Who wear the pants..huh??


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2005
You ever see a family where a husband goes to work all day.....a regular 9-5 job and makes all the money and his wife makes the rules?
Or maybe it the other way around, Mom works her ass off and come home to take care of the kids and cook dinner but dad with his part time job makes the decisions in the relationship. In our family, my husband is the bread maker...he makes the money. I stay home (his request) take care of our 4 children and clean, make dinner and pay the bills so they get out on time.
When we first got together, he thought he should make the rules and that i should "OBEY" those rules...HAHA Guess he had never met a girl like me....I had to set it straight but we eventually agreed, I make most of the decisions....I do everything but bring home the money....I spit on the kids and make sure he is satisfied and make sure we have a great home and fun, I make the decisions...day to day things. If its big we discuss it but usually he likes me making the deceiding(sp) factor. He says he likes me happy..lol
But i think he is just being smart and avoiding arguement......SO who runs your ****...??
We split our bills up pretty even. I pay the phone/internet and gas, she pays the Dish Network and electricity, then we split the house payment.

We pay for our cars separate.

Usually for the most part, I get the higher heating bill in the winter, and she gets the high cooling bill in the summer.

Our incomes USED to be equal (About 28k/year each) but I have had permanent nerve damage in my neck (injured at the gym),and so the nerve response in my left arm is real bad, and reduced in my right, the muscles don't respond they way they are supposed to, so I had to pretty much give up my regular job to take on an easier one so that's why I now work out of my home doing independent network admin, I sell and service PC's , I ALSO work as the Kitchen Supervisor at a club (I'm an awsome cook :D ), plus I do a couple nights a week delivering pizzas.

I don't make the 28k a year like I used to, its more like 23, but its no big loss. I do alright, but I wish I could afford the surgery to get the nerve damage fixed, but then what holds me back, is I have a HUGE fear of the Dr.'s ****ing with my spine. Too much of a risk for me.

I was paralyzed for a couple months a few years back because of a similar problem, and had to take physical therapy to retrain my legs to work again, and I REALLY don't feel like risking that again, so I do what I can to the best of my ability.
I have some minor nerve damage to my face and left foot. I feel for you phreak. Sounds like you're making the best of what you've got. Some ppl would be sitting around bitchin to anyone who would stand still long enough to listen.

I have to run my own ****. In construction biz, you have floating highs, and dismal lows. Haven't seen many lows of late, but pretending they won't come is a guarantee that you'll fall flat on your face, one day, and have to go, hat in hand, to borrow moola to fund your next project.

At my age, 43, that is an embarrassing situation. I'm not allergic to debt, but I'd rather use the noggin, and plan ahead. Placing my profits in the household kitty, then trying to extract them at a later date, is a recipe for divorce. Hey, that's why I'm now single, and captain my own ship.
Outlaw2747 said:
I run my own **** as well. I don't let people come into my life just to take it over.

Hey I agree...i dont think no one should run anyone...but do you ever give your significant others more "power" or is it all up to you?
We run the house equally. He pays the rent, electric, cable, and phone. I buy all food, household ****, and heat/hot water. But he makes twice as much money as I do. And I usually get stuck with all the cleaning and laundry..and cooking, but the only thing he knows how to cook is scrambled eggs. We make decisions together about everything, there is no "This is the way its going to be." If it effects both of us, it is both our decisions.
Yeah I would still say he wears the pants but he likes getting into mine so much...it doesnt matter much...Like i said i make a lot of the decisions....He is most of the time getting haggled with my can i do this or can we get this and finally he says do what you want...so...I guess its almost 50/50.
I think it keeps the relationship going w/o so many arguements
my parents share a bank account, so no one's really taking care of a specific thing.

no one runs the household either. my mum calls the bank to pay bills & more of the cleaning, dad does the grocery shopping and more of the cooking. it's split pretty even.

shrugs I couldn't be in a relationship where one person ran it.