Who the hell is Oliver Harrington?!

phreakwars said:
Oliver Harrington !!

Oh yeah... that guy..

What to do about him...

Hmm, want his I.P. address and a satellite photo of his home ??

Really,Phreak..,are you capable of that too?
Don't get my hopes up for nothing. :D :D
Will this give me bad rep?
:D :D
The IP Address is: The host name is: 81-178-102-180.dsl.pipex.com.

OrgName: RIPE Network Coordination Centre
Address: P.O. Box 10096
City: Amsterdam
PostalCode: 1001EB
Country: NL

The IP Address is: The host name is: 81-178-102-180.dsl.pipex.com.

OrgName: RIPE Network Coordination Centre
Address: P.O. Box 10096
City: Amsterdam
PostalCode: 1001EB
Country: NL

OH this is Bull ,postal codes have letters in them.(in U.K)
He's in London.
P.O.BOX??Say whaaaaaaaaat?

Stop playing phreak...this is a serious situation,My eye's twitching!
OK, OK, don't go strapping a bomb to yourself now..

Actually... that's as much info as I'll give you, do your own investigating..

I refuse to invade other members privacy unless they have made a direct threat, in this case, he has not done that, he just made an off key comment... sorry.
phreakwars said:
OK, OK, don't go strapping a bomb to yourself now..

Actually... that's as much info as I'll give you, do your own investigating..

I refuse to invade other members privacy unless they have made a direct threat, in this case, he has not done that, he just made an off key comment... sorry.

OOOOH.well.OK then sigh double sigh
Yes , he sounds like his got the right idea, and he is definatly right about the muslims staying in there own countries.
How dare a they come to another countries and start complaining, if they dont like it , they should leave it!!
It sounds like his got the right idea,even if he does sound strange. Them muslims should stay in their own country. How dare they complain about things in someone elses country, if they dont like it, then they should leave the country and piss off home. And by the way, you foriegners arnt welcom in our lands no more. The white man has been gagged and lied too for, far too long. The national uprising has began, we might of lost the war, but we hav nt lost our dreams of a europe for true europeans, and an america for white americans.
Long live the queen, and may the fuhrer watch over us all.
Hiel Hitler
I must have forgotten my WYPO 3-D glasses i got in my last box of cherio's because im seeing triple.....
Not only that, Sonny and Oliver are one in the same. As well as 2 other names he goes by..
I smell a BAN coming for using multiple accounts.

So he either better pick a name and stick with it, Or I'll ban all 4 of them.

phreakwars said:
Not only that, Sonny and Oliver are one in the same. As well as 2 other names he goes by..
I smell a BAN coming for using multiple accounts.


Zoinks! This like a mystery to solve scoob!!

Well i was starting to get an itchy IB finger...
He's not very clever isn't he? Does he even know that this site is owned by someone and has mods? I don't think they just sit around and watch people type while jacking off. WHAT AN IDIOT.
What he also doesn't realize, is WE KNOW who makes multiple accounts, we'll usually let it slide just to see what they do with them. Some people like mattthebudda/budda49er change there account names because they were made a fool of, while others yet, use multiple names and ARGUE with themselves. Every one of these people somehow feel using another name, or even using a proxy server to get on will in some way desguise who they are... Proxy server spoofs have work arounds, I.P. block addresses never change. When will they ever learn ???

One of our REGULAR GF members used to do this too, I won't mention names because they know who they are... well anyways, since this person has FINALLY stuck with the same name, I have noticed there posting has greatly improved too.