Who is hotter?

Hmm, we already have Tori's rating on HOTORNOT.COM

I think we need to have AIG listed too, lets see what the totally UNBIASED viewers of the world say about AIG:

It will probably take a couple days before we have a valid statistic, I'll even post the GRAPH to show how people voted..

Then she will know exactally how hot she really is, and it won't be because were trying to be nice.

Edit: last I checked ToriAllen rated a 9.6 on the hotness scale.
builder said:
Hey, I need a holiday. Describe how you percieve me. My avatar is only five years old, and I've not visited pomgolia b4.

Reiteration: how do you want me packaged? :D

It doesn't matter how I perceive you.What matters is how you really are.Why not show me your real photo??
How do I want you packaged?? hmmm Builders' outfits are sexy without the T-shirt ofcourse.The grease on skin makes it waaay better. ;)
It doesn't matter how I perceive you.What matters is how you really are.Why not show me your real photo??
How do I want you packaged?? hmmm Builders' outfits are sexy without the T-shirt ofcourse.The grease on skin makes it waaay better. ;)

My avatar is myself.

I'm fit, slim, 168cm , 62 kg, and feisty, as you've probably guessed. :D

I also don't mind the grease on skin thang. I much prefer honey and chocolate sauce. It goes better with everything. ;)
Well ****, now you mention it phreak, I do have a rather laughable freebie home page. I do believe that my avatar is on the fishing section of that home page. If you laugh your arse off at my page, make sure I hear it. pls. :p

Non of you are ugly.

Builder has a gladiator look in that photo,and Phreak you look like a cute cuddly bear.Both are good things to me. :p
Non of you are ugly.

Builder has a gladiator look in that photo,and Phreak you look like a cute cuddly bear.Both are good things to me. :p

I'm Norwegian German heritage, Somali lady. Gladiator? I love it. :p
builder said:
Well ****, now you mention it phreak, I do have a rather laughable freebie home page. I do believe that my avatar is on the fishing section of that home page. If you laugh your arse off at my page, make sure I hear it. pls. :p

Ughh, even uglier then I thought. And that was even after photoshopping it and correcting for light and color level.​
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My ugly ass is on hotornot. ODDLY ENOUGH I been rated quite high. I guess it is because they haven't seen my grotesque body... ;)
You guys, that is just sad...
I won't say anything bad about a person with the courage to put a profile pic up (not on here anyway). Where's yours Grey~Gal?
Let's see the link Outlaw. You can't tell us you have it posted and not give us the link.
Here is AIG's initial STATS after posting the image for a few hours on hotornot.com:


As you can see, her FINAL rating, is 8.3, but statistically, she gets a majority of 6's, but so far, she has YET to be ranked UNDER a 6, so nobody seems to think she is UGLY .
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Those really aren't accurate until you get close to 100 votes. That score will go up, but it will take a day or two.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Want to see ugly? Well here's me:

You look like someone that VORTEX would go for with those gay ass clothes.What's with that ****ing SPIKE dog collar Carson ??

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Now there's a kid whose heard of teh sex pistols LOL DId you take that shirt out of my closet? :p