Whites in the UK to become minority group


Active Member
Apr 17, 2006
I found this on the internet, and wondered what others thought of the prospect. Its from the liberal press. Note the lie that I have highlighted. It was not at all voluntary, multiculturalism is being forced upon us. There was no vote, no referendum. No one was asked what they thought. Every European country is similarly affected.

UK whites will be minority by 2100

Whites will be an ethnic minority in Britain by the end of the century. Analysis of official figures indicate that, at current fertility rates and levels of immigration, there will be more non-whites than whites by 2100.
It would be the first time in history that a major indigenous population has voluntarily become a minority, rather than through war, famine or disease. Whites will be a minority in London by 2010.
In the early 1950s there were only a few tens of thousands of non-whites in the UK. By 1991 that had risen to 3 million - 6 per cent of the population. The population of ethnic minorities has been growing at between 2 and 4 per cent a year. Net immigration has been running at record levels, with 185,000 newcomers last year.
Government forecasts suggest that immigration on its own will be responsible for half the growth of the British population over the next couple of decades.
New immigrants, who are on average younger than the population at large, also tend to have higher fertility rates. In contrast, the population of white British citizens is static. Their fertility rate is very low - at under 2 children per woman - and there is overall emigration of British citizens.
The analysis of the figures showed that if the population of ethnic minorities grows at 4 per cent a year, whites will become a minority before 2100. The demographer who made the calculation wished to remain anonymous for fear of accusations of racism.
attention_whore said:
I found this on the internet, and wondered what others thought of the prospect. Its from the liberal press. Note the lie that I have highlighted. It was not at all voluntary, multiculturalism is being forced upon us. There was no vote, no referendum. No one was asked what they thought. Every European country is similarly affected.

UK whites will be minority by 2100

Whites will be an ethnic minority in Britain by the end of the century. Analysis of official figures indicate that, at current fertility rates and levels of immigration, there will be more non-whites than whites by 2100.
It would be the first time in history that a major indigenous population has voluntarily become a minority, rather than through war, famine or disease. Whites will be a minority in London by 2010.
In the early 1950s there were only a few tens of thousands of non-whites in the UK. By 1991 that had risen to 3 million - 6 per cent of the population. The population of ethnic minorities has been growing at between 2 and 4 per cent a year. Net immigration has been running at record levels, with 185,000 newcomers last year.
Government forecasts suggest that immigration on its own will be responsible for half the growth of the British population over the next couple of decades.
New immigrants, who are on average younger than the population at large, also tend to have higher fertility rates. In contrast, the population of white British citizens is static. Their fertility rate is very low - at under 2 children per woman - and there is overall emigration of British citizens.
The analysis of the figures showed that if the population of ethnic minorities grows at 4 per cent a year, whites will become a minority before 2100. The demographer who made the calculation wished to remain anonymous for fear of accusations of racism.

How is it being forced ?? There are more non-white people on this earth than there are white people. And I am not saying that to piss anyone off, it's just the truth. The UK needs a surpluss of immigrants to keep it's retired people with pensions, and keep it's ratio of seniors to workforce at its current rate... I think the number was about 150 million some immigrants or so by 2050, and at the rate it's going, it doesn't look to good... For Europe in general.

Just because you're not white, doesn't mean you're not European. If you're living in the UK you probobly rely on immigrants more than you do white people. I only say that because it tends to be more of the immigrants that take the "down to the grind-stone" jobs as it pays better than some jobs they consider "good" in their own countries.
I used to think it was kinda strange hearing an East End accent from a Pakistani.

Now I think it is kinda strange that all these Pomgolians want to come to our old Penal colony. We should make them stay in appalling conditions behind barbed wire, fed only on gruel for a few years.

Oh, hang on, we already do. :D
The Uk's immigration policy has been what is causing this. They have this open door policy which is killing them.
I am hoping that the new laws they have implemented will slow this **** down.
I would like to work in the UK one day but not if I have to wonder which paki is going to blow the train I am traveling on.
Lethalfind said:
I would like to work in the UK one day but not if I have to wonder which paki is going to blow the train I am traveling on.

I doubt if we could be that lucky. You are more likely to be abducted by one of Quarky's Bible spouting aliens.
Lethalfind said:
The Uk's immigration policy has been what is causing this. They have this open door policy which is killing them.
I am hoping that the new laws they have implemented will slow this **** down.
I would like to work in the UK one day but not if I have to wonder which paki is going to blow the train I am traveling on.

