whites who say there's no racism

hugo said:
Why is it that blacks in the same schools score lower than whites?

Perhaps there home life is not as good, perhaps they live in the lower ecenomic side of town, which will result in there school grades not being as good. This entire arguement regarding the different races and ethic purity is the same one put forward by the facist movement. If you took a child from a poor white household and a child from a rich black household, I would bet the overall scores of the rich black child would be higher than that of the white child.
hugo said:
Why is it that blacks in the same schools score lower than whites?

To play Devil's Advocate here, hugo, I believe that standardized tests are always a little biased.

They are biased to those that actually sit in their class and LISTEN... do their HOMEWORK... and take some ****ing control of their own DESTINY. Instead of falling in line with the rest of the degenerates.

I mean, not too many national standardized tests are going to ask "Who is married to Whitney Houston?".
Quarky1.0 said:
Perhaps there home life is not as good, perhaps they live in the lower ecenomic side of town, which will result in there school grades not being as good. This entire arguement regarding the different races and ethic purity is the same one put forward by the facist movement. If you took a child from a poor white household and a child from a rich black household, I would bet the overall scores of the rich black child would be higher than that of the white child.

Boo-****ing-hoo! I think I hear a solo violin playing just for the degenerate hood rat ****s. They choose to live the way they do, this goes for any ****** of any race, and expect a hand out. They live on the fringes of society, they are parasitic moochers that live from hour to hour with no regards where tomorrow will lead.
RoyalOrleans said:
Boo-****ing-hoo! I think I hear a solo violin playing just for the degenerate hood rat ****s. They choose to live the way they do, this goes for any ****** of any race, and expect a hand out. They live on the fringes of society, they are parasitic moochers that live from hour to hour with no regards where tomorrow will lead.

The catch cry of the true bigot, when all else fails blame those who you view are beneath you.
Quarky1.0 said:
The catch cry of the true bigot, when all else fails blame those who you view are beneath you.

A typical response from a limp-wristed weak-minded bed-wetting ****tard liberal.

I'm a bigot because I believe that every single ****ing idiot on this planet has the opportunity to make something out of themselves. That they control the hand that fate dealt them! Humans were not meant to run around blaming each other other for the other's woes. That humans should rise and strive to do better.

If you live in a bad area... MOVE to a better area.
You don't have any money... get a job.
You have a bad home life... move out!
You're recieving a shitty education and know that you are... take some ****ing initiative and find out things on your own!
Peer pressure... stand up! Rise up! Worry about yourself and your future, don't allow others to make those decisions for you.

We all have a choice in this life, but it is up to you to make the right one.
It fascinates me how people are so eager to prove how "educated" they are by comparing intellectual prowess, or lack thereof, against the prowess of others.

I mean, what does higher education mean? Does it make you what we like to call smarter? Does it give you any more of a grip on what is really going on in the world? I say that it does neither.

The problem with the black community is not that they're less educated but rather that they strive to be lower class. Seriously. What's the big rage in the black community at the moment? Take a look at what labels blacks use to identify themselves. The only thing these people don't want is to give.

The black community lives in this little bubble of illusion in which every White person has it good and every black person has it bad. They create a constant threat for themselves which is not really based in the reality most of us share.

If you should confront a member of the black community and request of them to inform you why so many blacks are prone to criminal activity you'll probably get the ol', "A brutha's gots to do whate'er he gots to do to survive, know what I'm sayin'?" But survival is not the goal. They want everything. Because they have this really ****ing odd belief that all White people own several pairs of multi-hundred dollar shoes and extensive wardrobes consisting of all of the most pricey brandnames.

Yes, it's true. Every single White person, save for white trash, owns at least one television which is over 50" and at least one nice vehicle. We all have more shoes than we can throw at a brutha and more clothes than you can shake a stick at. Get a ****ing grip.

IQ and education are irrelevent. The problem with the black community is not how much they know, but rather how much they don't know. They don't teach Reality Check 121 in high school.

