whites who say there's no racism

Skaterdude409 said:
if u click on the links on my first post of this topic u will see that blacks have lower IQs. Whites average around 100 while blacks our 86

True, but what type of IQ test has been used to generate the data?
Did they use one that are general knowledge, emotional intelligence, problem solving or abstract thought?
Unless someone is tested on all of the above, you do not have a solid IQ test. My overall IQ came back as 140 a few years ago, but I got a really high score in the abstract and problem solving IQ tests, and just a little above average in the other two. So my point is, unless its an over all IQ test, you can't tell.
In australia there is no data to prove that there is a marked difference between the races, it depends on the individuals level of development. I can also understand why O'Holahan would be pissed. But also if you're white and beleive inthe data, then we're not the smartest, asians are :D
Next thing you know someone is going to drag out that old bullshit that black people have different chromosomes then we do...that their not fully human...whatever.
Quarky1.0 said:
True, but what type of IQ test has been used to generate the data?
Did they use one that are general knowledge, emotional intelligence, problem solving or abstract thought?
Unless someone is tested on all of the above, you do not have a solid IQ test. My overall IQ came back as 140 a few years ago, but I got a really high score in the abstract and problem solving IQ tests, and just a little above average in the other two. So my point is, unless its an over all IQ test, you can't tell.
In australia there is no data to prove that there is a marked difference between the races, it depends on the individuals level of development. I can also understand why O'Holahan would be pissed. But also if you're white and beleive inthe data, then we're not the smartest, asians are :D

Im not sure the type of tests the data was based off of but im sure if you checked the sources at the bottom of the page you could find out.
IQ and education have NOTHING to do with each other...

Your IQ is a score your receive based on how quickly you LEARN, not how much you know... and anyone that says differently is about an 85 or so.. or just SOS (stuck on Stupid)...

and whoever the dumb grape is who started this thread just proves everything I have learned about black people as a whole...

You Are A ****ing Moron...

Just because YOU scored a 130 doesn't make a bit of **** to what the AVERAGE IQ score of the black population... and you stated you only finished 9th grade.... GREAT ! ! But regardless of what grade you finished, Your IQ should theoretically be the same!

The standard IQ test (Stanford-Benet) test you on comprehension, not on education... They are accurate within +or- 4 points... so going on that you are anywhere from 126 (Very above average) to 134 (VERY intelligent)... But this is unlikely considering the fact that you can't even comprehend the fact that education and IQ have nothing to do with each other...

Based on what you have said, I would guess you to have about 100-105...

Average! for a white man that is... Above average for black, and below average for oriental...

If your going to sling **** about racism on this site... I'm just letting you know that you will look like a fool if you continue to play the Victim-crat card...

You want to argue race... argue with me... None of these people have the balls or the will to tell you how they really feel.

Phillip J Rushton's "Race, Evolution, and Behavior"

Read it... Just click and read...

You got two ears, two eyes, and one mouth.... use them in that order!
[quote name='O'Holahan']White people who say there isn't any racism. This is especially true in the work force. Lying through their teeth. I saw a pissed off thread about how blacks have an avg IQ of 85. I'm black and took some IQ test and received a score of 130 and only went to the 9th grade. I think most whitemen are intimidated by any black that's smarter than they are. That pisses me off too. I guess it's better to be pissed off than pissed on.

Bottom line, if we don't repent, we're all going to hell......[/quote]
You've just given me reason to think you're stupid by justifying yourself with an IQ score.

You made it to grade nine? That either tells me you're a lazy & unfortunate ****tard, OR the people who surround you are that. IQ doesn't define work ethic, morality, or anything else.

As for "white" people being intimidated by "black" people of superior intelligence, let me reiterate: IQ not equal to intelligence. I will say that people are usually HUMBLED by those who are smarter than themselves, as it should be. The lesser should aspire to learn from the greater.

And weren't white people the ones with the lovely sailboats ya'll were passengers on?
Skaterdude409 said:
Im not sure the type of tests the data was based off of but im sure if you checked the sources at the bottom of the page you could find out.

