Who is hotter?

Those are their actual photos?

Wait nvm, just looked. Yep, sure is them. I find them both attractive.
That 2 shades of brown in AIG's hair is WAY SEXY !!
As for Tori... uh, well, she's a fellow mod, and we speak in the hidden forum sometimes (I even know her real name), so uh... NO COMMENT.
LOL nope that's not me. Broke my digi camera so it'll be a while before u get pix of me. Besides, my body is being taken over by a big preggo belly lol. It looks like I'm carrying a bowling ball strapped onto my stomach LMAO. But at least that's the only thing that's growing. Well, besides my boobs. I'm gonna look like Dolly Parton at the rate I'm going...and no I don't like it. They keep getting in my way!
angie said:
LOL nope that's not me. Broke my digi camera so it'll be a while before u get pix of me. Besides, my body is being taken over by a big preggo belly lol. It looks like I'm carrying a bowling ball strapped onto my stomach LMAO. But at least that's the only thing that's growing. Well, besides my boobs. I'm gonna look like Dolly Parton at the rate I'm going...and no I don't like it. They keep getting in my way!

Hmmm, a continuum theorist? Get the vitamin E cream happening on those growing orbs. Is this your first procreation experiment?
LMAO yes it is. And I already started with the vitamin E ****- Cocoa Mango Butter lotion w/ Vitamin E. So far so good!
angie said:
LMAO yes it is. And I already started with the vitamin E ****- Cocoa Mango Butter lotion w/ Vitamin E. So far so good!

You're teasing me, Angie. ;)

I used to love applying the anti-stretch mark cream to my incubator. Do your hips, tummy, inner and outer thighs, Oh, hang on, I've just gotta go and.......

No seriously, it helps to alleviate the effects of the swelling. **** I'm glad I was born without an incubator installed. :D I don't envy women. Not at all. I have five sisters to take notes from.
Eh...it's really not so bad. I've actually had a really easy pregnancy. The only thing that bites is the no smoking/drinking thing. Especially being summer and all the parties and holidays and stuff....Oh well. I really can't complain. I'm not too terribly concerned about the stretch marks, I really haven't gained any weight. That's the odd part. I look VERY pregnant but have only gained a few pounds. I'm one of the lucky few who is ALL baby. And all this time I was scared I would be one of those pudgy pregnant people who gets fat everywhere. But I am VERY careful about what I eat and exercise. It's paying off, too.
Your baby will be all the better for your dilligence. Remember one thing. Enjoy it. You have it happening. ;)
builder said:
Your baby will be all the better for your dilligence. Remember one thing. Enjoy it. You have it happening. ;)

Oh I do. I couldn't be happier!
I'll just be relieved when I can have a beer after a bad day at work!!