Whites in the UK to become minority group

attention_whore said:
I wouldn't split any familys up- I'd send them all back. I'm not bothered who was born here. The stakes are way to high. Soon white people will have nowhere to live. Every western nation is facing the same threat. The liberals are hell bent on multiculturalism. I really hope the BNP make huge inroads in the May elections.

Actually, the majority of the new generation in the UK, which is expected to be HUGE, are mostly Liberals... Especially the fact that the UK needs a surpluss of immigrants...
I have to post this once again...

The photos are cool and I didn't quote it in a proper fashion so I recommend reading it here...

Greying West 'needs immigrants'

Populations are ageing rapidly in many countries

Most developed countries will have to open their doors to millions of immigrants because their populations are ageing so fast, according to a United Nations report.
Declining birth rates mean increasing ranks of pensioners, with a diminishing work force to support them.

Japan would need 10 million immigrants every year until 2050 to maintain its 1995 ratio of workers to pensioners

Without mass immigration, the only alternative would be a big increase in the age of retirement, the UN report adds.
One country facing severe problems is Italy which is set to lose between a quarter and a third of its population within 50 years.

By the year 2050, the average Italian will be 53 years old compared to 41 now, and 41% of the country will be over 60.

"Governments are going to have to look at these numbers," said Joseph Chamie, director of the UN Population Division. "These are cold sobering statistics. There is nothing political about them."

"People have become accustomed to certain benefits and lifestyles. The sooner [governments] address these issues the easier the problem will be."

Click here for chart showing ageing populations

The report looks at the likely population trends over the next 50 years in eight countries with fertility rates below 2.1 children per woman, the level required to keep the population constant.

These are Italy, South Korea, Japan, Britain, France, Germany, Russia and the United States.

Paying for the elderly will become an increasing problem

Japan's population has aged faster in the last 50 years than any other industrialised country due to low birth rates and long life expectancy.
To keep its work force steady Japan would need to bring in 647,000 immigrants a year until 2050.

But to maintain its current ratio of workers to pensioners, it would need 10 million a year.

This would mean an enormous change for a country where 99.3% of the population are native Japanese. The alternative would be to increase the retirement age to 77.


In Italy, about four working people currently support each retired person, but this figure is set to drop to 1.5 by the year 2050.

The report suggests Italy would need to add 2.3 million immigrants a year to maintain the current ratio, or raise retirement to 77.

To keep its current support ratio without immigration, Britain would have to increase the age of retirement to 72.

South Korea, at the other end of the spectrum, would have to keep people working until 82.

Greying EU

The UN says these population trends pose crucial questions for governments about future immigration policies, what age they set for retirement and what benefits they provide for the elderly.

The problems appear more pressing in Europe than in the United States.

According to present trends, the US is expected to grow from just under 280 million people to nearly 350 million in the next 50 years.

By contrast, the 15 European Union countries will see their combined population fall from 375 million to 330 million.

The greying EU would need 674 million immigrants over the next 50 years to keep its ratio of workers to pensioners constant, or 79.4 million to maintain a steady workforce, according to the report.
I don't think they should be sending people away for no reason but I do think people should be sent out of the country IF they indulge in insighting terrorism.
Lethalfind said:
I don't think they should be sending people away for no reason but I do think people should be sent out of the country IF they indulge in insighting terrorism.

I couldn't agree more... Literally!! If someone is doing that **** in my country!! I'D WANT THEM OUT!! It doesn't matter if you're any immigrant... If you're an immigrant with the wrong intentions, than it gets serious.
Hamza123 said:
I couldn't agree more... Literally!! If someone is doing that **** in my country!! I'D WANT THEM OUT!! It doesn't matter if you're any immigrant... If you're an immigrant with the wrong intentions, than it gets serious.

But I don't confine that too only immigrants and neither do the laws in the UK, they were passed not long after the bombings in the subways in London and some of the people responsible were Muslims but born in the UK, they are not immigrants. The articles I have read speak of Muslims who were born in the UK making them natives, they would be subject to being relocated...
Lethalfind said:
But I don't confine that too only immigrants and neither do the laws in the UK, they were passed not long after the bombings in the subways in London and some of the people responsible were Muslims but born in the UK, they are not immigrants. The articles I have read speak of Muslims who were born in the UK making them natives, they would be subject to being relocated...

