Who Wants To Be A Moderator ?

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Outlaw2747 said:
I definitely want the position, and I feel that a show of intelligence is certainly one way of achieving this goal. Being rational,thoughtful, and mature in your posts (as well as a sense of humor) are good ways to boost you up the corporate ladder. :)

You also gotta know how to really carve 'em up. Watch phreakwars in action.
I am quite capable of intelligent verbal assaults...maybe not in Phreak's or Hugh's league but I hold my own. I am actually extremely vulgar outside of this site.
well i would be a mod if asked.....cept im possibly too pseudo-asshole to fit in correctly......

but im not getting any false hopes up, or going to consider myself even worthy of the WYPO gods(allah included), or try to make myself something i am not by giving false pretences to make myself look better........or even going to consider myself in the running............. am just here for the ride!

Let the games begin.....

cept i wont eat any bugs, cow testicles, or (to be PC) vagina to do it :D

i might kiss phreaks ass, but that wont have anything to do with actually making myself look better.......that would just be a big cliche' gay thing ;)
Outlaw2747 said:
I am quite capable of intelligent verbal assaults...maybe not in Phreak's or Hugh's league but I hold my own. I am actually extremely vulgar outside of this site.

Carving 'em up need not necessitate vulgarity and hostility. Tact and subtlety carve much more cleanly, deeply, and accurately, in my book. That also depends on the intelligence of the carvee. If they are clearly two nickels short of the dollar, give 'em ****in heaps. :)
Cogito Ergo Sum said:

I'm disappointed... You have kids right? I have 3.

The quote is from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory...the original one, not the pile of crap with Bozo Depp...

and just like Mike TV's mom in the movie, you immediately went for the total, which happens to be 105%; a joke on Mr. Wonka's part, or was it...
I watched that movie hundreds of times when I was little, but I don't remember that quote. I haven't seen it in many years, though. Now I'm going to have to go buy it. My kids haven't seen it, yet. Thanks, you just cost me $12. I'm adding that on to your bill.
builder said:
Carving 'em up need not necessitate vulgarity and hostility. Tact and subtlety carve much more cleanly, deeply, and accurately, in my book. That also depends on the intelligence of the carvee. If they are clearly two nickels short of the dollar, give 'em ****in heaps. :)

Oh I know man. That's why I said I am worse OUTSIDE of this site. Even so, I still apply common sense and basic knowledge to my arguments. Here, I am actually a lil more focused and laid back because it isn't as toe to toe as in person.
ToriAllen said:
I watched that movie hundreds of times when I was little, but I don't remember that quote. I haven't seen it in many years, though. Now I'm going to have to go buy it. My kids haven't seen it, yet. Thanks, you just cost me $12. I'm adding that on to your bill.

I live to be of service to the Mods... :D
Silver_dragon87 said:
Well, if it's worth anything, which I doubt...

Now that you've obviously realized that your opinions here are worth less than used toilet paper, and usually stink much worse, it begs the obvious question...

But then again it's probably not obvious to you at all...
SD: "The question is this: Why are Americans so dumb? Canada is full of smart people!"

You know it as well as I do...
Who says we don't want a FORIEGN mod, and not an American ?? Maybe even one who HATES Americans... would force people to take a different perspective now wouldn't it ?? Maybe we need someone like SD, so don't for a second put her down for the count !!

Hell, we might even blow you away and choose the most ****ed up person you would think we could come up with (cept tizz).

C.E.S., to be FAIR, is HIGHLY QUALIFIED, but I'm not the one who will make the final decisions, all of us Mods will decide on 2, and the PREMIUMS will crown the new Mod and runner up.

phreakwars said:
Who says we don't want a FORIEGN mod, and not an American ?? Maybe even one who HATES Americans... would force people to take a different perspective now wouldn't it ?? Maybe we need someone like SD, so don't for a second put her down for the count !!

Hell, we might even blow you away and choose the most ****ed up person you would think we could come up with (cept tizz).


Wouldn't want to mess up the whole pimp whore thing by putting us on more equal levels eh? LOL
phreakwars said:
Who says we don't want a FORIEGN mod, and not an American ?? Maybe even one who HATES Americans... would force people to take a different perspective now wouldn't it ?? Maybe we need someone like SD, so don't for a second put her down for the count !!

Hell, we might even blow you away and choose the most ****ed up person you would think we could come up with (cept tizz).


Its all iln the diversity....

if we all liked the same things it would be thousands of threads with no replys....

Just people sitting at their computer silently nodding at the screen....

that would be boring...
phreakwars said:
Who says we don't want a FORIEGN mod, and not an American ?? Maybe even one who HATES Americans... would force people to take a different perspective now wouldn't it ?? Maybe we need someone like SD, so don't for a second put her down for the count !!

I'm not against a foriegn mod, but SD87 has not many on here who:

A. Respect

B. Likes her.

I know that doesn't matter much to her, but that would still make her King Louis IIIIX.
jokersarewild said:
I'm not against a foriegn mod, but SD87 has not many on here who:

A. Respect

B. Likes her.

I know that doesn't matter much to her, but that would still make her King Louis IIIIX.
Funny thing is, doesn't matter much to us either.:p
See now I figure we should keep quiet. I kind of think if enough people protest, Phreak would want that person to be mod just for kix :p LOL
lol, but people don't want SD as a mod. Oh well, I doubt that anything I say here will affect anything else. Why don't we put up a poll? Nothing official, but just so we know where our public stands.
Cause phreak and teh rest of teh banditos could care less what we think and why should they. They are GF mods for gods sake, what would you expect LOL
Whatever Phreak. I see the REAL method here. I can't say that I blame you either. It is a good idea in one aspect but a shitty idea to those like me. I wont knock you for it though, its smart.
phreakwars said:
Funny thing is, doesn't matter much to us either.:p

phreak, i know your not stupid enough to mod her, rationally, you would loose many of your post happy members, and because of that a large amount of posts, so you would be set back very far from that award you like the thought of (why yes, this is blackmail) :D
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