Who loves the song Hands Held High?


so inspirational

lol...."He hand wrote a quote inside: When the rich wage war it's the poor who die."

and i love the last part

With hands held high
Into the sky so blue
The ocean opens up
To swallow you.

Well....all in all, I think this song is fantastic...definately a song i would put on top 10
My favorite song on the album :] I love how they put the rapping over such beautiful melody. And I didn't see the "amen" in the song as something religious, but just as a calm or peaceful phrase. The lyrics were amazing, very inspirational quotes. But when the last two lines came on my heart melted. *sniff*

i 2nd that, except it's not my fav, but i love it!!
this song is ****ing amazing...but i doesnt make me feel happy or something...because its about WAR!!! a how bad it is...i love the words:

when the rich wage war its the poor who die

its so wise and true...

This is one of my favorite quotes in any song I have ever heard...its the most bold and true statement ever
I love the song too, my second favourite! I don't really like the amen bet, but the hands held high part at the end is the best part.
i relly think LP coulda done MORE with this song, sure it sounds ALRIGHT...but iono, while the lyrics are powerful and certainly the some of better ones LP have written, the rest of it is quite mediocre for me