Yeah, I heard. Not such a bad idea after... And people shouldn't be complaining, if they are... It's simple, don't get involved. I think it's something where it's the 3rd Generation of the immigrant that can have a British nationality.
Hamza123 said:
You may wan't to rephrase that... Thats not contadictory to what I said, however you disagree?

Why would I want to re-phrase a perfectly good sentence? And what contradiction are you refering too.

The majority of immigrants in the UK are from either India or East Asia... Pakistanis only account for a small percentage actually.

I am not at all bothered about where they came from, Bengali's Pakistani's Indians.moslems, Afghans whatever, I wish they were all deported.

And think what it would be like if everyone there was white... No Chicken Massalla, you'd have to be working all the hard jobs.. It's plain and simple. Case closed.

Don't be rediculous. We could still eat chicken masala if we wanted too. As for jobs, whites could do those jobs. At present they do not wish to simply because they are poorly paid. Now if those jobs were not getting done ( because all the third worlders were deported) then our working class would have to be encouraged to fill the vacancies by significant wage increases, which is how it should be
Feckless Wench said:
So you'd send kids back to a country they had never visited and feel quite OK about doing it....in the same way that you'd be happy to see the UK economy crash?

I see nothing wrong in rerturning them to their counties. As for the UK economy crashing what a load of rubbish.The economy would be just fine. In fact, economically we would prosper without all the trash sponging on our welfare system, and clogging up our health service with their vile diseases.
Feckless Wench said:
So you'd send kids back to a country they had never visited and feel quite OK about doing it....in the same way that you'd be happy to see the UK economy crash?


Its arsehole, not asshole. You are not an American.

You are a silly middle class idiot from down south somewhere.
Lethalfind said:
I don't think they should be sending people away for no reason but I do think people should be sent out of the country IF they indulge in insighting terrorism.

I think they should also be thrown out of the country if they indulge in inciting terrorism.
hugo said:
I think they should also be thrown out of the country if they indulge in inciting terrorism.

We seem to get plenty of that here. There is one guy, a moslem "cleric" I forget his name now, but you have probably seen him. Both his hands are missing. He claims he lost them fighting in Afghanistan against the Russians. Much more likely, he lost them ****ing around trying to make a bomb.

He has been in the UK for about 20 years, he has never done a days work since getting here. He's on welfare, free housing, free health care, and spends his time preaching hate at Finsbury Park Mosque in London.

Its tossers like this who wind up young impressionable dick heads to commit atrocities such as 9/11 - the London, and Spanish bombings.

The dick-head is finally in jail, but I doubt if it will be for long, and when he gets out, we can expect some more of the same behaviour. I would just hang him. He is just as guilty of murder as the dicks heads who did the bombing. He sent them to do it. But Hey, this is the UK. I'm just surprised the arsehole did not get a medal.
attention_whore said:
We seem to get plenty of that here. There is one guy, a moslem "cleric" I forget his name now, but you have probably seen him. Both his hands are missing. He claims he lost them fighting in Afghanistan against the Russians. Much more likely, he lost them ****ing around trying to make a bomb.

He has been in the UK for about 20 years, he has never done a days work since getting here. He's on welfare, free housing, free health care, and spends his time preaching hate at Finsbury Park Mosque in London.

Its tossers like this who wind up young impressionable dick heads to commit atrocities such as 9/11 - the London, and Spanish bombings.

The dick-head is finally in jail, but I doubt if it will be for long, and when he gets out, we can expect some more of the same behaviour. I would just hang him. He is just as guilty of murder as the dicks heads who did the bombing. He sent them to do it. But Hey, this is the UK. I'm just surprised the arsehole did not get a medal.

This is exactly the kind of bullshit that pisses me off...he is sitting on his ass, inciting violence, being supported by the very same government that he spews hate against...throw his ****in ass out, who cares where he goes as long as he goes and if the country he goes to doesn't see fit to support his lazy ass and kills him, who will miss him? There are plenty of people in the UK who are more deserving of assistance then this piece of excrement...

I bet he came to the UK seeking asylum...NICE. I bet I couldn't come to the UK and move in and live off the people but then again I'm not a criminal. Why reward people who have commited crimes and have to run because of them and seek asylum??
Fullauto's Weekly Hate speech!


I love diversity! I love it so much, I'll actually fight to keep people Diverse!

Go the **** Home!:cool:
Lethalfind said:
I bet he came to the UK seeking asylum...NICE.

