Who Should Americans Blame When the Killing Starts?

Actually the withdrawl of the u.s in iraq...maybe a victory for islam...but it will be short lived...it will end up with muslims killing muslims with arabs/turks/foreign mujahids/kurds/Iranians getting in for a free for all.
It never ceases to amaze me how these proponents for a war nobody wanted can twist and misrepresent flawed logic to make it sound so perfectly RIGHT (pun intended).

It cannot have escaped this correspondents notice that the very reason Iraq is in such chaos, and the potential for civilian slaughter is so high is because America and its coalition invaded in the first place.

Yet to read this propaganda, you have to keep reminding yourself that America did not HAVE to prosecute this invasion.

There was, and is, NO evidence of the weapons that were the pretext for the conflict. There is FAR more evidence that the Saudi's finance and support terrorism than Iraq ever did.

Sure, as a nation Iraq was hardly a model of America's idea of a modern, democratic and free society, but what has that got to do with America?

Lets be realistic. There are very few nations on earth, if any, who wish to emulate America's political system. Even Americans berate it. It is neither fair nor just, and cannot rightly claim to represent the view of the entire population. So, why should Iraq's?

Hussein was a contemptible psychopath.

So was Pinochet. So was the Shah Of Iran. So was Ferdinand Marcos.

The real casualty of the Iraq war will be the US. Iraq will become a Muslim fundamentalist state, just like Iran. America has as much hope of transplanting its version of "democracy" in Iraq, as George Bush has of getting every American to pray to Mecca twice a day.

In the meantime, right wing spinners will pillory "pacifists" on the basis that to criticise the President is anti American, and to seek withdrawal will hand a fait accompli to the terrorists.

If the terrorists are so potent and capable as to take captive a country of 20 million people, despite the removal of Hussein and his henchmen, what does THAT tell you?

All the Iraqi war has done is to move 200,000 Americans within range of Arab guns and bombs. Vietnam taught America nothing, and so Iraq will be the catastrophic failure everyone feared it would be, and Iraq will descend into chaos that only fear can control.
Rotwang said:
It never ceases to amaze me how these proponents for a war nobody wanted can twist and misrepresent flawed logic to make it sound so perfectly RIGHT (pun intended).

It cannot have escaped this correspondents notice that the very reason Iraq is in such chaos, and the potential for civilian slaughter is so high is because America and its coalition invaded in the first place.

Yet to read this propaganda, you have to keep reminding yourself that America did not HAVE to prosecute this invasion.

There was, and is, NO evidence of the weapons that were the pretext for the conflict. There is FAR more evidence that the Saudi's finance and support terrorism than Iraq ever did.

Sure, as a nation Iraq was hardly a model of America's idea of a modern, democratic and free society, but what has that got to do with America?

Lets be realistic. There are very few nations on earth, if any, who wish to emulate America's political system. Even Americans berate it. It is neither fair nor just, and cannot rightly claim to represent the view of the entire population. So, why should Iraq's?

Hussein was a contemptible psychopath.

So was Pinochet. So was the Shah Of Iran. So was Ferdinand Marcos.

The real casualty of the Iraq war will be the US. Iraq will become a Muslim fundamentalist state, just like Iran. America has as much hope of transplanting its version of "democracy" in Iraq, as George Bush has of getting every American to pray to Mecca twice a day.

In the meantime, right wing spinners will pillory "pacifists" on the basis that to criticise the President is anti American, and to seek withdrawal will hand a fait accompli to the terrorists.

If the terrorists are so potent and capable as to take captive a country of 20 million people, despite the removal of Hussein and his henchmen, what does THAT tell you?

All the Iraqi war has done is to move 200,000 Americans within range of Arab guns and bombs. Vietnam taught America nothing, and so Iraq will be the catastrophic failure everyone feared it would be, and Iraq will descend into chaos that only fear can control.
Let's be realistic... your dad, brother, sister or fellow American was killed in Desert Storm and then Saddam pissed on him and dared you to do something about it...

The war is just and will be won but a quick victory would require us to carpet bomb the Sunni demonstration against peace today in support of the terror... Americans like you just wouldn't put up with us killing the enemy without them wearing uniforms or being found guilty in a court. If it has to be slow to please you then more people will die to please you... and to support your anti war cries...
Crispy Critter said:
Let's be realistic...

Americans like you just wouldn't put up with us killing the enemy without them wearing uniforms or being found guilty in a court. If it has to be slow to please you then more people will die to please you... and to support your anti war cries...

What is wrong with not agreeing with unnecessary slaugher of innocent people (or the great christian phrase to invoke sympathy "innocent women and children"..).