Pakis are business people first, and more often than not, either hindu or christian second. I've not heard of any Pakistani suicide bombers. :rolleyes:
builder said:
Pakis are business people first, and more often than not, either hindu or christian second. I've not heard of any Pakistani suicide bombers. :rolleyes:

Wrong. Pakistanis are mostly moslems, its the Indians who are hindus with a few Christians also.
Given that the term 'paki' is just a derogatory blanket word for 'asian' (and a damned offensive one to any asians that are NOT from Pakistan - even other asians seem to think that people from Pakistan are lesser beings), I don't think you can generalise on religion. I dunno where you live attention whore but where I live we have the biggest Indian population in the UK, even higher than in the Midlands, we are also having the biggest Sikh Temple in the country being built in town right now. It's not the asians that cause the trouble around here....it's the damn white scum!
Hamza123 said:
How is it being forced ?? The UK needs a surpluss of immigrants to keep it's retired people with pensions

It is being forced because it is against the will of the indiginous population. Most people disaprove of the presence of third worlders in our country.

I disagree we need immigrants to keep our old folks in pensions. They have spent their working lives paying taxes to justify their meagre allowance.The funds are already in place. What is wrong is that at every level politicians sabotage our economy.

They send millions of our money to the third world every year. They spend millions keeping third worlders on welfare here in the uk.There are thousands of hiv+ africans here costing us a fortune in medication. Meanwhile,our womenfolks have to campaign to get drugs for breast cancer.

There are soon to be elections in the uk. There is predicted to be a huge swing to the right this time. The BNP - British National Party has been growing in force for some time now. And I will be voting for them this time. What a beautiful dream that they could be in power. Forced repatriation for thirdworlders, and the reintroduction of the death penalty. Thats what I want for Christmas.
builder said:
Now I think it is kinda strange that all these Pomgolians want to come to our old Penal colony.

Your penal colony ?

Do you mean Australiashire, thats ****ing ours, we discovered it. You ****ing rebels want your ****ing arses kicking.
Feckless Wench said:
Given that the term 'paki' is just a derogatory blanket word for 'asian' (and a damned offensive one to any asians that are NOT from Pakistan

What you say is right, somehow the word "Paki" has become an offensive word. I find this quite strange. After all we refer to scottish people as Scots, but this is not at all offensive. Thai's call peeps from Indonesia - Indo's neither is this offensive. Put somehow it has become offensive in the UK to refer to a Pakistani as a Paki.
It is offensive amongst the Indian population...they were the first to coin the phrase...as we would call someone a 'dirty pikey' they call others 'pakis'
What do you intend to do about the kids that were born here and are British by birth? Send their parents home and keep the kids here? Did you stop to think about the families your vote might split apart?
I read that in the bombings over the summer in London that some of the Asians involved were born in the UK...they still murdered UK citizens...With the UK's new laws about people who are enciting violence being kicked out I would think thats a start to addressing the problem, who gives a **** where you were born, if your a trouble maker and would like to kill people then get out...the UK needs to stop their open door policey for anyone who wants to declare the need for asylum and this idiotic idea of letting them loose in the country while their case is being decided is pointless...The US and the UK have done this to themselves, we have allowed people into the country to do jobs that we think are beneath us and now there are alot of people here that some object too...At one point anyone from a country that was a member of the Commonwealth had an easy ticket in, they didn't have to have a parent that was born in the UK, that was a mistake and its getting bigger and bigger, the bombings of last summer were a sign of this. The bullshit in France is another sign.
Feckless Wench said:
What do you intend to do about the kids that were born here and are British by birth? Send their parents home and keep the kids here? Did you stop to think about the families your vote might split apart?

I wouldn't split any familys up- I'd send them all back. I'm not bothered who was born here. The stakes are way to high. Soon white people will have nowhere to live. Every western nation is facing the same threat. The liberals are hell bent on multiculturalism. I really hope the BNP make huge inroads in the May elections.
attention_whore said:
It is being forced because it is against the will of the indiginous population.

You may wan't to rephrase that... Thats not contadictory to what I said, however you disagree?

The majority of immigrants in the UK are from either India or East Asia... Pakistanis only account for a small percentage actually.

And think what it would be like if everyone there was white... No Chicken Massalla, you'd have to be working all the hard jobs.. It's plain and simple. Case closed.
attention_whore said:
I wouldn't split any familys up- I'd send them all back.

So you'd send kids back to a country they had never visited and feel quite OK about doing it....in the same way that you'd be happy to see the UK economy crash?

So all of a sudden, "the white countries" allowed immigrants in for the bad jobs, but now the immigrants are begining to create a strong porportion of the economy, and now they have to leave ?? Well, that sounds like a very nice system. :rolleyes:

The UK bombings were a simple fact of the UK's involvement in the Iraqi war. It was a horrible tradgedy along with 9/11. <- Yes it's a denouncement, I hope you read it clearly, because those of you who want "us" to denounce the terror attacks and take the sides of the "westerners" atleast acknowledge the fact that we denounce these attacks. We're like all of you. Terror sucks... and we need to distinguish the difference between terror, and yes, us Muslims, Brown People, Arabs, what ever you may call us. This is just ****ing up our world. We already have enough problems as it is.