Racism is alive and well and the black community is doing all it can, conciously or unconciously(probably a bit of both), to ensure it never goes away.
Gallytuck said:
Yes, it's true. Every single White person, save for white trash, owns at least one television which is over 50"
I'm not white trash, and my TV is not nearly that huge. I just don't see the need to have a movie screen in my living room.

Gallytuck said:
and at least one nice vehicle.
What do you constitute as nice? I drive a Jetta. It's not a shitbox, but nothing fancy, either.

Gallytuck said:
We all have more shoes than we can throw at a brutha
I have shoes. Maybe 15 pairs (that'll jump to about 22 after I buy my flip flops for the summer, but those get thrown out in the fall). But I don't think that's excessive, and even if you think it is, I'm a woman, what can I say? I like shoes. It's similar to clothes. Different shoes for different seasons. I'm not going to wear boots in the summer, nor would I wear opened toed high heels in the winter. I live in New England. Not such a smart idea.

Gallytuck said:
and more clothes than you can shake a stick at. Get a ****ing grip.
I have enough clothes. Not an extravagant amount, but enough. Stop stereotyping people. It's very unbecoming of you.
angie said:
I'm not white trash, and my TV is not nearly that huge. I just don't see the need to have a movie screen in my living room.

What do you constitute as nice? I drive a Jetta. It's not a shitbox, but nothing fancy, either.

I have shoes. Maybe 15 pairs (that'll jump to about 22 after I buy my flip flops for the summer, but those get thrown out in the fall). But I don't think that's excessive, and even if you think it is, I'm a woman, what can I say? I like shoes. It's similar to clothes. Different shoes for different seasons. I'm not going to wear boots in the summer, nor would I wear opened toed high heels in the winter. I live in New England. Not such a smart idea.

I have enough clothes. Not an extravagant amount, but enough. Stop stereotyping people. It's very unbecoming of you.

lol.. from what I got angie, Gallytuck was being sarcastic when she was saying all that. She was saying what she thinks the black guys all say about white people.
Holy ****, I really need to change my nick. I'm a dude, man, a dude.

Anyway, Angie, you really missed that one. Wullie got it.
heh, ****ed if I know why I thought you were a chick, man, you know I actually typed that out without thinking... sorry, heh :D
No worries. It's not the first time. My feeling is it's the "gally" part of it. Anyone read Irvine Welsh?
Gallytuck said:
Holy ****, I really need to change my nick. I'm a dude, man, a dude.

Anyway, Angie, you really missed that one. Wullie got it.
Yea that happens every now and again. I guess I should start sleeping more.
Oh well. At least it'll be good reference for the next 'oppressed' black man who thinks all whites live extravagently.
Quarky1.0 said:
READ WHAT I WROTE FFS! They have not advanced because of the tribal mentality, in europe they broke from that type of tribal control centries ago, yes there were still tribes, but in time they gave way to the civilizations in europe and that is the big difference. If a society is going to develop they first need to rid themselves of the trible rule, which is open to abuse and corruption.

they had thousands of years to do it. They never did. Stop making excuses for the ******s. Europeans lived under the same tribal conditions, you said it yourself, yet they moved on. blacks didnt. You know why? cuase their lazy stupid people.

Even today they gripe about slavery. NEWS FLASH. every race has been slaves at one time or another. Blacks are blood suckers trying to live off the rest of the human race while they sit on their asses. So stop making up excuses as to why they are so missunderstood or disfortunate
RoyalOrleans said:
A typical response from a limp-wristed weak-minded bed-wetting ****tard liberal.

I'm a bigot because I believe that every single ****ing idiot on this planet has the opportunity to make something out of themselves. That they control the hand that fate dealt them! Humans were not meant to run around blaming each other other for the other's woes. That humans should rise and strive to do better.