Frankly im appalled that a parent of young children thinking carpet bombing is the answer and will get the job done so we can all go home. Not many people are proud of being a cold blooded killer....im actually quite suprised!

I realize you are vastly pro war, and i am opposite of that....but being prowar and suggesting bombing indiscriminately is very irresponsible...
Vortex said:
What is wrong with not agreeing with unnecessary slaugher of innocent people (or the great christian phrase to invoke sympathy "innocent women and children"..).

Frankly im appalled that a parent of young children thinking carpet bombing is the answer and will get the job done so we can all go home. Not many people are proud of being a cold blooded killer....im actually quite suprised!

I realize you are vastly pro war, and i am opposite of that....but being prowar and suggesting bombing indiscriminately is very irresponsible...
The Sunni's marched in the streets praising the Al Sadder crew for killing non Sunni's and American's in protest to the draft constitution so if they proclaim to have Burger King and have it their way then the absense of them would allow peace to return to the nation... or do you think their worship of non sunni killing including Americans is a good thing? Hold a fist in defiance and be carpet bombed or use political methods to resolve differences to avoid the carpet bombing. To suck the Sunni's dick will only prolong the battle... just kill them all and return to peace.
Crispy Critter said:
The Sunni's marched in the streets praising the Al Sadder crew for killing non Sunni's and American's in protest to the draft constitution so if they proclaim to have Burger King and have it their way then the absense of them would allow peace to return to the nation... or do you think their worship of non sunni killing including Americans is a good thing? Hold a fist in defiance and be carpet bombed or use political methods to resolve differences to avoid the carpet bombing. To suck the Sunni's dick will only prolong the battle... just kill them all and return to peace.

the whole thing about democracy is that it takes time. if you want rash, quick deciision making that, although can be seen as decisive, it is often the route to regret. The whole point of democracy is so that everyone is heard, even if they're anti-democratic. For democracy to really work then those who with for it must make their voices heard as well, those who showed up to vote were examples of this.

If you wish for the violent taking of lives under the control of a few "gods amoung men" (aka the guys with the power, who are NOT the people) then move to a country under a facist military regime.

Now if the majority of Americans want a bombing to happen then i guess thats how its going to happen, but when the wishes of the people say that yous should pull out. (EVEN if you or those in ower feel its the wrong) then get the hell out.) Best decision or not, america shoiuld be in the control of its people and it is up to the people to make decisions, and mistakes. When those in power go against that will of the mass then you have lost your democracy. Me thinks a referendium is in order...
Do not rely on tv or Flounders like Rush Limbaugh,or either party for the truth. If Rush thought Hitler was a republican he would justify the hollicost. There is no more proof that Saddam may he rot in hell Hussien harbored terrorist than there was of wmd's,remember those and the lack there of. The USofA put Saddam in power furnished the knowledge and materials for chemical and biological warfare. Hince the need for the first two attacks on Iraq according to both parties. Truth is saddam was put in power as a deterrent to Iran. Who had been screwed by the cia. The cia had helped remove a demoractically elected leader and replaced him with a dictator. So England could control the oil there, which eventually led to the hostage situation.
Before the screams of liberal or conservative let me remind you who was in the white house when we pulled out of vietnam. A war started under Liberals and the pull out with Nixon in charge.
We, the USA is stuck in a bad situation again. We helped get Russia out of afganistan. Then left the people on their own and the Taliban took over. This supposedly caused us to incur the wrath of Osama Bin Ladin. remember him? The man in charge of the attack on the trade towers who is still in afganistan. So what the hell are we doing in iraq? :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Mr X said:
Actually the withdrawl of the u.s in iraq...maybe a victory for islam...but it will be short lived...it will end up with muslims killing muslims with arabs/turks/foreign mujahids/kurds/Iranians getting in for a free for all.

So you finally all admit that this is a war on Islam.Nothing to do with stopping Al-qaida or taking revenge for 9/11 or finding ''weapons of mass distruction''.
I don't understand why you people think you know the future.You just go on what you ''think'' will happen.
thanks for finally admitting your true intentions.
The truth is that america is the real opressor,the true murderer.Stop pointing fingers at others when you make the perfect example of that which you describe others to be.
Aig you are like the uneducated masses here who yell its all racist no matter what the problem . No dammit you missed the entire point of what I was trying to get across. You are just another concieted dimwit as single minded as Rush Windbag. What I had to say about the stupidity of our govt. and all the Sheikhs, Iatolas and pm's had nothing to do with religion. I was pointing out that most people do not study history especially recent history. They rely on dumb shits who like you have only one agenda in mind," poor pitiful me." quit being an assinine ashole and admit that the muslims share some of the blame for this. I am not refering to the average citizen of these countries. I am trying to point out the fact that rulers, politicians and religous leader cause the wars and bloodshed of this world, and always have. Unless you have a closed mind,such as allah is the only answer jerk,or any of you reading this who go to the other extreme. we could exist without trying kill each other. :mad: :mad: :mad:
They rely on dumb shits who like you have only one agenda in mind," poor pitiful me." quit being an assinine ashole and admit that the muslims share some of the blame for this. I am not refering to the average citizen of these countries. I am trying to point out the fact that rulers, politicians and religous leader cause the wars and bloodshed of this world, and always have. Unless you have a closed mind,such as allah is the only answer jerk,or any of you reading this who go to the other extreme. we could exist without trying kill each other.

