a reason Black Men like White Women, and it has nothing to do with them lining up.
jax man **** these crackah-ass bitches

always talkin bout we stink or we don't work or some other BS, just cauze they ain't trying to face the TRUTH

i'll tell you some things we don't do. we don't ****in kill 27 people and eat their decrepit ass bodies. we don't rape little boys. we don't wear faggoty ass polos and go to fancy colleges and act like it makes us ****in special. we don't bomb buildings in oklahoma city. we don't act all nice to your face then talk **** about you behind your back. the crackas do all that ****, not the black man.

you know what we want? we want your cracka ass politicians and your cracka ass teachers to stop perpetuating this bullshit about us being the victims. the white community likes to patronize and make us victims because it gives you ****in bitch-ass honkies power. it makes you feel special to think you are advantaged.

**** that, you ain't advantaged. your daddy just had money and guns and connections to britain. you want to talk about advantage? wait until the black man rise up, nigga. wait 'til the niggas on the streets take to the PD's and the policiticans and ****. watch the crackas fall, nigga...even the uncle toms in the military will be joining in. then we'll see who has power. until then you ****in wear your ivy league polo and stroke your **** thinkin about how great your grandaddy was and how much character he had for bringin over niggas as slaves and treatin 'em like cattle.
Lesbian Since 13 said:
'Cause I swing both ways, Needledick. I just say "lesbian" in my nickname because it means every man who posts on this board will read my post to see if I'm talking about getting it on with my best friend/my best friend and her sister/a Hooters waitress/etc.
You're giving yourself too much credit there.
Okay class, it's time for our daily spanish lesson, now repeat after me:
puta de la atenci
fullauto said:
Last I checked... we pretty much ran the world.... Inferior?
Of course - You guys have all the money and you're too frightened to spend it on us. Hmmm, wonder why. You can't dance, you can't ****, you can't dunk without good editing (except for the 20 donuts y'all eat on your coffee breaks). ****, we even created all the types of music you listen to. Let me hear ya say Miiiiiiiiiles Davis!

I like how you just assume all the governments represent and are made up of white people. Do black votes even get counted?
Hophead666 said:
The white man will meets his day of Judgement after the Armageddon. He has done Satan's work admirably, and will be judged accordingly.

Yes.... I agree.... We have done satan's work.... and I'm damned proud of it... We should finish the job the way Hitler wanted to... Except, we should keep the jews.... I like them...
Lesbian Since 13 said:
Oh really? Like what, genius?
Black men like white women because they are submissive and easily controlled. Black women are strong and won't are hard to get in bed. We like white women because they are easy to sleep with and once you hit it, you basically control them.
jaxmagicman said:
Black men like white women because they are submissive and easily controlled. Black women are strong and won't are hard to get in bed. We like white women because they are easy to sleep with and once you hit it, you basically control them.
Hahahahaha you are funny. No seriously-you should think about doing stand-up.
The Funk said:
Its been proved man. Black guys are the biggest, then white guys then asians. The Latinos were all off skiving so there weren't any to measure.
Yeah, but why would a lesbian care?
jaxmagicman said:
Black men like white women because they are submissive and easily controlled. Black women are strong and won't are hard to get in bed. We like white women because they are easy to sleep with and once you hit it, you basically control them.

White women like black men because white woman hate to pick the cotton from the aspirin bottle!
angie said:
Hahahahaha you are funny. No seriously-you should think about doing stand-up.

It is true. White women give it up after 2 dates. Every black girl I slept with took me almost two months to get with.
jaxmagicman said:
I seriously doubt you are a woman.

Ooo...brilliant comeback Wilbur! Did you think that up yourself or did your mom shout the suggestion to you from upstairs?

So you're saying you don't like white girls if you hate white people?