You bet is correct, that is exactly how he came in. The vast majority of thes "clerics" are on welfare. It gives them full time acces to rant and rave at mosques, as well as a pleasing lifestyle. Plus, they think that it is harmful to the economy, which is why they do it. I'd deport him back to where he came from, he'd have to get a job then. I would also confiscate all his assets, because everything this creep has , has been provided by the tax payer. He also got a brand new car somehow - I think it was somehow related to his disability. So that would be disability living allowance.

Meanwhile some pensioners die of hypothermia each year because they cannot afford to keep warm. And unbelievably for a G 8 country, one child in three is growing up in poverty in the UK.

But what really pissed me off, was when he got the chance to buy his council house cheap - because he had lived there so long. He got it for buttons and immediately sold it at its true value. House prices in London are astronomical. I think he gor about 240 K

If you have more than I think, about 8K savings here, then you are not entitled to welfare. So then he put the money into fresh property ,so he was officially poor enough again and put it in his sons name.

You guessed it, the turd imediately enrolled for welfare again. I wish Mossad had an overseas branch here in the UK to kill **** like this.
attention_whore said:
You bet is correct, that is exactly how he came in. The vast majority of thes "clerics" are on welfare. It gives them full time acces to rant and rave at mosques, as well as a pleasing lifestyle. Plus, they think that it is harmful to the economy, which is why they do it. I'd deport him back to where he came from, he'd have to get a job then. I would also confiscate all his assets, because everything this creep has , has been provided by the tax payer. He also got a brand new car somehow - I think it was somehow related to his disability. So that would be disability living allowance.

Meanwhile some pensioners die of hypothermia each year because they cannot afford to keep warm. And unbelievably for a G 8 country, one child in three is growing up in poverty in the UK.

But what really pissed me off, was when he got the chance to buy his council house cheap - because he had lived there so long. He got it for buttons and immediately sold it at its true value. House prices in London are astronomical. I think he gor about 240 K

If you have more than I think, about 8K savings here, then you are not entitled to welfare. So then he put the money into fresh property ,so he was officially poor enough again and put it in his sons name.

You guessed it, the turd imediately enrolled for welfare again. I wish Mossad had an overseas branch here in the UK to kill **** like this.

This ******* deserves to die a painful death but your welfare system is really flawed if they continue to let him live off them even after he sold that house for so much...I would think they could track that kind of thing. Here they ask people if they have transferred any property like houses or cars out of their name and that kind of thing can be tracked. You can't give away everything you have and then plead poverty. I know with the elderly getting their nursing home stay paid for, they will look back 3 years to see if the person had money and it suddenly disappeared, which usually they will give their money to their children and then ask the state to pay for the nursing home.
attention_whore said:
We seem to get plenty of that here. There is one guy, a moslem "cleric" I forget his name now, but you have probably seen him. Both his hands are missing. He claims he lost them fighting in Afghanistan against the Russians. Much more likely, he lost them ****ing around trying to make a bomb.

Oh yeah that'll be Abu Hamza then.
attention_whore said:
You bet is correct, that is exactly how he came in. The vast majority of thes "clerics" are on welfare. It gives them full time acces to rant and rave at mosques, as well as a pleasing lifestyle. Plus, they think that it is harmful to the economy, which is why they do it. I'd deport him back to where he came from, he'd have to get a job then. I would also confiscate all his assets, because everything this creep has , has been provided by the tax payer. He also got a brand new car somehow - I think it was somehow related to his disability. So that would be disability living allowance.

Meanwhile some pensioners die of hypothermia each year because they cannot afford to keep warm. And unbelievably for a G 8 country, one child in three is growing up in poverty in the UK.

But what really pissed me off, was when he got the chance to buy his council house cheap - because he had lived there so long. He got it for buttons and immediately sold it at its true value. House prices in London are astronomical. I think he gor about 240 K

If you have more than I think, about 8K savings here, then you are not entitled to welfare. So then he put the money into fresh property ,so he was officially poor enough again and put it in his sons name.

You guessed it, the turd imediately enrolled for welfare again. I wish Mossad had an overseas branch here in the UK to kill **** like this.

Find someone to slip him some digitalis (Foxglove) from the local garden, thats about the only weapon you can easily lay your hands on in the UK...maybe you can make him a nice salad and mix it in, he'll never know.