Oh boy,you got me all wrong.I do admit that muslims are not innocent when it comes to the problems of this world.Infact,I think everyone has made a fair contribution.But I just get frustrated when muslims are dumped together and blamed for everything.And as a muslim when you read stuff like,''If we pull out Islam will win''.,you get quite upset.when people attack the belief of over a billion of people and call them all terrorists it gets kinda unfair,don't ya think?
Maybe you should read all my other posts and not be judgemental just cos I got frustrated and finally let loose.You should read the arrogant comments made by most americans on this site,then you'll understand my outburst.
I don't dislike all americans.The ignorant,arrogant ones and your government are an acception.
And since when have I said anything about not wanting to live without killing each other?I've said it so many time that I hate anyone who murders or causes the suffering of innocent people no matter what culture or belief they have.

Close minded jerk? why thank you very much. ;)
Crispy Critter said:
Let's be realistic... your dad, brother, sister or fellow American was killed in Desert Storm and then Saddam pissed on him and dared you to do something about it...

The war is just and will be won but a quick victory would require us to carpet bomb the Sunni demonstration against peace today in support of the terror... Americans like you just wouldn't put up with us killing the enemy without them wearing uniforms or being found guilty in a court. If it has to be slow to please you then more people will die to please you... and to support your anti war cries...

See, this really pisses me off...

By what leap of logic do you ASSUME I am American?? The world is NOT filled with Americans. The world, despite the rhetoric and propaganda of your politicians, does NOT rotate around an American hub. There are for more nations and cultures in existence than America.

Your response typifies the attitude of many of your countryfolk - you are so sheltered and ignorant from the world that anything or anyone NOT American is beyond your feeble contemplation.

I am not anti-American per se, and respect Americans in many ways. Kindly reciprocate that respect.
Rotwang said:
See, this really pisses me off...

By what leap of logic do you ASSUME I am American?? The world is NOT filled with Americans. The world, despite the rhetoric and propaganda of your politicians, does NOT rotate around an American hub. There are for more nations and cultures in existence than America.

Your response typifies the attitude of many of your countryfolk - you are so sheltered and ignorant from the world that anything or anyone NOT American is beyond your feeble contemplation.

I am not anti-American per se, and respect Americans in many ways. Kindly reciprocate that respect.

Maybie he thought you were an American because you were talking about our business like you lived here? Take care of your ****ing problems and we'll take care of ours!

I find it funny how your conservative Government is Bush's puppet!...LOL What do you think about that?
TWorld PoliceA said:
Maybie he thought you were an American because you were talking about our business like you lived here? Take care of your ****ing problems and we'll take care of ours!

I find it funny how your conservative Government is Bush's puppet!...LOL What do you think about that?

I find it funny that the only two choices you had were Kerry and Shrub.

The sick thing is, that our ****tard has his nose implanted in your ****tard.

When I see two dogs stuck together rutting in the street, it reminds me of this political pairing.

What say you?
TWorld PoliceA said:
Maybie he thought you were an American because you were talking about our business like you lived here? Take care of your ****ing problems and we'll take care of ours!

I find it funny how your conservative Government is Bush's puppet!...LOL What do you think about that?

The problem is that YOUR problem becomes OUR problem, given YOUR inherent compulsion to export them to the world at large.

But as you asked, to some extent Australia has little choice but to be an ally of the US, or puppet if you prefer the term.

However, its not like we dont pay for the privilege.

Take a look at an atlas. One that has countries other than America, that is.

Find Australia.

Now look at the countries we are surrounded by, each one far more populous than ours.

Would YOU feel comfortable with 250M muslims on your doorstep.

So, we back you up, you back us up. Simple formula, really.

Most Australians are quite kindly disposed to Americans. Americans can come to Australia and feel safe and comfortable. We're family, after all.

Its the stupid things you do that make us see you as a recklessly irresponsible cousin. But family is family, and we stick together.

Australia is vital to US security, and vice versa.

Because we are less than 10% of your population, we're hardly going to be the string puller, now are we?

But for a small population in a hostile zone, we do pretty well for ourselves.