If you live in a bad area... MOVE to a better area.
You don't have any money... get a job.
You have a bad home life... move out!
You're recieving a shitty education and know that you are... take some ****ing initiative and find out things on your own!
Peer pressure... stand up! Rise up! Worry about yourself and your future, don't allow others to make those decisions for you.

We all have a choice in this life, but it is up to you to make the right one.

I do agree with you, to a point. Most people find it extremely difficult to give up the surroundings they were born into and further themselves. They will inevitably end up living and working in a simular enviroment to that which they were raised, they will also end up marrying similar people to there parents, with similar ideals and out looks. Thus if someone comes from a negative background, they are more likely to continue the cycle.
It takes an individual with insight to make the changes in there life, that they need to break the cycle and unfortunately insight is something the human race is lack in spades.
If humanity had insight as a whole, we wouldn't have crime, drug abuse, war, famine, corruption, because people would be aware of how detrimental there actions were on others.
You ask any alcoholic if they have a problem, and they will so no, but deep down they, do they do anything about it, hell no, because they have no insight. The same goes for druggies and criminals, there lack of insight condemns them to forever repeat the same cycle.
People who do not futher themselve have this same lack of insight, it doesn't mean they're stupid, it just means theres eyes have not been opened and most probably never will be.
Quarky1.0 said:
I do agree with you, to a point. Most people find it extremely difficult to give up the surroundings they were born into and further themselves. They will inevitably end up living and working in a simular enviroment to that which they were raised, they will also end up marrying similar people to there parents, with similar ideals and out looks. Thus if someone comes from a negative background, they are more likely to continue the cycle.
It takes an individual with insight to make the changes in there life, that they need to break the cycle and unfortunately insight is something the human race is lack in spades.
If humanity had insight as a whole, we wouldn't have crime, drug abuse, war, famine, corruption, because people would be aware of how detrimental there actions were on others.
You ask any alcoholic if they have a problem, and they will so no, but deep down they, do they do anything about it, hell no, because they have no insight. The same goes for druggies and criminals, there lack of insight condemns them to forever repeat the same cycle.
People who do not futher themselve have this same lack of insight, it doesn't mean they're stupid, it just means theres eyes have not been opened and most probably never will be.

Isn't that what I just said? Is there a ****ing echo in here?

Rise up, prove that human beings from all walks of life are better than the dogs we keep as pets.
I agree wholeheartedly with everyone who says that Blacks don't really want racism to go away.

Indeed, they will have to walk on their own once that comfy little crutch goes away. The welfare checks will stop coming too. No more chronic blunts for them now, unless they want to actually get up and get a job, and stop throwing the race card every chance they get.

It's funny how the Jews, the Indians, the Mexicans and every other race that has ever been persecuted isn't going, "Oh, we've had such an unfortunate upbringing, and we can't get out of this racism. We are eternally doomed to poverty." All I hear is a bunch of screaming monkies who could just as easily shut the **** up and go get a job.
mozartownsmusic777 said:
I agree wholeheartedly with everyone who says that Blacks don't really want racism to go away.

Indeed, they will have to walk on their own once that comfy little crutch goes away. The welfare checks will stop coming too. No more chronic blunts for them now, unless they want to actually get up and get a job, and stop throwing the race card every chance they get.

It's funny how the Jews, the Indians, the Mexicans and every other race that has ever been persecuted isn't going, "Oh, we've had such an unfortunate upbringing, and we can't get out of this racism. We are eternally doomed to poverty." All I hear is a bunch of screaming monkies who could just as easily shut the **** up and go get a job.

LOL, well said, I must agree with you on that point, you seem to have some beaming light of intelligence.

But yes, they do play and depend on "racism" which is interesting, given that the "white devil" is becoming a minority.
Msixty said:
LOL, well said, I must agree with you on that point, you seem to have some beaming light of intelligence.

But yes, they do play and depend on "racism" which is interesting, given that the "white devil" is becoming a minority.

thats still a long way off