White People

This is all just dick waving and name calling... If you want to debate me, debate me... I'll do an open debate on race with anyone... Just kick it of bootlip!

Go to the debate room... we can have them reset our rep, and we will have Phreakwars moderate and score.
angie said:
A crack dealer is a piece of **** regardless of race. You complain about the status of your people, yet you are doing NOTHING to improve your life or anyone else's. You are being counterproductive in any socioeconomic growth by providing a means for your people, and everyone else's, to get high and ruin their minds, bodies and lives. What some might call a hypocrite.

you know why niggas slang rock? to get somewhere, to you know provide means for their families. you think niggas slinging rock are getting high? **** no, not if they want to make ends. they want to get their families out of the projects that the crooked ass crackas been puttin us in for years to keep us from they jobs, their women, everything.

it is easy to sit there in your ****ing ambercrombie with your hair gel and ****in guitar talkin bout what someone should do when you never been in they shoes. your ****in daddy probably ****ed you in the ass when you were 8 and then felt guilty enough to buy you everything until you were 28 when they finally made you move out of the basement.
angie said:
Yes, yes it is, because when I took it, I scored an 84.

When you hear someone saying "I got an 84 on my ASVAB," they are talking about their AFQT (Armed Forces Qualifying Test) score, not an "overall" ASVAB Score.
fullauto said:
That's mean 99% of people who take it Are NOT as smart as me... that's pretty god damned good

hah yeah because they don't know how to ****ing find the area of a cylinder or some other bullshit that will really help you

i met more dumb mother****ers that were supposed to be smart than anyone. but i ain't complaining, because dumb crackas that are supposed to be spart ain't good with money, that's for damn sure.
When dealing with ******s.... don't get angry.... just remember.... they are the competition! That's why life is so easy for white people!

:D :D :D :D
OK, who closed this thread ?? I reopened it, please explain why it was closed if you are going to do it again.
phreakwars said:
OK, who closed this thread ?? I reopened it, please explain why it was closed if you are going to do it again.

Thank you. I think it was closed because someone was losing the argument.
Wow, I haven't been on this site 4 ages....ANYWAY - A lot of you people are just plain ignorant, narrow-minded, racist, hyrpocrites! One person says "oh I'm not racist and the next minute he's calling blacks ******s, suggesting they all have big lips and are apes......HYPOCRITE!! And the lesbian girl needs to stay lesbian and leave the black guys alone unless you genuinely like them -NOT because you ASSUME they have nice packages....and the black guys need to grow up and leave the white girls alone unless you genuinely like them because otherwise you are just as much of a whore.....
Um...it's not an assumption...trust me. The first time I saw a black man nude it was twice as long as any white man I'd seen. Kind of scared me, actually, because I thought the guys they had in porn films were some kind of freaks and not representative of most black men. I was wrong.
Wow, I haven't been on this site 4 ages....ANYWAY - A lot of you people are just plain ignorant, narrow-minded, racist, hyrpocrites! One person says "oh I'm not racist and the next minute he's calling blacks ******s, suggesting they all have big lips and are apes......HYPOCRITE!! And the lesbian girl needs to stay lesbian and leave the black guys alone unless you genuinely like them -NOT because you ASSUME they have nice packages....and the black guys need to grow up and leave the white girls alone unless you genuinely like them because otherwise you are just as much of a whore.....

12-22-2005, 03:48 PM, was ages ago?