Welcome to the Forums old man.
I don't suppose you'd like to try and bolster this horseshit with some facts would you? Probably not, but please just give me a few brief answers to these questions if you could.
Please identify for me any "puppet" President of the United States and how you would define them as being a puppet?
Please identify for me as to how occupying the White House for 5 years so far qualifies as the "neo-cons maintaining power", especially after the 2 terms of the most popular Democratic President other than FDR just prior to Mr. Bush?
Please explain to me how you could possibly envision the possibility of the USA as having "deteriorated into slaughtering its own through government invoked military operations, or draconian legislation"?
Given your statements of "But its a lot closer than many Americans realise. The most disconcerting aspect is that it continues to drift in that direction.", it should be very easy for you to cite numerous examples of this, right? Please do.
Certainly, bozo.
There is a number of neocons currently in the White House. Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and Rice being three. They ALL influence the decision making process of your president, or they wouldn't be in the job. Now, clearly, the combined influence of these three at LEAST, will have a significant impact on the policies that emerge from the White House, thus rendering the President a puppet.
Please learn to read. I said IF the neocons maintain power. Put another way, at your next election they will have had 8 years. If their man gets in at the next election, they will inherit 4 or 8 MORE years. Thus will they maintain their power.
Again, please ask one of your children to read my post for you. I said that America had NOT descended to that level. However, it has in the past. The USA slaughtered its own in the Kent State University massacre
where 4 students died and others were wounded during a political protest. Also, I remind you of the genocidal doctrine of the KKK, which in its heyday numbered government officials and politicians in its membership.
America's drift towards fascism is evidenced by its growing extremist levels of patriotism, and its inherent belief that it is a superior nation and society than any other. Accompanying that is the rise of religious fervour that maintains a conservative and inward perspective on global affairs. The concept of Fortress America is getting airtime again. America has invaded Iraq without reason, other than it believed it had the right as a superior democratic nation. America's hypocritical view of "freedom" is exposed as personal freedoms and liberties are eroded in the name of national security. America still remains a racist nation - there is still a significant anti-black component, as you yourself have typified by use of the word "******" as a means of attempted offence (it doesn't work on non-Americans, by the way). America has an internal espionage agency (or two perhaps) which monitors its own citizens.
America is not a fascist country, by virtue of the fact that there is still elements of democracy in play. But recent elections have raised suspicions that your elections are far from far and equitable, which must be a matter of concern.
Got any MORE dumb questions?
If so, may I ask that you READ what I write first before ploughing in feet first and brain in neutral. You have misrepresented what I've said, presumably to try and distort and twist the debate to favour your own rather predictable viewpoint.
You're really out of your weight division with me, buttercup. Try