Interesting how people evaluate political ideology by the number of people said ideology killed.
By that measure, capitalism too has much to answer for.
However, if you wish to address the question intellectually, rather then emotionally, you need to separate the ideology from its neophytes who acted under its authority, but not necessarily under its morality. Hitler did not kill because Fascism as an ideology advocates slaughtering its opponents, nor did Stalin. Nor did Osama Bin Laden. They killed because they were and are demented psychopaths who would kill in the cause of the Red Cross if that was the cause they believed in.
In fact, fascism and communism are in many ways indistinguishable. Contrary to popular opinion, it was not Hitler than conceived of the fascist form of Government, but Mussolini.
And Mussolini derived it from his view that while communism had much going for it, it described as an objective a global paradise dominated by a single ideology as espoused by Lenin, but perverted by Stalin to mean turn the world Russian.
Therefore, communism in his view was simply a means for global domination by the Bolshevik Russians, and most countries regarded them as subhuman troglodytes.
So Mussolini said lets have socialist ideals such as centralised government, and single party representation, but let us develop socialism on a national, rather than global basis. In other words, look after our own countries first.
Hitler took it a little further, in that he sought to "re-unite" those countries that were historically part of the Prussian empire, so that as a single nation under fascism it would be the strongest nation in humanity's history. In creating this "Reich", it was also necessary to purify the inhabitants by removing non-Prussians, specifically the Jews (he dismissed blacks and Asians as irrelevant).
Where your views go awry is that you confuse dictatorship with their underlying ideology. Dictators slaughter their citizens and those of other countries for a whole swathe of reasons. Examples are Rwanda, Kampuchea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iraq and Uganda.
America is probably very close to being categorised as fascist, especially if the neo-cons manage to maintain power through puppet Presidents, but has not yet deteriorated into slaughtering its own through government invoked military operations, or draconian legislation.
But its a lot closer than many Americans realise. The most disconcerting aspect is that it continues to drift in that direction.