Most of the test results come from the US government, so I do not question there findings, however IQ can be directly linked to the conditions you live in, if you come from a poor and under developed socio ecenomic background, then it is likly you're iq will be lower, because you have not had the privilage of education which is the key in the development of iq and like it or not, the lowest socio ecenomic community in the USA is the black community, thus, there over all iq scores will be lower.

As far as the genetics of race go, there are now a number of researches who have been working on this for some time, there are slight differences between the races, around 0.5%. The latest theory of how and why the different ethnic groups developed on earth is simple, climate. In africa dark skin is more enviromentally delevant, because the dispersal of melanin in the skin tissue lowers the risk of skin damage, thus we have the evolutionary develpment of the black genome.
As the human race moved out across the earth, and moved north, we have the development of the white genome, which has clumped melanin, lighter hair and blue eyes, which all developed to cope with a colder climate. The asian genome was orginally an off shoot of the white genome. In short and this will offend the narrow minded, humanity started out black, that is why the black genome is a recessive dominant gene, which means if a white woman marries a black man, each of her children will carry the gene, and even after sucessive generations the gene remains, thus after a number of generations a dark skinned, black haired, dark eyes baby can be born to two white parents.
Quarky1.0 said:
Most of the test results come from the US government, so I do not question there findings, however IQ can be directly linked to the conditions you live in, if you come from a poor and under developed socio ecenomic background, then it is likly you're iq will be lower, because you have not had the privilage of education which is the key in the development of iq and like it or not, the lowest socio ecenomic community in the USA is the black community, thus, there over all iq scores will be lower.

Do you think it possible that the reason those areas are poor and undeveloped is because it riddled with people with Low IQs?

Europeans have less than half the growing season that africa does, yet we have 5 times as much food... That has to say something... I think you maybe blaming everyone else but the culprit for thier problems... Let's face it, you may just be experiencing a programmed knee-jerk reaction...

Quarky1.0 said:
As far as the genetics of race go, there are now a number of researches who have been working on this for some time, there are slight differences between the races, around 0.5%. The latest theory of how and why the different ethnic groups developed on earth is simple, climate. In africa dark skin is more enviromentally delevant, because the dispersal of melanin in the skin tissue lowers the risk of skin damage, thus we have the evolutionary develpment of the black genome.

Skin colour are NOT the only differences... Christ, does anyone bother to read what I post anymore?! Go up and read SOME of Phillip J Rushton's Work...

Quarky1.0 said:
As the human race moved out across the earth, and moved north, we have the development of the white genome, which has clumped melanin, lighter hair and blue eyes, which all developed to cope with a colder climate. The asian genome was orginally an off shoot of the white genome. In short and this will offend the narrow minded, humanity started out black, that is why the black genome is a recessive dominant gene, which means if a white woman marries a black man, each of her children will carry the gene, and even after sucessive generations the gene remains, thus after a number of generations a dark skinned, black haired, dark eyes baby can be born to two white parents.

and also, as man moved up North, it got harder and harder to survive... As a result, the smarter men passed on thier genes as a result of being able to better cope with life's little troubles, and the result was a white population that is a bit smarter than those we left behind, both geographically and genetically... Read the Section in Rushtons book about r-k factor... Tell me this man is not spot on...
Blacks have made no significant inventions or pioneered anything in science or other subjects. if they all magicly were done, we would hardly miss them
Skaterdude409 said:
Blacks have made no significant inventions or pioneered anything in science or other subjects. if they all magicly were done, we would hardly miss them

Vote for me!

Supreme Chancellor of The World 0 2008 !
fullauto said:
Do you think it possible that the reason those areas are poor and undeveloped is because it riddled with people with Low IQs?

Simple answer low iq's are the result of a poor education and limited prospect for development, thus the cycle never breaks.

fullauto said:
Europeans have less than half the growing season that africa does, yet we have 5 times as much food... That has to say something... I think you maybe blaming everyone else but the culprit for thier problems... Let's face it, you may just be experiencing a programmed knee-jerk reaction...

