Who do you love to hate ??

SD, now why would I want to chew you out, when I can just chew you up LOL

I like to play with my chew toys, not destroy it as soon as I find it
There are two people on here who are a waste of time.
I read this sight and post to it because its interesting and an insight into how people think about certain issues.
I just had to put _wow on ignore for wasting my time and cool_Dude is headed that way. I find nothing of interest in what he says and the worst thing in the world you can do to me is too waste my time.
Time is something we never get back once its been wasted...
Thats as close to loving to hate someone I have gotten...
Why ignore anyone?

The real power is in having people ignore you.

I wish all of the members had me on ignore, so I could run around and write awful things to amuse myself without having to deal with people getting upset.
Anna Perenna said:
Why ignore anyone?

The real power is in having people ignore you.

I wish all of the members had me on ignore, so I could run around and write awful things to amuse myself without having to deal with people getting upset.

I thought it was spelt POWAH, Anna. :p
Anna Perenna said:
Why ignore anyone?

The real power is in having people ignore you.

I wish all of the members had me on ignore, so I could run around and write awful things to amuse myself without having to deal with people getting upset.
I think that is one of the cool things about the way GF runs, if one TRUELY wants to not be bothered by a fellow poster, just use the damn ignore button, if they don't use it, then they are open game like everyone else when it comes to insults and subject matter from the person they are offended by.

And it's true, to be TRULY insulted on this board, is to be ignored by others. Otherwise, let the bitching and bickering and trolling and whoring, taunting and insulting commence, it's what we all come here for, and personally, I enjoy pissing off each and every one of you when ever possible... COME ON NOW... GROUP HUG TIME...:D
Anna Perenna said:
Why ignore anyone?

The real power is in having people ignore you.

I wish all of the members had me on ignore, so I could run around and write awful things to amuse myself without having to deal with people getting upset.

Anna, you feel you have real power when people ignore you???
Have you thought about seeking help??

Your joy in this website comes only in being able to write things about people when they can't see you??
The more I read the more strange you are. I bet you had an invisible friend when you were little.
I personally dont "hate" anyone on here...lol
I just HATE SDs comments..she irrates me with her lack of experience but hey what do i know..I wasnt raised in a Canadian sheltered home .
She probably is as intelligent as she puts out to be but she still "rubs me wrong" and she would have got my vote! ;)
I prefer to render my prey decimated as opposed to just letting them stagnate and spread their virulent stupidity.
Lethalfind said:
Anna, you feel you have real power when people ignore you???.

That is a form of POWAH Lethal. When someone hates you enough to switch you off entirely, they have handed you the forum for your own use. Get it?

Lethalfind said:
Have you thought about seeking help??.

GF is therapy. It's relatively cheap, and you get to decide how you use it.

Lethalfind said:
Your joy in this website comes only in being able to write things about people when they can't see you??.

I loved it when MRIH had me on his "ignore" list. You ought to try it. It's really a blast. You can write whatever you like about them, and they can only guess what is going on behind their backs. Oh, the POWAH. It's intoxicating.

Lethalfind said:
The more I read the more strange you are. I bet you had an invisible friend when you were little.

And you didn't?? You are one of the few if you didn't. Lighten up. Anna is having fun. If you take what you read here as gospel, it's you that needs the therapy. ;)
builder said:
That is a form of POWAH Lethal. When someone hates you enough to switch you off entirely, they have handed you the forum for your own use. Get it?
posted by Builder

again, let me say that I don't hate anyone here, I put one person on ignore because they are a waste of my time, I have seen others put people on ignore for the same reason. I think Anna wants to think more of herself then is warranted, so therefore she has to believe she has more impact on their lives then she does...

"GF is therapy. It's relatively cheap, and you get to decide how you use it. "
posted by Builder

I agree with this completely,

"I loved it when MRIH had me on his "ignore" list. You ought to try it. It's really a blast. You can write whatever you like about them, and they can only guess what is going on behind their backs. Oh, the POWAH. It's intoxicating. "
posted by Builder

I have to say that it wouldn't even be something that I noticed if someone put me on ignore...

posted by Builder
And you didn't?? You are one of the few if you didn't. Lighten up. Anna is having fun. If you take what you read here as gospel, it's you that needs the therapy. ;)

NO, I didn't have an invisible friend and in fact in the US it considered a childs way of dealing with some kind of loss or fear, not an ideal situation when you consider a childs parents aren't watching closely enough to realize their child is trying to deal with something and doesn't know how. I had real friends and family (such as they were) to be with.
Lethalfind said:
NO, I didn't have an invisible friend and in fact in the US it considered a childs way of dealing with some kind of loss, not an ideal situation when you consider a childs parents aren't watching closely enough to realize their child is trying to deal with something and doesn't know how. I had real friends and family (such as they were) to be with.

I feel sorry for you. My father died when I was in my teens. I still ask him questions and get answers.

You are just jealous because the voices only talk to me.
builder said:
I feel sorry for you. My father died when I was in my teens. I still ask him questions and get answers.

You are just jealous because the voices only talk to me.

well thats a little different then an invisible friend, I understand your definition then, I feel like my Father and Grandmother are still with me. In the mental health profession here in the states an invisible friend is considered a fictional character that a child conjures up in order to cope with loss or fears, either real or imagined.

Thank god the voices stopped talking to me when I stopped working for the mental health insurance company, I actually had a sign on my desk that said your just jealous the voices only talk to me, it used to crack up the therapists when they would come by...
Lethalfind said:
well thats a little different then an invisible friend, I understand your definition then, I feel like my Father and Grandmother are still with me. In the mental health profession here in the states an invisible friend is considered a fictional character that a child conjures up in order to cope with loss or fears, either real or imagined.

Thank god the voices stopped talking to me when I stopped working for the mental health insurance company, I actually had a sign on my desk that said your just jealous the voices only talk to me, it used to crack up the therapists when they would come by...

Aaaah, where to start? You've worked in the mental health industry? And that qualifies you to comment on sane people?

Not. Children create imaginary friends for a variety of reasons. I was raised in a family of six kids. Two of my sisters talked to fairies at the bottom of our garden, near to the creek, probably because the books they were reading, by famous author Enid Blyton described the habitat of fairies. My imaginary buddy lived in the sky, ala Jack the giant killer tales.

It's all about imagination, and encouraging the same. If you have no imagination, then you look outside yourself for mental sustenance.

Call me mad; I don't give a ****. I'll just call you anal and go on talking to my imaginary buddies.

Catch you later.
actually I was repeating what I have read, not commenting...
things must be the opposite where your from because if you had been paying any attention at all you would see I'm the least anal person you have ever met. At least be on point with your insults, like call me a bitch, now that would be true and it might make you feel better since you evidently get wrought up about your little blogging sessions.
Lethalfind said:
actually I was repeating what I have read, not commenting...
things must be the opposite where your from because if you had been paying any attention at all you would see I'm the least anal person you have ever met. At least be on point with your insults, like call me a bitch, now that would be true and it might make you feel better since you evidently get wrought up about your little blogging sessions.

Insulting people rarely makes me feel any emotion other than pity.

Your assumption that I am getting worked up is way off target. You need to get to know my posting style before making assumptions about my persona.
builder said:
Insulting people rarely makes me feel any emotion other than pity.

Your assumption that I am getting worked up is way off target. You need to get to know my posting style before making assumptions about my persona.

Well that is my failing in this, I tend to take people at face value, rather then trying to read around what they say, I take what they say as how it is. Its difficult to understand someones humour (at least for me) when I can't hear the tone of their voice of see their face.
If I have offended by this misunderstanding, I apologize.