Who's more dangerous


New member
Depends. Nazis tend to be racists/prejudiced against a certain group and believe in totaltarianism. So can Communists but they are more into the economy. Everyone gets the same amount as far as money and benefits. Doctors get paid the same as a fast food server for example. But in the case of North Korea, this system only works towards their military. Now I don't know much about how Nazis work their economy besides the fact that they control EVERY aspect of life. I will have to look that up. So as far as danger, I think the Nazis have it due to just blantant killing but Communism could potentially lead to the eventual downfall of a certain group of people (hence why North Korea is impoverished).


New member
Nazis killed 6 million innocent people with the final solution

Stalin killed 17-20 Million with the great purge

just a bit of info to chew...

Nazis. Nazis kill people for bullshit reasons like having a certain amout of melanin in their skin or coming from an outside country and run a centralized totalitarian society that controls your every move and thought.

Communism is...a worker's utopia where people don't have to worry about being ****** over by some rich **** who is too **** cheap to pay a decent wage and provide decent conditions and therefore forces kids to work like slaves in a ******* dimly lit sweatshop where they get chopped up and end up full of diseases (while the corporate pigs get rich from slack, cushy managment positions and from sitting on their ***** collecting shares) and where the people don't have to put up with some rich ****** gloating over the people as they starve to death and work themselves into an early graves, and not have to worry about some ******* corporation pulling strings to *** laws on people-or to get away with breaking laws that would otherwise prevent them from ******* people over leaving them to starve and die.

The Soviet Union was indeed witness to more government related killing than the Third Reich. However, the Soviet Union had a much bigger population. I'm sure if the Thrid Reich had the larger population they would have seen more kills. It's a law of numbers.



New member
I just want to have everyone who got to this point in the thread to go back one and read it again.... read it a third time if you think it hasn't set in...
Kill without pity? That sounds like all these republicanazis who work little kids to death in sweatshops and send in mercenaries to kill them if they want a little more than two pesos a week for pay. It also sounds like these republicanazis who go around bombing other countries for oil and for a war-wacky powertrip. Killing without pity sounds like all these white supremicist ******** who think people should die just because someone's skin has a darker pigment, and think that ******* skin color is the cause of joblessness, crime and all that other ****.

People like that ******* SUCK.

Nazis. Nazis kill people for bullshit reasons like having a certain amout of melanin in their skin or coming from an outside country and run a centralized totalitarian society that controls your every move and thought.
Very true!

Communism is...a worker's utopia where people don't have to worry about being ****** over by some rich **** who is too **** cheap to pay a decent wage and provide decent conditions and therefore forces kids to work like slaves in a ******* dimly lit sweatshop where they get chopped up and end up full of diseases (while the corporate pigs get rich from slack, cushy managment positions and from sitting on their ***** collecting shares) and where the people don't have to put up with some rich ****** gloating over the people as they starve to death and work themselves into an early graves, and not have to worry about some ******* corporation pulling strings to *** laws on people-or to get away with breaking laws that would otherwise prevent them from ******* people over leaving them to starve and die.
(The longest run on sentence in history) Communism is...a worker's nightmare where people don't have to worry about being ****** over by some rich **** because he is being ****** over by a corrupt and abusive government that is too **** broke to pay a decent wage and provide decent conditions and therefore forces kids to work like slaves in a ******* dimly lit sweatshop (like modern day communist China) where they get chopped up and end up full of diseases (while the commisars od the party pigs get rich from slack, cushy managment positions and from sitting on their ***** collecting shares) and where the people don't have to put up with some rich ****** gloating over the people because everyone is poor as they starve to death and work themselves into an early graves, and not have to worry about some ******* corporation pulling strings to *** laws on people-or to get away with breaking laws that would otherwise prevent them from ******* people over leaving them to starve and die,

The Soviet Union was indeed witness to more government related killing than the Third Reich. However, the Soviet Union had a much bigger population. I'm sure if the Thrid Reich had the larger population they would have seen more kills. It's a law of numbers.
Oh that justifies it! NOT!


New member
Komrade, why don't you ask people living in communist countries if it really is a "worker's utopia"?

Because I'm pretty sure my family in Cuba would beg to differ.



New member
Komrade, why don't you ask people living in communist countries if it really is a "worker's utopia"?Because I'm pretty sure my family in Cuba would beg to differ.
Well it's not really fair to ride off an entire political system because of the impudence of the people who implement.

Communism is a nice idea, but people care too much about themselves and too little about the community as a whole for it to work.

It's not the government that's doing it. Big companies locate themselves in small dictatorships, enslave the children, and send in mercenaries (ever heard of a thing called the "S.O.A", an academy used to train mercs for the purpose of union-busting) whenever they complain. Why do big companies pick little third world countries for their bullshit? Because they can get away with it. Crapitalism is EVIL.


New member
so what are you asking, who is better, hard core republicans (Nazis) or hard core (if you can call them that) Democrats (communists) :confused:

and i think Nazis are better, why? because the **** idea was to create the perfect world by eliminating the weak and supporting the strong (yea, so they ****** up and went about it the wrong way, its the thought that counts) vs. the communist who wants to create the perfect world be making everyone a poor servant to the country, with no individuality, and no personal pride or gain, but simply giving yourself for the good of the many, which always came out to the good of the one greedy **** thats in charge.



New member
yet another person who thinks everyone should die other than those he deems worthy.
i never said i should choose who is worthy or who should survive, but nature has always done that for us the Darwin Awards have proved that to be true, i was asked to give my opinion on who is worse, i believe communists are, and i gave my reasoning why, i never in any way said that i wanted either one to be in power or for them to exist for that matter.

People; If you want to kill everyone, START WITH YOURSELVES
at what time did i say i wanted anyone to die?



New member
Darwin is ***...

I'd avoid both Commies and Nazis though. Look on Wikipedia and search North Korea. Man they are torn to ****.

people who supports annihilating people because they're supposidly "weak" is on a fast road to becoming a ******* uncivilized savage. Go live in the jungle, build a thatch hut, and start dancing around yelling out OONGA BOONGA if you're going to think like that. ******* murdering nutcases.
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