This is true, however the soil in northern europe is far richer in base organic nutrients and in parts of europe they get up three crops in a season. However your point is valid, africa in general should be alot better off than it is, the main problem behind this is corruption, in a number of cases where there have been famine, the government of that country and Ethopia is prime example here, that countries government has sold the grain stores instread of holding onto them to feed there people, thus opening the door for famine to strike.

fullauto said:
Skin colour are NOT the only differences... Christ, does anyone bother to read what I post anymore?! Go up and read SOME of Phillip J Rushton's Work...

What color do you think christ was, white? I don't think so, if christ existed (probably not), he was of a middle eastern background, ie dark hair, dark skin, dark eyes, the common image of christ being a white european is a false one.

fullauto said:
and also, as man moved up North, it got harder and harder to survive... As a result, the smarter men passed on thier genes as a result of being able to better cope with life's little troubles, and the result was a white population that is a bit smarter than those we left behind, both geographically and genetically... Read the Section in Rushtons book about r-k factor... Tell me this man is not spot on...

Good point, but africa is not an easy place to live. There is one main reason why europeans developed and that is war, waring tribes have a habbit of storing supplies to make war, which then gives way to farming, which gives rise to more advances in civilation, also there is evidence that the humans who made there way to europe had to deal with the remains of the neanderthals.

But there is one thing that has been the defining seperation that has made european development possible, caucasians in general are far less likely to hold onto there traditions and thus can alter there societies much more quickly. Modern day africa is still controled by the same tribal mentality that has ruled for centries and until they can break this fear and control they will never develope.
That brings me to the final point I have to make. How come the black community in the USA are refered to as African-Americans, this also applies to the asian and hispanic communities. The issue I have with this term is this, are the white community in the USA refered to as European-Americans, or Irish-Americans, English-Americans, the answer is no.
The black community has been apart of america from the time it was founded, but even today they're apart.
So no bloody wonder they're communities are full of crime, drug abuse, low education and social discord, to be part of a country that really wishes you arn't there is enough to piss anyone off.
Skaterdude409 said:
Blacks have made no significant inventions or pioneered anything in science or other subjects. if they all magicly were done, we would hardly miss them

Again this can be directly related to the lack of education in black communities world wide and not there presumed geneic inferiority. Also this same flawed arguement can be said about women, before the equality of the sexes (which is still ongoing), women had made little or no contribution to sociaty other than to breed, it wasn't til after womens liberation took hold and they had a chance to gain higher eductation that they're now contributing to medican, science, buisness and sociaty as a whole.
If the black communities were given the oppotunities, you would see the same results.
bullshit look at africa. they had it to themselves for thousands of years. they never advanced. Mean while Europeans did.
fullauto said:
and also, as man moved up North, it got harder and harder to survive... As a result, the smarter men passed on thier genes as a result of being able to better cope with life's little troubles, and the result was a white population that is a bit smarter than those we left behind, both geographically and genetically... Read the Section in Rushtons book about r-k factor... Tell me this man is not spot on...

Why would smart people move somewhere where it was harder to survive? Sounds pretty dumb to me.
Quarky1.0 said:
Again this can be directly related to the lack of education in black communities world wide and not there presumed geneic inferiority. Also this same flawed arguement can be said about women, before the equality of the sexes (which is still ongoing), women had made little or no contribution to sociaty other than to breed, it wasn't til after womens liberation took hold and they had a chance to gain higher eductation that they're now contributing to medican, science, buisness and sociaty as a whole.
If the black communities were given the oppotunities, you would see the same results.

Why is it that blacks in the same schools score lower than whites?
Skaterdude409 said:
bullshit look at africa. they had it to themselves for thousands of years. they never advanced. Mean while Europeans did.

READ WHAT I WROTE FFS! They have not advanced because of the tribal mentality, in europe they broke from that type of tribal control centries ago, yes there were still tribes, but in time they gave way to the civilizations in europe and that is the big difference. If a society is going to develop they first need to rid themselves of the trible rule, which is open to abuse and corruption.