Whites in the UK to become minority group

Well to tell you the truth i don't really give a **** about these jakeballs coming in.

Most of them are pretty sound people and wouldn't do anything wrong and also usually do all the shite jobs so fair play.

Also i'll probably be dead or will have left this country before they take hold.

Maybe i'll go to their country and soak up all the rays safe in the knowledge all the psycho ****s are back in scotland and england (and maybe wales).
Oh dear, dear, dear.
You are vile human beings truly...
You all seem to know a lot of the welfare system so you must all be a part of it...
What, dont like someone else sponging when there so much for the superior whites to be doing? Pensioners die each year because their so called "loved ones" do not take care of them, so much for the British culture...

No clearly the future is backward thinking, small minded, ignorant lowlife scum like you. But your Sun readers to be sure.

Do you honestly think your culture and colour is superior to anyone elses?
So your white, who cares? whats so great about it? Why must you think you have an edge?
RoyalOrleans said:
If you're not a white person, then you'll never know how truly great it is.

The best thing about being white is you can't blame whitey if you are a total ****-up.
RoyalOrleans said:
If you're not a white person, then you'll never know how truly great it is.

I don't have any accent at all, I speak english like any ol' white person, and I am prolly one of lightest brown person you've seen. It was awesome to be white 5-10 years ago and so forth, today, brown is beautiful. :D
A and E (arts and entertainment channel) did a movie called Flight 93, about the plane that went down in Pennsylvania on Sept 11, it brought back alot of memories for me. Ever since that day I have looked upon Arabic people differently...I hate it but I do. Simply put, I fear them.
Lethalfind said:
A and E (arts and entertainment channel) did a movie called Flight 93, about the plane that went down in Pennsylvania on Sept 11, it brought back alot of memories for me. Ever since that day I have looked upon Arabic people differently...I hate it but I do. Simply put, I fear them.

Well Lethal, you actually have nothing to fear from me or my family. My mom is actually too nice sometimes that it pisses me off.
Hamza123 said:
Well Lethal, you actually have nothing to fear from me or my family. My mom is actually too nice sometimes that it pisses me off.

The other day I was in Costco (warehouse type shopping place), watching an Arabic family. Not sure what country they were from, I noticed the wife was not dressed in any unusual way though nor did she follow behind her husband. They had two beautiful children and the Father was so madly in love with his new baby daughter it was funny to watch...they were like any other family, white, black or hispanic...but still in the back of my mind I had to wonder if push came to shove what would this man's beliefs push him to do if he felt he had to?
Lethalfind said:
They had two beautiful children and the Father was so madly in love with his new baby daughter it was funny to watch...

Yeah, because she's money in the bank. At least 60 goats back in the old country. I bet they already have her future husband picked out.
Arabs make up only 15% of the Muslim world, so if your so lame you need to be scared then realise were not all Arab..

What is wrong with you. Its an Iranian custom for the wife to walk behind her husband not and ISLAMIC one Please note that Iran is NOT a Muslim country, they are ruled by tyrannts!!!
If you hold colour to be important then you must lead a sad life..
You prove you pathetic notions at every turn.
Mariama said:
Arabs make up only 15% of the Muslim world, so if your so lame you need to be scared then realise were not all Arab.

Why can't the non-Arab muslims stand up and fight against the tyranny brought on by the Arab nations. If 85% of you shitbags united, the Arab's 15% would scatter like pixiedust on a tiltawhirl.

Marrymia said:
What is wrong with you.

What is wrong with you? Don't swerve me.

Marmaduke said:
Its an Iranian custom for the wife to walk behind her husband not and ISLAMIC one Please note that Iran is NOT a Muslim country, they are ruled by tyrannts!!!

Are there any christians in Iran? What about Jews? Buddhists?

No, honey, it's a Muslim country. And the tyranny of evil men will be sundered by the military might of my beloved Marine Corp.

Merrymouse said:
If you hold colour to be important then you must lead a sad life..

How can one lead a sad life, if they are living the way that they choose to live?

It's limp-wristed bedwetters like yourself that hold race, creed, and religion sacred, unless you're a christian white man. **** you and your race.

Mahatma said:
You prove you pathetic notions at every turn.

I haven't even begun to prove myself, shitheel. Care to parley with a known *******?
RoyalOrleans said:
Every morning I wake up a white man, every morning you wake up a porch monkey.

Ohhh... I feel much better.

Correction; every morning you wake up an ugly, old, pathetic, racist white man with a tiny d k - that's what you wake up as. As for me- last time I checked I didn't climb trees, have fur, a tail or a particular interest for sitting on porches...

& How the hell can the fact that you're pasty and I'm not be some huge advantage!!???
Correction; every morning you wake up an ugly, old, pathetic, racist white man with a tiny d k - that's what you wake up as.

As Stevie wonder said when someone asked him what it was like to be blind, "its better than being black" :D
Some Guy said:
As Stevie wonder said when someone asked him what it was like to be blind, "its better than being black" :D

I would rather be black than be white. At least I can find my true identity.